<br />MORTGAGE IRAN NO, L~4 G}~_ i
<br />tZNOW ALL M£N BY TiiESE k'RFSE111S: 71iat Betty Jo Walker and. Johnnie IC, Walker,:. each in her and
<br />h15 t76P71 right 8ild aS spC)i15e of each other, Mortgagor, whetheroae or more, is m~tkratioa of the saw of
<br />2iaezt~;_ ty-0fte 'lhousand~Seven Hundred and r~/100--..--- _---- _--------
<br />tizatted to ~d morttgagor by 17ie P.gttitabk 13tttTding and t.cvm Associstron of Gsutd lstarnk, Nebraska; MoR
<br />gagxe„upon 2~,7 shares oC stock of
<br />aid A55dCiATI6N, CertiCttate Nn. L 24,U27 , do hereby gtmi, convey aqd rtrortgasge tmto tha said ASSOCI"ATfON: the following
<br />desrasbed tai-estate, situated in. kta11 Connty, Nebraska"
<br />Lot Five (5}, in Block Thirty 'Rata (32}, of Lambert's Addition
<br />tp the City of Grand Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska.
<br />toter with. ail the ter€ettrmts, turcdifstncots and appurtrnanoes thettunto tsektagistg, iruAudirgt attached atone wvering, af4'xvadox saeena,
<br />weodanr sharks, btim$s, sinrm wirtdows, awaireFS, tseatisrR, air txxditionusg, xad pluxntemg and water egssipatent and accessories ttsemto,pumps,saoves,.
<br />tefrzgerators,. attd attar fixt:secs and egtupmetrt rrnw or laereaftcr attached Yo w used an mrrratccion with said Teak estate.
<br />Aad wttereu the said mortgagtx has. agreed and does hereby agrte that tkrc rrtortgagor sleait anrt wild pay all taxes aml aaesemenn levied or
<br />rmessi$ upoaaaid"premises and tipun this monk and the brand secured €hcreby het`are the saute shalt beaotnrdalittyt,cnt; to furnish approxd.
<br />emirnrnx r+Pott the baikiittgs .m said premises situsted in the sum of S 21, 700.00 payable to raid ASSi)C1AT1©N and to deliver io said
<br />A3SD['tA'kl(}N tdsr policies fm said irnurattx.; and toot. to camrttii or pttrrrit any waste nn tx about said premises;
<br />lea cane of default in the perfnrrnaar;e af' any of zhe tenmand ctstrditiass cri this mortgage err the bond souredhereby, the tiwrt~ee chap,
<br />nn. demand, dse tatttkd to immediate pirsaesmttn of the mortgaged premises std €6e ntwtgagstr hereby aatipns. transfers std sets over to the..
<br />rurrrtgapr alt the mats, seventies and insxsmo w be deriroed from eau mortgaged preaxrises dtumg suc}r time as tree mortgage indebtedness shapreritrtm
<br />unpaid: Arid the martgagec sftatthavetkte povrcr to appoint tmy: a®ent ar agents it. may desire for ttxptrrptrse of rtpaitittg said premises sad. tenting
<br />the sate. and aratkctiag the rtuta, revmrics and itstsrmo, and itmry WY out of sad inrame ap expenses of repairing said premises aad. necessary
<br />awd eapertacs incurred in renting and matugging tiro game and of xtakciir~ rrntaza therefrom; the banana rnrriaintng, $ any, io be
<br />toward the disctw~ of said mortgage ttdthtadttess, ttteae rights of tare mnrtgs~.c may be extrciaes! at any Limo dtttiatgRht existentx of retch
<br />a>ae atdt,,vresprxxne+rf anp tctnpnrary waevu Oaf ti?ve saute.
<br />7ltese ptesersis, however,. ate uputr the t'nndititxe, that :f ttce said Moatgagor strait repay sad kern on car be{ore the a,attaity of xaidsharesby
<br />payment: pay muattily to sad AS.'SiX;tATk(dN cd the suer spwrdfitd in six; 13orul +ecured. ttcroby as interest arui. principal on said loan, an. or btfom
<br />tare t'raatstieth day of each and runty rttunth, tents#sasd koan as Cuily paid; pay ark taxes and assessatenes levied'.. against said. preraiaes and on tlsis Mortgage
<br />and the Btxitd stkured thestby, balixe tiotitxkouiay; turrrth apprxmd insurarax t€{xsn the tniildings therwn in the. sum of 521, 701. ~(1 payable
<br />to rater AS.St:1t:.tA77UN; repay zsr stud AS`SOCtAT't(}N tipwn dermrdal9 xuatry ley di paid ftw such taxex, asseattusnu and irrsuuarice with interest at
<br />tktq ntaxtnumtogal exit thcitxrn from date of payment aJl of which Mongagix hetetry agrees zo pay; permit rro waste nnssid. prenusrs;karp and,wtapiy
<br />rrit6 ap arts r~recnientsud axditwas of tape Btrrtd for !i 21, 700> 00 taro daY given try. the. said Mortgagtsr to sad AS5t:)CSATiON, semi armpty
<br />anth ail tits rer;uuetttoats of the Ccrosittution and By-#awc of seal AS5GC."AT7tAN; taker tftate preaoctts shall trrtxrmo nap and wid, otl~rwise they
<br />stpB rerraiir. ui fukt fixtr axd nay be fmtxlaaed at the aptioa of ibe said ASS()(°IA77tNt aftor faittut fnr nhret; tnnnths to rewire any of said.
<br />puymrntx or bo thane rn.xiths in anoars in making sexi nionthky paysocnu, ex to ktep aad «ampty with far.. agrexmen4 andconditions of said Band;
<br />and'kiyw'titsgOt agrea'sto t+ave a rcax€vuappointod forthwith m soda foreckasurc prcweedings.
<br />Sf tttetc ~ say ctunge inaw.aterslttp afttte rea6 estate tnwiga,~ed hneia, by sale m otherviwe, then rho tp[im remaining iridebtedsteas hereby..
<br />stxvreJ stud. a t €!re <rp:rtxs .ti 7'ltc Egoitobk &tddiag and t.,oau Assstciai,iraa ofGraaddsiand; Nebraska, become itntttedtatety due,aad payable witlwut
<br />ftutiter nutnx, and rate artxxsgi rosriaictsr.~. duo order sad. lwsrd, and arty vV,ity bond for any..additinrtidadvaauces matte [heretmder, ship, fram the
<br />dais o! escrcise o{ ~,} opta,n, [tear mttreat'at taro maximum tegat rate, anti this aiwtgagc ~y [taro be fnretios+;d to stisfy the amowttdue on said
<br />bard. sad any othec Moral tar atdditiona) adquaxs, togr:ihu with art staaa~t paid key said 77€e Equitable Bui'tditty, sad. Loan Associatiws of {;rariAlelarid;
<br />Nebrxdta for insurstur, taaesstadascents,atxi~cxtt:.asioac?wrtyes, with iat¢rrst thereon, frost Hato of txiymcni at. the maximum
<br />legal rata. -
<br />:+1t purritYcd ux .tor hand seautd 9tete}yy, while thisttelusgage remuns in efface the. rnartgagee may trerea.fter advance additional sums to rite
<br />attakrn -:f sea Hand, rfx ,..ii,.zn _,r xuexasoruia issteres:, wtzicJt sums shah 6e within the seeurity of this ennttgage the same as the funds nrlginatly
<br />exurcd :hereby, t'x turd :utrsiini .>l pa+rtcipal fit rxat to cxceed:t aay. time the nriginat amount. of this trtortgagt.
<br />'~~F-ated i33s Lath dew cf.+`'~/ At~r21 A. U.. t9 $2
<br />-~t-ty'47p Walker ,1 fir`- ---- j'-`--__
<br />lilt I„I ~ i~7 :~... ~--~~t`"--"
<br />-~e Fi, cialke,Y
<br />i
<br />M, dth day of
<br />' CG't%N7't' a?t~ fitl,i<Li<,. 4Jn_ttus ~ara.l 1982 , befommc,
<br />tttt undersigned, a Nnury Pubbc is and for said County. perwnapy came
<br />2c:r_ty Jo 'vtalker atiu~ Johnnie. K, I+k'tlicer, each in ter and his a#+zl rigYlt and as spavse of each
<br />Ut:.~:f~T, who ~.~ persnnapyknown to..
<br />rx i. be .:u a;rnt:crl fr:~nu. 5. rat~.te.. T€arno 5 6LL't? xffia~d is the a2rcxvesn#a~nrtwnt ax ~rrrtpagor S and t~"tE'y ae€rcral~y
<br />aeir,kwka;Qrd t7r< arc! rrxer arnrref €o tkc t3yelr vulunlaty actar+si deed.. ~ ;'? .7
<br />'a': -r'a't " ,~,tx` atu° ~,..t:via! ;Seal irk ~fatc asfs+regaut.
<br />... r , 7
<br />~€ ~ -^
<br />