__. .
<br />2 t1a~61s spa '''` ~!{'
<br />~: SYfa-9EG6Ptf? REAL ESTATE MOFLTGAGE•-With TaYeCiausa Hultman aad FeVton & Woti, Watton,'Ne. &&46:
<br />meow its. ~v aY ~sE pxx~rrrs: 82- i ~ ~l ~ ~ ~ 4 i
<br />TN:4T F m WE, Ikinaid W. and ,P,z~lyce N. Hansen Husband and Wife
<br />o f' Hall Couxt~ uazd Siate o{ Nebraska , i}s cons%dsration of tke suns of '
<br />Three 'Fltousand Nine kiundred Nineteen Ballars and 5SJi0Q
<br />in h¢n;~ paid, do #ereb~ SELL aaad CONL'L'Y (into Pacesetter Products
<br />3
<br />(inortg~eeJ,
<br />~~ 33auglas Cownt~•, and Stase of Nebraska ,the jolla^s~ing destribett premises 4
<br />si:xated ru HaII Coxrt+v, and State uj Nebraska to-xYt:
<br />Lot ?1 Blcak 1 Island Arses ~2 Grand Island
<br />""«r eiuttwtiuae 2trv>sg rcr t'}fa¢r ; :.eret"~ en c?»szriwte^ t}z1x in trr sim$~1+» gin. :;;,,,, .• +i.~izts .' r:rmesasrzd txnd a7o4eaxr, C
<br />r`f.;,' _ -::,~ I rfr.-,..' rae yrrxirsxs ,:bs.~r ~.isr~rined, ts~r~: ... vt}xrrC~m~rnc.'s rirt~reoanto halra~rrfl wnlo i
<br />rkx .m:ri wmrt~;.yex aii' nwrpa~ees gird to ki,i, ;her irr ihtar lrs urrr! .raa ,ns, ':»-ei~xr. ~rrYr,~n,3xd oiwaty, and tirrsc pr><x-
<br />Kxa ;uv u~an stir r,,~r,rss txiiualYivx fihu't a~ the said gar-. a..rJClr tar tnrrrtry-a>•:, tris, Baer ,;r t?st°zr iYtirs, ~=x~Cntvrs, zsdixzeas-
<br />arrutars tar .ziaitgiii 5iradl fat}' car riadit to 1+.~^ jwid 3l= tA. .;:.i intartga;,+rt r;=r _u.:rtrurr~,rga ,:'*td ;tr tzis, irxr ter thrrr heirs, ~x- ~.
<br />rcwtar.;, +:d»w>,art~strrs or issrirtn+. tha sisnr o¢
<br />13tz~•z Tshcrusand tvit,r i:undriyd 4ltzet.rcrf t~oI lrarr, cir~d «a~j <;)< ,'1.,3tfoa'A. j=a~aibta! es falloacs, to-xA~it:
<br />.S+C3 4tis[xtllterritr t}$ '"p~l.zab
<br />u>atii aiitStsest rna..un ai l~ jTer .::t psr uxriam, l•+;woia ^:: r.tF}+l y rinswult,~, crrtordny t~ atre tenor and r¢.!et of ,
<br />;hc ;..,a,va r4 y x¢aa :F~zh ~nter..at etYUr~aia ~a~x-hrtt v; s ;6~ortqut~~rs, zernrS~m~ s'zt^n driz^ xizh tFreye i'+es_ I
<br />rRt;y oRd :37ir:: i. .u'ta (,: a¢d ,:riy' Iq:i f,'yfi {y1F 51w:uTl Til~ :n1:~w6Qi}tb u~ princ}y~,zl, dwC !Jn 4:ny ~: rS{3T }}{;l rt raII7fe" 4"rlit
<br />,tsrrss~t+eti :~;~nsc -~.t~-n ,..vu e<~. e~r:aa ::aa+t X11 rrti:~x~ :errs, t.+edra aysd ssrsosasrntnts .°c*vccrl~ uyM~x trtas „~orr~~r_Un car t;r,
<br />n.>rf~ ra~rsi,rk :nu Hi.:,:~~,.,. - y~c:.iaa tai secwrx, :+x~:trr.• ;isr r~rmz irrc~snar aeirniaknt zzntt keep rise irwude}zgs ..,u :;,~,a :' '.
<br />firswu,rrs raaaxr,~d fun ri:e roan $' Iti,rt, r~ Y, ~ay~b~ to swa i ~'+rit a»oa'lgslgeea ar tius rnartyu~er, ur r-rh,
<br />tm.r~n 'ku<~ a^+rar+:rr it roui, ,:.:ksrsa~ise is ~ a>~i rriewaa n j}c~ ,~x~rr~u
<br />.. ~,' 1`(%RI'1:'I,s:.9r;R~8L> t r1 l'hait ij the said iamrtgttgsm siaeii2 +zi1 3v pay .rwtia trrx'es and suzh inr ^re.: ,.,,. ,
<br />,_. rra.:.rovz+y,- In r:.:,a,ear: r ~iri><o, airar on and p:iur rnsxrdtJvtdye s+sri proawr.' an. ~srzrrr .rhen ikas , orc,l;
<br />,LK rare. ~n,.,ucrt .r,r<lext;In,<~~wxtwri~n}iirsztxliaxnts cj prti}a€zf+cr, ,iwe nn .,,. ,., a' mama anu ,a:_,.:~;.
<br />' bi tll Crai ll5 us i.' ,:n;: r;li i dfl i1(~.'T17rd~$1i 4ast~s 1aitCV'c'dt ,72 1krnQ` per Gfirit `~'l~~{ i>1 a .. .c .r):~,~u.. Jnei t~., ar: ~: (-
<br />is r
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<br />rr}i <rr s>K; Crowe ,a,,rl~a3a, ra&:',i r#r sui}u breomas d~ mr a jcilure to orrrpl~ . x:a any ~ v. ~ y •ry :;y~rc4~rv;,a,
<br />rha,. r~.ruce tier .~ f:o:r ,: -. =nuttc~ laereia sa'ciared trs become diu and ral.ertatblz ~xt ora< r„¢~oira„} cJ~ the r>ISyrt-
<br />~.., , . .
<br />-t, r : ^ti:fi .«:RfI_It T'?zat saF:r mcrr~c.;.ve, yrn,..ay jorec:aswrr o; zhis rracrt~7trge acrd after decree esra,
<br />Ijendsny ru3~ nr zrr..:r at}x<tl Yne7e -ox: grad ~eisdrar s,..r <,,r ^+Prnises }nortgta~er{ rao}~ ,^at ,urh trines cud inalursr.g
<br />}ntF e a+~s veiny s,+uf;~}' e~s ~~ri~~ ~ b'n `'~tp ,n:~r sV`imvcwra "sh }niurunye nd xraria sums h ! rr
<br />Ca. ~ .roc arc r c :r7rr g,~~'f~~',~r~n : :Dias rvsaa°t trr~era~' cll. r nut+~ {rrocaeds of afa
<br />ar .f r~ussrxcc au ~.,,t F+ay.°F¢~,.G~.Sl~w~i~£.~y~rett sasui. ~ r¢rtlesied tsar av.ms _ .,A ¢i zuaae ~ ~ rrs~t d, ,nr&
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