<br />:r
<br />f
<br />i1w'CONSIDF~ItATIi?N of the paymm~t of the debt named thereia; I ur we, hereby release the mortgage of
<br />!!l~ Seven tizousand seven hundred fifty and r_/1CQ IDOI.I.AIiU,
<br />m~+ie by Ida. E, Murp3xy and Donald I., Butts as Joint Tenants wi.`.;tz right
<br />of 'surv3.vorshin, and nc~t as tenants in common to
<br />iiI G0~'ERNA~t+1T E~PZO~EES CREDIT UNII~~i
<br />i
<br />I aa~ 'the fa3iawisrg described property; :o-wit:
<br />Lot Three (3~s Block two (2~ Dale Roush Subdivision, in ?-Iai1 Gaunty
<br />I;letaraska in East half of the Southwest Quarter (E-2SW~) of Section
<br />Fourteen (147, Trship (il}E,.-~even north, Range Ten (1C3) West of
<br />i the 6ti3 P.?y:.
<br />w is ua basil. ? 49 , of reel Mate gasr, paw ~t3^r oaf the R,e~caarils of the Cottaty of
<br />}3611, ,and. State of i~P~~s'i3 ti3
<br />i
<br />I
<br />I3aosd thin ~ day cif April , i'J ~~
<br />In of
<br />;~
<br />S"T,~T~ f)p _ ,... _...,....w..
<br />_ ia~' .. ... .......,.. ....,
<br />Oa thiw •',°
<br />dsy ~ :., ' w.? ........ .......... i9 ~> ilefors Sner a Ni~tary Public, duly CommlM~4ned
<br />and qualified fur na;d cwamnt~g, y ._ ...._....~z~3Sl~Xl...~.~C~~~', a ~,._PetB.,~._ P~Ior€~no
<br />~,
<br />to ana personally ?mown W bs the idaa~.ticai peno~ or persons wha executed the rabove nziease :and ackaowied;ged ~
<br />the .said insizurxent to be his. PJe3 or t7setir voluntary stt sad deed. ~'
<br />i
<br />Wi. tiarid sn~i~....._. ...... .......... . m s~mt;,; LIu~ day end 3~,git last shove writtr~s ~ ,'
<br />s~~+wor~r-r~,r+~+~,rr ~G"
<br />eta 11. ~~ . ~: c ~f :: `. _ _.. ...hlotasy Puiriic.
<br />MY Lom:~srrnn .. ~ ~1w.Ar" ..._. .r'.:~ ....._,_clay of ._.,. ~~..~ _ ,......, 19. p..,-s fl
<br />S'P.kTE ~P ... Entered on nuanericel index and filed. for rsosrrd "
<br />•s,:
<br />qty oL_ .. ..„~., ~.....;.... . e,,........: 'an the I#egistea oaf C9ffice of said £aunty the i
<br />._ . _ _ ..._dry aL.__. . ......................... . 2p._~...., a£. ,....-... :.........o`hack-and..._.,.._._ .. .__minutes...,.._... ...ikY.,
<br />6ii#i i~a3rdsd iT1 .. .:..,-T.._. _.,_.,.... ctf ._..,.,,................, .............:...at page._......_..._ ........._......,
<br />........ ......... _... .... ..I~. of I~Neda i
<br />