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<br />srr Consict:eratian of the Gxiensic;n pf tip ti,uu of t>ryinc~;it of the aricsinal promissory note
<br />crc,,,~`¢er described, tf-:e e:r;dersrfl•:reti,,-_W~11iam A-.PE,tPTSF_TLaari Sandra-K- Petet'sen.-
<br />}sushantf: and WrfP> nrretiy acvn:rant arrd ~rlrce to E~ay to i}re First
<br />;a,r,:, ,~a~ ,, u`• ~rand'1si,ar,L4; C~~asrtl is€ansi• t^~t~2~ras1<.r, or tatter, the princrpai srtm of
<br />_._IhizL.y_siv.~ Ffici_;~a NQI1tl4 ---- ----- ---- --•_-_°----------------------
<br />5 ~„(!!?f)=fii3 oriet!re;r r,,tti~ i~~tcr-est [licrr.an at~l~pen $ Qnp-Ndlfl~er cent per
<br />nu «, f'or,: ,};~ date herc~v-f, such sir<tr to tre faayable on _ ~eotembe1=. 27. lg$2 lnterasti.
<br />s+~ali 4x• r.ayable a mati:rit.y orr bEr 2 ~ $
<br />~•,c• ~ r; ,yruzci.pat cte ,r~ the a:noiant of Thir_ty^Five_ Thousand and NO1100-----------
<br />--- -- -- - - - ------ +:~ ~35 OOO~flO___~ ~ was executed and' delivered by
<br />~' e`r 'e-sig:xed-under "re date of S~tEmbEr 24=._1980 ..~~• to ; he First .National
<br />~~.a{.k of ra.~d Island„ v,>zxr,d lstarr;9, tJc:aa~aska, rru,i w,rs c.ue grid 1~ayabte on t1~e- 29th
<br />.±3r vi SE~teEnber, lg$1 _. tot}etirer wFih lntez•est at courteEn per
<br />E~n( >~r annum and secured by Real ~y. a ~ :t4or te;agt: to r1,e F,rsi Naiionat E3anic of Grand;
<br />~..anu, Crard lsfand, h'carash.a, :~it~as Oncumeat No_ $0-flflrS428 $`Ext. 81-005Q8$
<br />:.,. the ',?drtgsc~e Siecords of Half ~ Cot:nty_ _ e-rasa
<br />t,~ ~.rlers~xi~cd agrees is aay sur1~ tatcncierl ht:inrrr: r- <af i3rincip;i3 of Thirty-Five
<br />3hn~sand _and "t0 '300--_-----_-- • - -- ------ i :i 35,000.00 i . to eiher
<br />.<<;!, ~r t~res; : ere~:~ at Sixteen $ OnE-Half i,r.; ; r~.ti ,acr ar:;xt,rt, sucfx ;principal ar~d
<br />: ;cs:R ~~• t , r aaya~ts:e iav l:.wi~t1 crntvncy csf Slxr-;Srritr~cl S~atc:; t:t t,rnc,`ica at The First NaL-
<br />,.er.k ,y4 .,raa,~ isdsr:~i. :;rants ?si3cada '.`~e3:~ras'N•rt.
<br />^t~.r .. ~ -~ssris at7e1 ar:.~cemcnts ~ t.~a: c7r-;n.r: 'e arrd t1.x~t Real Estate ?rlartgat}e a-
<br />..~_ ;:cs:• ~.::^r,r ., ,s r, here,**et>e(:;'e r;c;i.lsfir t,e afr~w~ rernai~n uricnanz~cd and in
<br />,.~t .... >uc:-e t~• 1c~• ~.., ~:r~:,t ,:-;<x::e irr ~asymrnt a# any
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<br />'.:•t~ ev r_cansCera3sa.~ .,r"'Aulr ~e:,,,,>,:;r~ -; ... ;; ;;uci'r andebtecaness, i herc-
<br />5,.: :. ,.rt ,. _ : , ~~~ -; :•.: ~ . ~~ocume~t No>
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<br />: ~._ _.. +Cr '..: t 'i .. ~ ~ ..._ :!'#d ;;i'1 i}7C faith Bnd.
<br />~, ..crt . .~ .:.te ,;;, : .. ,. .. r>r taereaFtr_r nzay ac..
<br />•~ ~ _,., t~ ~~ ,,.,- .,. ,:r,y ,:,41 x.11 trf such
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<br />1ti3itam A. PE,.ersen_.. ,._.a...,,~,..
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<br />____._ ~ifa~a ~~'~e~~r~n
<br />~`r Nebraska '}
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<br />_,, ,.- . rZp Hall
<br />-!,~~ ~'cr, ~'~ ;;i.q ~.x;• : :aa~ a~ ~s,,,~Fiz~e hef<rrtx rye i1'ris 24th dR Uf
<br /> ', ..,1.1CI.t~. ~ -~e~ersEn send Sar.ara ft. PetersQn,
<br /> y._.__._._
<br />My Co,eulissnr Ex.~i~es: ~ .~ ~'
<br /> ~ i._r .~ .~ ..: ,
<br />
<br /> : •'~ _~f_
<br />
<br />L°c}al ~escrz«ticn; trot 4 in ~iloe~. 4, GlaussEn Country Yiev, ~dditnra, Ha11 County, NEbraska.
<br />