.__.__ .
<br />~32~ ®Q.~33.2
<br />9. Cwrdemnatkao. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, m connection with any
<br />condemnation or outer taking of [fieProperty. or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shaii be paid to fender.
<br />in the event of a total taking of Ehe Property. the proceeds shat! be applied tc the sums secured by this Deed of Trust,
<br />teeth eheexcross, if any. pai3 to Borrower. in the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />oL'totwise agree in writing. there shalt he applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust such pmportinn of the proceeds
<br />~- as iseq#xat to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Deed of Tt~ist immediately prior to the dale of
<br />taking bears Ya.the Iair market value ai the Property immediately prior fn the date of taking, wish the balance of the proceeds
<br />p«id to $at[ower.
<br />' if the Property is abandoned by Bnrraw~cr. nr if, after notice by lender to Borrower that the condemnor oRets to make
<br />_ an aAVard or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 3dt days after the date such notice is
<br />maiir~d. Lender is authorized to collect and :,pp#y ttte proceeds. at Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property nr to the sums secured bp• this Reed of Tst.tsi.
<br />t3nlesx Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds in principal shalt not extend
<br />or postpone the due date of the rttnnthly ins#atirntnts referred to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof nr change the amount of
<br />Ouch installments.
<br />14, $arrawer'Vai Reitastd. Extension of the time fur payment nr mar+.ifi~atior. ctf amoniaation of the sums secured
<br />tzy this heed of Truss grsnied by Isndar to anv satecessor an telecast of Borrow*_r ehail not atxrte ¢n retesst, in any manner,
<br />the 1iabitity of the original Borrower and Borrower's succcssnz~ in anieretii f_endrr sltaii not °'e regained io commence
<br />prnctxdings against such successor or refuse to rxtend time ', or pa}'mcni ar c,tfterwise mnd.fy arnorttzataon of the sums
<br />secured by this Decd ref Tres: ht' reason of an} demand made h~~ the nriQtna! Bnrrnwer and Bcsrrnwer'c successors in interest.
<br />! [. Forbearance 1aK Leader tioa a 1}akrer. Arc forbearance by 1. ender ~n eccreistng am' nght or remedy hereunder, nr
<br />otherwise afforded by appticabte does. shall not ?sea waiver „f ;>r nrcchadc i'nc cxemrsc of anv such right or remedy.
<br />The pracuremenz of isxuranee ctr the payment :f ~~ses ear r,ibrr Irerts rr char~c -~. ttndrx xha92 n,~•t t>r a waiver of Lender's
<br />ngkt. to atxclerata the maturity of the tnde',? e ,_ . c.,urexf cc the Tka•,i ~ 'T. .~~~:
<br />iZ Rtmedier. ('nmtdati+e. 1ft remed.rs t :~~,:uw :ra th:. Lhe . rt ':- r ,:,cs;rora and cr.muiause to any other right
<br />or remedy under this f7eed of Ttasa to atiardco !n .`aw ,s equ:r. and --a ^. cr.e.:rsed trtscurrenth•, rndep~endentty or
<br />sttccrossiveiy.
<br />iS. 5urrtxttrrs and AgciKrrm iianttd; Jaunt aced Srxrrai i.s:~ifkty; i:'spriou~ ~ - :„-rnants and agrcunents herein
<br />cca'ttaeisxnd •hsli bmd. and t3fe rights hemtudc~ ht i s^u;e - r._>;~rs ,r ~ ..., .-'au a. ~n~~ . %nder and Borrower,
<br />r z...,..
<br />sa¢tic~ct i,- ?hc prxsvrsdons rat paragraph '' Ytrrer+r ~A+9 , ,n-~~~•c r' . ._ .. FI: r.,;er a ,.~iS t,r Icaint and several_
<br />-The {•t;re:a~..,nd headintft of rite para;Rrapits :~1 , f:>e~.' ;r a r '~ ~:r :~ ~ and arc not za he used to
<br />+oterp:rt ,:r define the provrsians hertttf.
<br />I~f. 'Vo#kt. Except for any Holier xgt.urC .--' .. _ ,.r _ .. ~,, - ~ ane~: her manner, fat anv notice to
<br />&nnawrr nn,vtded for in that: heed ref 7"rust s#tit + }r..r~• ..• r • :..5 :,. .... ,cr~~'~..cd rnatt a;tdressed to Borrower at
<br />the 1'raDCr:} :'tddrrss ter at such ctthtr adders, +tc„r ,. : -, r,^ ~:c to + ender as provided ttrrcin. ;end
<br />lb, tt»~ „~x,re t•r i.erxfer sitielf'ae gtvrst r~. cr _ ~,~ ~: rr r:urK .~t rnrerx adeircrs sta~~tcd herein or to
<br />s~'h oboe sdd:rss ax Ltexdcr may desrgnate _. _. t-~-~:, .. -, ',;rr r:~u Anv notic.t provided for in this
<br />f3cec,+t Trtse shall be dee+rud , ~ : <'r,ti ~,. _ dry n , :.cn ~ tRe manner designated herein.
<br />t5• t •+ifarnr ihrd of ittimt; i:urrr*.,nr i a.,. ~r.reetnkn i .., . ermbxnas uniform covenants for
<br />Nieldcl ttai ,.u .+rrx1 ~ u.t si[;n , se, •. , . M. fi .~-1;.; ~.. ', H.S;.'..-~. i.~ .;~n,: ~l::~e a. llnaf«fi773 SCC:nrtty inRtritmCnt
<br />tx,*trtntt'rat ~~, cr:* TT~i. I?cr;3 r,r~.; , - r~.•-, - ~ ...~. ,.,r rrt whrrh the Property ss icxaled.
<br />fas'hce-+crti ,u; :u,pas,,.,,r. ;:r :ao.•_-.. ,., .- _ ~-.ic : ~ a,^pircak-;c Iaw. snob c~tnfl)c9 shall
<br />Herr a.[ect .,.;y.. _~nror, ,~, .. 32e~rs .,~ ~I ~... .. r. .cr, ctfrt-t we,thuut the <~~-:~I`-sting provesion.
<br />aruf to *hos ct_ he pow .not °Y ^. h2' Dit.f -- ,;nl ..a:r x~?s; cd :.- nc ,rvYtra Ult.
<br />ttF. Itwrowrr`, Q:-apJ- F7~-arrwrt •.h.i. ,~ ,.t,cd e,..f„~-,,, y ; ..., ~,<3 r,f ttsis Dead t>f Trust at ahe time
<br />ref to rtiuaxm ,,r a-Itcr :rcr•a~anor, tsercr.t
<br />i', frsnaft. of tkr Yroperf.; atss[m~w»- '. , . ~ ,r, i`s~; .r n t!rtcresi thercrtt as wt}d or iransfetrcd
<br />,~~. ,
<br />t.. Sr+tn~er ;t.~ca ,.~~ ., ~i~r, ,,c,t .,. .. ~. ~,¢ cer;.umt:rante subs+rdirtate to
<br />th;a 1)eeci,.i ?;a,r. :}~r,r<st.r•,,, : ~~rar: - .rr, r ,. ~.. cn,.i we,>„n,id a,,p~iarrCes, te7 a tIansfer?a}`dtvis0.
<br />de+, r-,:1 rr f•r "ri,rt.rUvn r,f ^:ter u_4, t:N :;c~ezfr r ~ I ,.. , tft[ I;rsr r -v Ie nc h,;,~a imrrrst ref tIrTCC yeal"%C1r 1C9S
<br />rasE ..=n. ~n ~~.q-~.,n ~. ;nv. i. es.c i tnJC: •• a, :. lac rill s : „+i •.. ..sic '. ~c v: ri, .e ;. ua rd hq' Ehri flees} nq TS`LtSt ti) bt:
<br />.m >,_m:.~c.. ur..rr .., .cs i~.._<r~r;yic .I ~~•r>r,- ' • the sale err transfer, i_endtr
<br />arKi rYr. rx; ~ «h, sr He f'r .,. ~ . .. ,,, a ~ ,,.,. aKreern~n. n7 rev lost the, cretfit of snob person
<br />u - :,cam. r w
<br />=s sat xlaz:::e. ~..= l crerir: h.,~. nc arc r ; r :•K ~ ., ~-~urret - ti, . i'~-;r~u , ~ 7"rust xhali be at -uch rate as
<br />t crx,=tr hhAi` ie~~rH ,: i < ~~!ra ;. an - ~, !be ~ ,r~i„ o .c,no r xa~~d r~ rhl> }:~rak+=, plc 77, and if BnrlY'twer'w SiNI':nCx%Ar
<br /><a A'-ttefl '!aH r, ~. ot«7 slit i, „eta ti-. ~r•a ,;~rncrc:.% .,.., ,,td ~'a„rtii V~. i, t•. oJc~. 3 cider Shalt rciea~ i'tortuwer ffom
<br />~..
<br />eft . :, gs:•ons ~... rwar - ,cs tar, c., ,.. ~r:n± _. ,., tF*c ~~~It
<br />.' Treece ree_sc, ... ~,n ~ - _.,,. ..... . c:,ue- ~,,. ,~n.:~i fioma,r:ct rrc:~r,er of <,,~elcratron an ;t;u~idanCe w$h
<br />i
<br />pataf;tapk, : a :.rt rr~ ti r - -,..a..c n - ... ~o, ;»: r.. K:.~. +.., tla„r ;'t ,;..y. trenr tt~ tlaie alto nr3tCt i,a rr~aiied within
<br />wind, ifs;,.,>• .. , ~:~c ,a,re _ ,,c„ il;,e 8rr' ~,=s ~,, STa` ~aet! sums prKer txt the expiration of euctt paritW,
<br />Lmncrr nrn.. ~ ,:r ::trthe: _~:::::r . .:c :.a'.1 ,: , l.~:i[r .... i.t any tntrf,rd:en pcrrtte#trr6 #nY` p`tiagraph 18 FfCr~Uf,
<br />?+a .~; .~rr ars>`s i ., 4:r wee, itiun:»~rt ~ .' i r:,.ar ,fro .. ~-roenant arttf agree aS €oilotws:
<br />4B. trczYtr~laa; lttrsrediea. ktcteta m pramitdtd tat parattrapi i7 tsmrcaf, epsn Btrrrasrtrr"a breach of any rotrerutnf ac
<br />of Aarme+et es thi6 f:ttxd of 'i:imrtt, itarkadiaq the ravrarata to pay whoa $>~ ,troy tans secnrmd by this deed
<br />of Trsnx, ira+irr prw.r to ar stead ma# tmatirt to Bwrowtr as provided ht partserapfr 14 btrtaf spuifyirq{t ff) Yife
<br />braxi; fly tie srtsrtu ,ttquirrd is eurt aat:i brraci; 31 a dolt, oat ~tesa than 30 drys from tfie dale Cite tttstitr is mailed to
<br />earrrawetr. ity winA ~uah. 2rreanb atmA be cured: and f43 liar faitrut to cure ssmb bmcacb os err before the balm specitiied
<br />hr tit rselire many ,eeult ;rs st of the canes strestd by this fktd of Trent sail sale sf the Ptaperty. Ttte ttatirt
<br />fattier ietarm Norru,>r~rr of tie tigtkt to reimrt;N4t motet arcrkerstiaa sad tit ri~W to tArir~r rrwrt action to amsM
<br />rim naa~etiisttwcr +=f a dttatsit ar smy mtbtr dtfeaset at iSorrawer to uxeirrattino and sa~et. ft fttt tereacb fs oat cored
<br />oa trt betorr tier elate speci3led an tit e+stfrr. i.+eadrr at f,m~rrx option mtiy desiuee adi of the wm srcored by ihi decd
<br />td' 7rnsl iv bt ;rnmrdiatrty dmet sets payabkt wiiitrtM fattier demswd acted may iaro(u tit power of .ttdm atSd arty attter remedies
<br />pevuoitted by aQgttcarbltt taw, i +o9^r tJuif be tatitkd to rxrlktet tilt +coarfnr amtf ettPetnes incurred in pntsnityt the
<br />reenad:et, pea, tiled in ti6r parsRrroP- 13, itrcitrdiWt. tat use fimkttd lo, rtawmtbtt adisrnty's teams.
<br />ft the power of sake is ~eai.ti G TtanNCe siaB cloned r natitx of dtfwti as tech cauaty in wbtrb the Prupetty nr some
<br />part Thereof rs iosa#ed sad shelf araki spies ~ sorb emstice is tie manixr prescribed by appiicabk few to ftorraeNer and to the
<br />attutr prrn.a, grr. caikscd by sgtp4+rabkr toes, After the lrptt of *uactt time as may bt rmquired by trpplicabfe toes, 'i rualtt sktatl
<br />ttfvt pt~ie reatirt of nk io the Qersnmm xttd is the maottrrr prcuribrd by appiieabkr taw. 'f'rxs#ee, witirona tietnand on
<br />~Orrowtr.. +ktskf srq rice Property sa pobkir amrtiart to tkce ikgirrst irifides at tie tkarce: and plrce sad under the terms tksiRaated
<br />lea rim tadice of safe ~ one ar moan psrctf~r-sad is !moil ttrdet am Ttltt array dHermiat. 'f'rnstte inay pttstpo~ sale trf aB
<br />w soy psucei of tbt Praptrty by pnbkk atiranartraeat N ttce aunt sad p~tacc of soy prtrittatsiy sctudaStd .ale. Leader or
<br />Lrwdrer^e'eksi<mt ruay t+~rriur tit Praptrty rt ruy stilt.
<br />i;p,rn teaript of psynsted sf bt prim bid. Trnslee skadi eitfivtr !o tttm parrtrattr Ttvattt's decd ronveyinq Ybt Property
<br />said, T6r rrcca~ lea rim Trtmee°s cited shag bt paima farts tvrdearr of tit irutft of the statttatrtts ertade aherefn, Trusdet
<br />tAaYsppfy tSt proceeds ttd'tYe sale is rim PetNaw seder, Oat is a~ reabonabk coats and erytrases of the sate, including. bttt
<br />nol tir0ked ta, Z rrrie,r's ftx*t rsf opt smart Ctllrr 3;q~ O~ % r~ of lit grans tale prim, rraa,aor~t atueraey's fats and cast of
<br />tf61t brtdtstr r; fbt to alt mmtce sectticd by this decd tsf Try; nail let tilt reccC~, if any, to tktc person ar ptrsam feRafiy tntftied
<br />chorale.
<br />t9. 9kerro+~rr"a RiRhi ern RriotStrtlt. 7votwit.hstandtng i rnder'S aeeclrration n# ti+c sumx secured by tftiS Dced of Trust.
<br />Borr.,,rcr at•.a hz~re :i,c ri~,fsl to have. :rrtv pracetdi:,g,: t+egun fry f corker is enforce ihix f)rerf of Trrssi discontinued at
<br />any rmc nraor _;, ens earl r to rn cnr nfr,r , ~ Fi4~th day ~jcitrox the sx+e of t!re Properly pursuana ors tltc power of sate rnniained
<br />iN ~hr. (>cr,.1 0 ~ 5' -.;r, or ~ : c .¢rr of a „ilkerrcnt tote>reirtg rS;s L'xmrd of 'f"nrst ef: {a't Borrower pays Lender alt ~.cma which would
<br />hie tr>< : ;".x ,:~,rh, ~ , (k,:..< <! T,,:~,, the Wiest at,d ,-o+~< ,rear,:,g i'rufure Advances. if .arty. bed n aa,:rJe;u::•~r. t,x»curred,
<br />ini li.,rr.:~+.r - - r..-, :.,a`xr =-sa`<flarvtx ar o-:{: rteir+enis of Bnrrowrr c.mtained :n t;es> i:?cecF of mast:
<br />r .+- ,lr
<br />err Hr-r., LLa: - .na~•s rx.>: .ed *y~ f ~ :o ~ti Trusitc i.: cafarr;rna '. rr ucsrcttants an3 zegre~ntnnts w£
<br />, ~ ,:
<br />Ro _ ,~ 3 K<. .... -~ - : g Y„~rra5t;r's acrd T~r av;e~ s sr, _ rz ;+; #*rn:•idcef in j^arc+gr~ph t R
<br />r r: ,
<br />tx~ac !. t+rc,r.o n- :„r sxv. .~ ;c.i t:. *-:rzze ,te _.. ;. rosy. 4e.; s. asatl 3:, Rxnr•rrwere -._ ~ .. .., rrsrS~rr mxy -eac:~r;rshio
<br />' ~ ~ ~ f '::-;. l r ~ ~: ..5 4t. ih. -.:.~.. ~ ~.. fi z'. ,-', :~:!'tl tr;a, i.n
<br />rr., .:~ tcJ .~-zrt s: :~t ~ ... ,s .'S 3'h~ •. ,, to _ x, i3:xS
<br />