.:.~•t)(~ 13:x.2
<br />
<br />I~E~~I- f~F TRUST
<br />THIS L>EED Oi- TR[3ST is trade this:........... 6th ..........day of .April , . ... .
<br />- 19. ~?.. amonk the Trustor,, , . C•.; C. Industries, Ittc. , G. Wayne _f5olck, President........ .. .
<br />.. , f herein "Borrc:wer"?...Sohn R. Brownell-
<br />Attorrey_ At Law ~ ~ ~ y. ~ ~ ~ . , , . {herein Truczce"), and the Brhaficiary,
<br />Gotsvtercial Savang'n Coazpan~ of Grand Island ......, a corporation orgsnized azt~
<br />.. .. ..
<br />eKrsringg under the taws of . 2Sehraska ,whose address. is.
<br />. 212I '~ rederib Rd , Hox 971 Grand Islannd h'E- b$802 .
<br />...... . . . . . . ................. { hereto "Lrndcr' } .
<br />&tetaow>rR,: in consideration of the ndebtedncs~ herein nYUCd and the trust herein created, irrevocably grant.
<br />untt rnmeys to Tntstet, in trust; with power of sate, the fatlow•ing dcuribed prapcrry trxazed in the County u{
<br />. Ha1i ........... , . ...... ,State of Nenraska;
<br />Lat Sixty-Fottr f64} Castle Estates Addition to Grand Island, Hall
<br />Caavnty, Nebraska_
<br />wfstch bus 'hc audreas nf. 40113 t"ttscl;irghaffi fisz^ve, Gra~rrd Ittlat,td t3tw 6$Sf)1
<br />„~. ~ , , ....... , agy3 ....... . .
<br />herein "l°"roperty .A c r ~,~' r .
<br />va:e a ,, z,o Amue
<br />#rx.t.•+t it tx-th.tfi t'a~ ~ntpr«urntsrts rsa;~ :,r ,, .,.~~, rrccia~! cna tttc p ~,p,nt~. gnu ail ~c;a^nesrtcnta~ rrghtn.
<br />uppurz.n:~ncl^s. r~n.s (su£rje~t ;wwe:.r to ttfe;~e6ttz :~nr:.,,:th4it.ties gi+cMr hcritn t+a t r•+,dct > :<,#'cct :atstl .t{~pix kurrh
<br />Yents7 ~ royalt+r.,, mitserel. ~ ail and ga.. r:gmi, a iZe.~at• sxatet, w:€tcr r«gh#s, :xw ti a:at ~n~,Ln, ~rol ni3 iistures nctw ttr
<br />hGroaita,r su:a hct7 tv aP,c pru~trt~, Il ~,~ ur ;,, :r: ;~d,ng r~piascmcnts a+~i adrlt,oi:•. ±heceto, ,ftuti h.~ d,~,n~ud zr_rkxcr
<br />uns; rm.:~r: a part ui the p:upc t~ ctiercci b: ,1,,, i~:.a :.: i ru3t, tnd;ii# r>f zits: f,tn,';f;r s- ~a(;er ~,,;t ,ui~ gataafnnq
<br />l ar thr ieese'Iee1J cstas~ .r tlu•• ked et 7 rusa ,. ~,.; ., r~~eChoW3 arc herci~ rt~tcrrcd to µ~s the "Propz:rty~"`:.
<br />ire SECT:at r,' L ;,Set (sn; the sr~} acnt :x s~ ;ndebtc'dness avid r12ci h~ 13otna~wc;t's note da4ctiti April €~, I~S'~
<br />;mere:- `tiotc •. in the pnnc,pei ~:~tn ~~f, Tfairty,5ix Thou ,a;,ad, Dai3ar~• atut :noJ100-° ----
<br />(3b.,000.9~~? _ -i7kRiIari. wrth tratcrc3t zheraon• pracidan~ ft~r ntctzrzhl~ rttstsilmcros
<br />of isnnci~t u : ,na, a~. ,z:,'t ;hc h~l.:~.c~ of tPoc indebtetfncrs:,. tf not ~cxtrscr ~u;d~ due srtd pa, able ,,n, . 8-4-g2, .
<br />. t'ns^ payenca:t .~i a#! c+cbcr sum:,,. with ;ntsr<~t ttrc r..rn, adv.ntcrx3
<br />!n aao:dar•a: ?~rn:u~ k ;o ~,tutcCt thr ,zcu,ity-oltiaus T2ecd of 7rt:~: ~rrtd the pcrfor;tzancz r3f the cxzW~cttant~ anc;
<br />a~. c`Lmrtatti o: H~nr,C.+.r ?trYC;a t 7t,¢rc0, and i 07 tfic rcpuyr':.nt {;1 ,~;i, iuturn: adt~antss, w.th trzt'ri'u tt;Cr~xatt, r'nadc
<br />to Btsrrout: by f.cn;.~u {tur,ua.,t tv aarugr.ph .. ?~rzuf t#terein "f uturc rtduasx~5").
<br />t~:r'cwet ~ ~~.enn:h. ?hat ~rro..cr .~ i ~ waslc .c«I trt` the Cate 3Y,.yeby ccurscycd and kr~as thy: ri~,ht C+J grant as>'c7
<br />.r~n~ey tiM Pr ,#r.~rp• shut :he Propcrtt ~ una.~nva7,t~acd, urtd that $crrzowir wtf# ++~atuant an3 dcr'~end btittt•raily~ the
<br />tdta t.> tk,c Prt>pcag ; s'~;r~.t ai: cls+m- ~anJ cf,~;~and ,~:ypcct tq :toy dt:d:zrtiicttt,, .t tsntnta cu etatei..tsc>asz 1e'azec# tr3 ..
<br />~cltt.JuPc Ott _,r:apuR~n n+c:t.:'r,tgc :n ans .i. h. ,~.u;a,,.c. pantie} snautinp irndr's srt2..n" taa Chic i'rafx:rt}.
<br />~~-- : rM• d t.N:-: :U....3tdAArigU6C tnftt~iAtiNS3ttt16tLNt
<br />