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<br />~. ' 2.7-E~8S~1i38 OF 8~8L ~R4BTE MCBTGSG~ '. ~ • ~ ~~ ~ ~ t~ RF2! ~rao xortms,. Qonona sunnas ao„go. i.cacoan. x~ta
<br />II1 CD~dSiDERATiON of the ~ywent of the debt named therein; 1 or we, hereby release the mortgcge of
<br />Seue>_.t<^®t~a `I'$sottsa23d j~'l?~(7f30~ - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - DpLARS, ~,
<br />:Wade ty RSyron G. RTietfeldt and +Jiolet L. iaiietfeldt
<br />on t'~e fallowfno descrflbed property, to-x~ic
<br />''1'lte `~£est ua3.f of the tiorthwest *~uarter and a13 of mot 3 in the Southwe~t
<br />Jttarter of the Southeast quarter, both tracts being in Section 36, 'I`owln~
<br />( sftig I2 ~3orth, ;~an~e 9, '~7est n° the nth F.!~,, in ?'a1~ f;ounty, ?debrask~,
<br />f
<br />l as `Jocumeut ?c-OOl~y3 ~
<br />wfsiah is recorded ie~+#?te~.------r~+~-~ of ;he Re~rds of the County of
<br />~~~? ~, ~d State a# 'xebraska ~
<br />Dated this .?_~ da.~ aE ~"'~~+C-i.•~~~.'.. . i9 ~ ~ _,
<br />f 7 ~y O`
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<br />~ $t ,~, L°~:,. a'%' eeforo ire a 2votary Publ c duly comintsstoned
<br />Can tins.......___ day na ~2
<br />ancitedfarsaid t~snr~.;;eea.ly c.:;rna :°'ii1O.. z ~tfe1 `' and ~,*~*rOT2 !s _..i,3.etfeld?~_.. ~'
<br />..,.....,~_ ,.. e, __. _,,._ _ . - __ _ _ ........_ ..___.__. _ . _._....._ _...___ ._.... _- -_...
<br />' }~ nse persemcsly #rzawn to : <. the iderti: a! perrson cr ~~rsans wha executed the -:abovea release and aekraowledged
<br />tie .asd szs..n::menf to'c~a ._ rer-:r ~.:r -is.rte*•,=act a^d weed ~
<br />~~i2r~ ~~ head ;~., .. ~,. ~ v.~~ z.'7d. ~ ,ai? ,~~*tay, tars t~ czrtd yecu lcs:,t aaove written. i
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<br />1f ~, Gus: ,,,T .~ # luG~ ~1 :~.~3`7atary Pulslic.
<br />;r eoraxrrc~~i' ~f is { ~t ~.t k"' ~,CG'...'1- ~ ,.. y s ~""~,. 1
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<br />AMAX, ~ ,
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