a ~ ~I~T~JA`JE''
<br />~~ ©Q229;7
<br />This mart~age made and enterrdznto thu bta day o€ April
<br />29_2 , by and b+ctween Barry L.. Rc+se aad Dolores E. Rose, Husaarid and Wipe
<br />(hereinafter referred tv as mortgagor) atitl Ctittunercial ldational Bank and Trust Company
<br />(hereinafter referred to as
<br />mortgagee?, who rnaineaiLU an office and place o€ business at '1~~ ~. 'bird street in GLand Island,
<br />Halli Cou:.:y, Nebraska.
<br />Wrr^.'1=~,,s~rH, Lhatt for the consSderation hereitta#'ta staxcd, L~eoeipt of which is hereby ackmowledged, the mortgagor
<br />flocs hereby taortgagr±, sell,. grant, assign, aad convey unto the mortgagee, its successors and. assigns, all of ilre fol-
<br />lowing descnlied property situated and being in the County of Ha 11
<br />State of Nebraska.
<br />Lot Twenty f2Ctl, bast 13e1 Air Pifta Addition to tae City of
<br />Grad Is2asul, 33x11 ~`sunty, twsbras;ca
<br />to~etatbtx with a1i the ;cr,tmcarts a,id aprittriertanres thereto helott$ing, ail the rertts, issues and profits therenf, and ail
<br />easeitrts, tights roya2t~t, sfiittcral, oi] and etas rights and profits, water'. water rights, and water stork, end including
<br />all lti~tiag, plttrrstvirsg, refrigeration. i:ihting, extuiprttcnt and all fitxtvres of cvcrf drsrripLion belonging to the
<br />tttatgtgvr n~o hciraitcr attart:tt! tltcrcto or used i» contaertton with ilse premier herein described and in addition
<br />tteseto the t'ollowing described praperttrs which arc and shall be dter»ed tv be fixtures :end a part of tlec realty, and
<br />arc a prrrtion of rise 3eetirity far :the artdebr+rt#rress #arnein sra:ed. t1f none, state"'none" 1 *aontA
<br />fiti laar~ acbd (a lend than satire unto the INgaltce, as herein provided:
<br />'The srsnrtgagor >4 larVfufly <csied atad of a»d hits tltc right to ult .and! convey said property; that the
<br />xaars is Ircc Iramsll iencumbtanets except as hertiraabor~e reritedr and that kiorigagot covenants to wattant and
<br />d~tfrtxl the tick aforesaid thereto :+ad tverr partthsreof against tltr claims of all persons whorrsscacvrr.
<br />i'his ;vtrurrtem is giecn ca srxvart ilx pax of a promissory note dated ~.izii 5. 29£32
<br />an :tar pnntapal sam cxf L 35, >~J.P3C3 _ Signed ~, Barry L« Puss land ik~lares E.. F,ose
<br />fire bch,alf c+f tise:vera - --- '"-_..."""`
<br />also. a> suctr :oat ~ elates tttay Flom tinx tea time be rrutdif~d; re»elved or exttnded in writing.
<br />Ire the cvtut the tit4c to said real estate ,s trsasfetred, oat cottiracted to be tratssCesrec3, from. the undersigned for a»y
<br />ratsare ar by any rtnetltod, wlsatsoet+er, tht entire pri+>+ii~ aura and atxru~ interest shat! at onct beti~me due and
<br />payable at the rkrtion of rite hoklet' hereof. ~ailuc?e to exercise thu option. becatttse of transfer of title aye. akwve stand
<br />a a=.sc instartrs Shall tear ~ ottstirurc a vraivtrr of tlae right.. to ettertise the satin in the event of any subsegnt»t transfer.
<br />1. She morti;alas covenants and age as:foilv+rs:
<br />a. Tv protnpt.iy pax the i±idebYetloess evidcrrccd by said promissory note at Lhe times and fire tlx manner
<br />tttcreia ptt+uidcd.
<br />b. 'fa rixy set :axes, avsessrra~tts, water tags, and other y,;ovcrnmental or munrcpal c3targcs, ,fines. rte
<br />imiwsirtans. far khi.h G>rc~vtSiQa tsar not beesi rrriFtie hereittbe€ore; artd'rovifl t^+ramt,tly deriver the off":ria1 rrrcityts
<br />thCrefiR, to t`e ca,ai srvrtx,agtG
<br />Ya ,^.a~ +uch °~7?rv?~r., ~ttd re. ~ a.~ array rig i»curr,Vti i *hc a-arecLicin anti rtta;ntenancr a! s;~3d prc3pertb^.
<br />t^,c'stas#ir.~ tree r~ fir" :any stt~?rrrey crsapl"?rd'+p iha cnc'trgarrr fix +:7e t„'ectlcsn ai any a}r sit oY tt'rr indrbErdntus
<br />+=.rtcF+} ~•rcurcd, c fateslc+ur h.
<br />T~{ '~.'t~l . er e=1..rt ~='c~r_. i.x:, os' fire a3m~• orbit te'iip~eaixsrs e-~r ~t-t,.~cx^+„iirr~
<br />a=*r, texta ,.aa3 rt.:n*rFVV_
<br />