<br />
<br />U'ta»=orexa Crnt-zvAtrts_ Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />[_. @'ayateefof Ptiaripsl sad i~atest. Borrower Shall promptly pay when due Nhe principal of and interest on the
<br />it+detatedtxss evidenced'by the Stole, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interest
<br />oa an Future Advanzxs secured. by this IJted of Trust.
<br />Z FatsL for Tstttea aep Y~ara^te. Supjecq to app3icable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Botmwer shalt pay
<br />to Lender on the day rtsonthgy 3tzstaFiments of prmcipai and interest are payable gander the Note, untit the Note is paid in fait,
<br />a even (herein '"Funds"} equal to acre-twe3fih of the yearly taxes and asstssrrnnts which may attain priority over this
<br />Reed of Trttst, and gmum! rents on the Property, if any. Pius oiie-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance.
<br />plus one-twtifth of yrady premium irtstaltmenYS for morIgage ins zrattce, if any, atlas reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />tithe to tittle iry Lender on the basis of assessments and bills and reasonable estimates therarof.
<br />The Funds shall beheld-in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed be a Federal or
<br />state aE~ncy (inclssding Lender it Lenckr is such an instrtut3on)_ Lender shslF apply the Funds to pay sa'sd taxes, assessments.
<br />insurance. premiums and graund rents. Lender :nay not charge for so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account
<br />or veril'yingami compiling said asstsstzsents and ixilfs, a+nless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits l.tndtr to make such a charge. Borrower and lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />L3eeti of 7`rwt that interest on tfie Funds shalt be paid to Horrower, and unless such agreement is made or applicable law
<br />regttires Birch intuaxt to fx paid, I-eerier shall not 3x required ko pay Borrower any tnkerect or earnings nn the Funds. Lender
<br />sha)l give to Horrmmr, w3thant charge, an annual arenunhng of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpoat: far which eac}z ddait to the totals was made. 77te Fends arc pledged as additional security for the sums secarcd
<br />h'Y this Deed of Truxz.
<br />If ahe atttaunt of the Fundx 3xld by lxnder, together with the futon; mnmhly 3nstaliments of Funds payable pnor to
<br />the dire eiaaes of taxes, aasesenenis. iatsunnce premiums and ground rents, sha33 exceed tree amount required to pay said Eaxcs,
<br />amenis, insurance premiums and grtwnd rents as kitty tail due, such excess shall ice, at Borrower's opainn, eitlttr
<br />prappily rtgatid to Harrower ar ortdited in tiorzpwer on monthly msiaAments of Funds. If Ilse amormY of [he Funds
<br />held , ].ender shall hat rte sutFicient to pay ,axes, assessments, insurance premiurtu and ground rents as titcy fait due.
<br />Bartawex shall pay to ]teller any ataraaitu romssary in make up +he deficient} within 3~ da}s from the date notice is mallet]
<br />by Lemdet to Htyrrasrer requtaiitng payment therttxif.
<br />Upon payment in full of all xuz,+R atcurmd hg tFus Deets f "f rust, i.rnder shah pronptly refund to Bormwcr any Funds
<br />head by 4ender. It undtt paragraph iti he;tnf the Prapens ,s .old or ahe °mtaerty c exiacrss ice acyuared b}' ].ender, Lender
<br />shall apply, era Sulu than rmrnediaidy pram to the sale xsf *,ttc 3'mptnt ar us a.y,ns+noet by t.tnaicr. ::n}~ Funds held by
<br />Ltndu at the tiiru of appiicatiat+ as a csedii against the Boras soured by thee [3rrtt of Trust
<br />3. Appiicatieat 9f Payt+uaes. unless rppArcahie law pnavidrs atthcrv,•tse, all payments mcd+td by Lender under the
<br />Nutt and paragraphs t and 2 hereof snat3 ere appieed ksv i.rnder fi^4t ~n paynrtm of :emus:nks pagaladt to Lender by Horrnwer
<br />under praragrapb 2 hereof", than to interest payable cwt tlxt Note, ghee to the pnnctpal cal tbt Nate. and Shen to interest and
<br />ptvnciptd an gay tarots Advt•ttt'ztt_
<br />4. ~'hrt~: t.iemc Btxrnwrr sltsi: ~p all taxes :est~ssnsent< ;n<9 .,a7arr ,Sturges. fines :as,i ~mpaM+tions attribukabic to
<br />tfte ~ whiElt nsa)° attartr a pxiarrty attic t3:rc i)tcd cat Trust, gild lrrzcitotd payments err grtturn4 tents, if any. in the
<br />mttatter provided ezndtr gxraRrrtda ~ harwl ter, if na }+aid in Buell manner, lei}• Hurrawer maktag lxayment. when titre, directly
<br />to tlxe pay+ec ii+cztof. Bzsrn~we:.hali promptly turntsh io l tndcr ail rtaktacs of amaursts due under ibis paragraph, and in the
<br />evert HOtruwer tafyail make payratntt darrxtly, Harmsser shall pramtnly tuxnait xo t.cnder rrtrtptr cvidcncnyg stench payments,
<br />Bnrtow~u shat prom; ale discharge any isn which has prmtity zsver Than herd of 1`raxt: pruvtdc ! that llurrtiwrr sisal] not ht
<br />rtettuirral rn ilrs..ttarge any su.h `urn ,.~s tzsng ax Hotrnwer shat) age in rruntt : the raymeat oaf the nbl,$,atinn secured b}~
<br />such ,rcn =n s manra;ar acceycah#e ao hrnxkr, car shall to .gaud ia,rh ;tsmcsi nth l:rr ~s °: d, rr~•>.# rni.-,rtcmrnt csf such hen in.
<br />loaf n~~ar.ga w3sa:h rnperaae to ptcucnt flat eaforcerrseni ,~~ the i sr fortrn, r4 r t } r<,prnv r ;thy part ihtrcot.
<br />3. H~ fwwrrwrr. Hnrrawcr stsali xcop the impravertaeats ru•, ct t.n,, c , tcz , ~,ttd , u ,he }'ruptny insured
<br />a~tinst Rost hY Grc husrds 3n<rt,xkd wrthrn the stmt "rstCIXix f ,:+rr gc ar+a .. ~ t.,rr •,tr~u}s az A,endtr mat rtquiro
<br />and in r~us3, amotsazt .erg for s,,,c-te perwdx nz Y_entier ma} ,e u.^<. rr,..,,k~,? ,tip, a c~.ir, hxilF ncd require that the amount n#
<br />tltiCh to'mtPagc cx..erd that aapttunt at ;esernge r <,i ::r,l to P nc ,.,r.n: ,curt h thtc 17nrd ref l~nrci
<br />Tt'te Lpv,rats;r ,:nrKr ,resvidltug the msur;,n a .hail tx , tir:~ ~~ N.. „wc ;rrf r„ apprns~al h} ismdtr; prmrtdtd.
<br />acA apprwa+ sAtRtl ;pr !at cvu,raaatr+snl} ~.rahtrtld A,St prrm,u,r- y, :nsu gK,l,rrra ~a11 1rc paid in the mant»er
<br />prcrtridtd undo ;xtsgpaph ', isetttof ax, it rtr.rt prtel to suds nt.uncr. r, Florrvs.cr ry,eking t~yymeaat, when daze, directly ro the
<br />its CafT16r .
<br />~11 cltyLf arl+t Bx(11li Jt+ ~lYti ItrAeWa~5 IhCtC+,i slzaii bt sn 7 m .,!'3` r _ i i c#inrrt grad .t, a31 'r~ludr a Standard mattgagC
<br />ctaust :n tavvr of rtr6 ,n term ar:rptahtr :a l.rr+ckr- l..cr+dtt cha%i h.,; hr ~~.ght to hadsi tsse fx°~n~es and rrnrwals thertwl,
<br />1tAd $,rrtawu elufi prc>mptl} 'urnstit to l.er+der r3l ttnchral ~ t .en.t ,~ .sir n ,.F paad ptC+n+ums In the event. of tans,
<br />Btntsvtiwrrr ~,hx17 g, sr ~'nmpr nellxn to the =rn•uiu:ra;e career x n 7 ~,~ icr t cu.•cr ,- maAc prza~ef r~' lras ,# nut made preympYly
<br />by Bartayxraer
<br />l;niess Lcexite aril ur,rrevrer ,•tl•cariuc xy,cc n ..r,x ,s ,,. ~ dv h" t9e apptarc9 to yesioratian nr repaer of
<br />t19C ~tCr7L <{.inea~, .~+dee},,xn r+l +rIIl n~a ~ ~c ,nr r ;a ..ii
<br />hat tlzercby nny4t rrai l ~r:.u.h resr:.tat~a c, ,r : r ~. r~ t ~'d r•,: ~a'urity ,i tbta l:hrtd of Trust is
<br />p cti i ..~~:> ~,i, .- he .,, r,,tr ezf shzs i.7eed of'1're+t wou3d
<br />tAC ttnp:y,rn#, stet nn,:rarx;c prt.CCCY7.r shall he appltral to 11M _..r c:urrJ inn., lk7u .~t ~1 crest, wash Plte BRGess,. t# any. paid
<br />is 80ira,wct if else ~F'nrpcrp eu abarKloncd by' 13oxrtwtx, cat n }k>sia~<a f ,~~te n, :rtpoed to L,ct,drr aithm 3#! days from t'hc
<br />slate rnahe is m.+1cd by i,axkr to Anrr-omits tltxt a§et rtatwryner:z~r~r ++er. to cute r ?aura for snsurr~ncn }aenafits, Ltndtr
<br />ix aush.,eeseJ d, a+4lteel and apydy itNe mwrrwnax pae9Ct'aals ai l.en.icr s ,x:n r,tru to tt,t
<br />> araztou txr rcpaar of the Praperty
<br />ua ae ihr_ sua,nn Belated by th+s Lksercl of 'frost
<br />Y.)nltass i.rndcr nrx3 t3orrosvtr cttitersvtst+.ugrte ,n wrriintt. ,+. a ,U, ~ apryarcasn n tt ~rrs~edt+ to principal shaki not exited
<br />ax pen: pone ttw: !ire date of thrt ixgt>ytrAls ima alimcerts rdr r-u ,,. gat yeara~l.pt4s i anJ err.,t ,nr tharrgt cite amaunr o1
<br />xucb 3t caallmcntr ;f uru7er pyragpa s hera,t ~i,c Proper -:4~a;re+tl hi 3 restler, r:J Krst a, ;.tie .,nd ,rrACrest of Borrower
<br />zo r.axi, a gas meta ,tit jxri.,~rs m a .d to ,nt proceeds t'+r tier .resu3zeng :corn damage ao the Pruptrty prior to the stilt
<br />or ai:qu+ut~a,; ,h ;vu ~:, i.ctyihx to the erRzrnt isf the stems tatured Fly chit fSerd of Tn>s. :nn,cgliaicl} pnor an Ruch sale ar
<br />aRaletitit+nn.
<br />$ Prrssr+atia;a and ~a tai p~'+'Pc'n!: - (:aadm,mittiuma, !'laurxd t nit YyCretnpynrotzt. Burrower
<br />,ball kc..r' ~ktr Pr { -rs- n, ~.. d rr; yar anti sfiatl avt .:zm., ->:[: ~s dectanrt ,t-aF _~ r.tcn::,.,h~n eaf tfie YratEx:riy
<br />and fha,i ~ompls. tr eta , rr,•aeoras of any lease if thus Data :,l l : u,: ,s nn ;, lra+.r_hoiz,, is tntr L3tcu .,t Crusa is trrt a unit in a
<br />~oeaakrnar,tuiz, sir r ~plantu,! ttr„s dtveinptsttnt, Borrower sF Fro ,~ i; o: Harrower s ohr~gst~~,ns under the drt;laratum
<br />car .ascraant5 :.rca!,nb or p.»trnang tiK conclatniniazoy our ..s irre., ~;n•t:ldectfopnaeni, the h,.'aws an,J rcgu3aunns arf the
<br />co~reticm:aium ar •A:eantd unn devclal cheer, and aox+xiyrirciu a3ocszmrats. if a condom~inianz~nr ptannrd trait devrlnpmetu
<br />rider :x cactutcd hY Barrarw~tr and recarahtd tagezber wtih this I3etd ctY Trust. zht covenatus sod agrrttetem+ of such rider
<br />nh~slt trc a-anrpontaa'. rnto urrd shall aaxstzsd and swpplemtnt the ca»rcr gels anti agretmtnts ixf glut; Ikxd of 'c`rass .tae it the rider
<br />sr+crt a pert ittaxaf
<br />7, f*WcaM~imR sn{ Lea~ex"s stetruy, Ef Aorrnwtr fuels tea perform the covtnanss urrd agreerrxnts caitiaincd in this
<br />f?ced n£ Tracer, or ,t any cation cr pr;+txsttdaag is tnmmtriced which nasrcrially affects Lcndrr's iniertssi in the l?roptrty.
<br />inClttd+irR, twz. nut ]trailed tn. eminent domain, iitsolverycy, code enforcement, nr arrangements roc prncccdings involving :s
<br />trankr;;pi nr dectytent, then Lcrakr at Lender's optian. upon Hulce ao Horrower, may make such apltear:tntrs, alsburse catch
<br />sautes and ruler taz:h a.t,on as ~s acre,^essaty to prater.~i Lcnatrrs ;n7trrsi, includ,ng. hui nrst limited i<>, drstsursemersa <,a
<br />r+eastraahlc atturtecy `, fees and rntry upon the Praperzy zu inakt repairs- if Lrndtr sexluired naurtgagc insurance as a
<br />ortd3iunn at mat •,g else ltvaaa ~urcd ~~ this E>dcd-oF ~I"rust, Borrcwtr shall pay the prtntiums r~tduirad tv matntatn such
<br />=nsaratsrc ~n effect acct] stash t,me nc 1Se tezquirement ftrr such insurance iermanate, in aetxxrdance with Burrnwet's and
<br />irrad4Y'g arriucn eF reem¢*a: ~,r aps:l:cabk 'aw, Barriywtr shalt pay rite :amauiit. of all usortgage insurance prrnyiums in tiae
<br />mr4nnar pro•.;dtd u~n.irr paragraph ~ i•.erttexf.
<br />I1n} atnnunts dastiur>,rd by terkj~s pursuant to zh+s ~ragraph 7, wish tnzestsa Phtrton, shat! t-s~eornr xdditlonai
<br />~ro?eMr>uirzaMa csf Ilarrc~w~er zr urr~ lnr this f)C^.d of 1'tust L~^kss $prrowtr aced f..rrsder agrct zo oGt2rr lea*sys of payment, xuch
<br />arcee,ants shaft ~ payable u~ ..arc 9!^aara L.€,ntfer to i3r.,r,crwtr tequesi,ng payment tbtrrof, :,mf shall htao rntrxes. fr, nr the
<br />drat c.f dtstx,rvrcxr a .!r_ .arc payarrFc ftagty time to tiraxC spy <evtxiandinf, pitncrzsai under the wort txnloss payment of 3ntrrext
<br />~7 arch r,~tC w4m1 `.c~ .. uY;r~ary tO.a¢frglrLfSbk law, to w#eie.h event ouch arrts,iints e3taf.t 31ear ~n4erest at iha; ha{;hest rate
<br />pea naaa e+le ur,UtY arp.icahtc la,. "3othiug, c+aotaytresi inn this panngrap#t 7 shxli requ+rs 1_cndtr lea rna_t7r an ex nsc or take
<br />away ~.a tt "er reran 3t. )' pa
<br />a. ittat.~*rt1cn S ~rs~er may rz;akc rss ;:asaxt~c so tt~t made rerstasa43t tstr=ts crept ^,d tnspc xu ttii t rr P"rotx:r4} isrovide*,i
<br />that Fri,. ` a rs -r:rwcr rNati;ar pr arc tar any such i~perticrn ttre,,afYrrsg r=• .< ,vx t:hcrrlnr rclrttxl v, Lcncicr ~s
<br />ntcttx k: ,c. Ds~:yett+.
<br />
<br />