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's <br />Lertrier's wrattenagreetncni ar applicable. law. Borrower shalt pay the amount o€ all mortga~'e`[tasurance premiums in the <br />manner pYavided utukr paragraph 2 herexsf. <br />.Stag: amounts dasbursed 6y Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7. with interest thereon, shalt become additional. <br />("" indebtedness of Harrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and I.orrder agree to other terms of payment, such <br />t amount; shall be payable upon notix from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shall hear interest from the <br />date of dzsbursemet:f at the rate payable from lima to time an outstanding principal under the Note tm[ess payment of <br />otetesi at such rate would hz cattiratgto applicable taw, in which event such amounts shaft bear interest at the highest rate <br />pt:rtrt~t'hk under applicable law: Ncrthitxg rnntaitted in this paragraph 7 shaft require Lertdcr to incur any extxnse or take <br />arty ;txtiorn'hrretta&r. <br />Lender may make Decease to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided. <br />that Lander shelf give Borrower notice prior to any stx:h inspection specityfng reasonable cause therefor relaxed to Lender's <br />YnteiCSt m the PYOperty. <br />fi. C.oadereaaiim. The procced-a of any award or claim for damages, direct or ccsnsegntentiai, in connection with any <br />condlemnation or other raking>of the Frapcm. or part. thereat, ar for conveyance in lieu of rnndemnation. are hereby assigned <br />and sltal! br peed to Lendee. <br />Itt the went of a tr#al taking of the Property. the pror.:ceds shaft tx applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage.. <br />with the oataxTS, of any, paid to Borrower. to the ,'vent of a partial taking of the Property, un}ess Borrower and Lender <br />ottscrwise agrtx in writing, thus shall he applied ro rho sums secured by this Aortgage such praportaan of the ptnceeds <br />axis equal Yo that prapartian which the amount at the sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of <br />taking Irate to the fair market value of the Property immediaieiu prigs to the date of taking, with. the tsatance of the proceeds <br />paid to Borrower, <br />If the Pmpsray is abandoned by Borrower, ar if. after notice by hander xa Borrower that the condemnor offers to make <br />an atvatd or settle a claim for damages, &+.-rowcr faux ro rrspaad to ixnder within 3A dayR after the date such notice is <br />mailed. Letuler is aertharizev! to colioct aru apply the proceeds. st Ixnders option, either to restoration or repair of the <br />PraFs4rty or to the sums. satttmi iav this lvl:rrtgage. <br />Unless t.otsder amd BartVN°C£ atherw;se agree in writing, am such application of pmreeds to ptincipai shaft not exYCnd <br />or postpane the dtte dace of the tuttnthh insrafltnentx refrrred tarn ;saragraphs t and ? heroaF ar change the amount of <br />+rta:tt iraatallmenta. <br />1Q. Boe'resser'.vat Esxensirsn of she aime for par•mcnt ar maedificasian of amortization of the sums secured <br />by this ti4ortg~e gtamed Say Lewder to any successor insnlcresz of Barrawor cttall nest operate to release, in any mantrer. <br />the liability of the criginat Borrnwcr and &armwer`s suttessaxrx in intertxt. I-ender shall not he rsgitased to commence <br />prccoed'mga agaitxsC srtdt st+sxessor or reftase to extend time fttr pas~'ment ar athenvise mtxtify amortizatian of the sums <br />stcvrod by 3hitt Mot2gagC bT xeaaon aE env demand made trv the ariginat Hormasr and Harrowers successors in intctrst. <br />17. Pas~ltarraara Mr I.rNaz ",vat a ~iairotr. Anu forlrearanco far l rrnier in exsrcisng ant= right ar remedy hereundtt, oe <br />athetzaa~ affardad:by appiicalale taw. sttaal not fie a waivTr „a nr preclitdt the exorcasc at- any such right ar rcrnedy. <br />Thaprocauoatgrt td ` tx the payment of taxe*, or other ;,ens ar chan:cs by I cittkr sttatl nai t,c a a~aivcr of Ixndcrs <br />~~ to ait'rYteritt life tnaturt4r rsf the snslebtedrsevs xcccired !TMs ~!„< tifortgagr. <br />'i2. Rsaal~sC Ali rsmedi~ provided ~;, th,c r.t ,r+ra~-r err ,±i•.rinet and eamuiaaivc to any other righC ar <br />mrtn,tcfv under this Martgaitc or afforded try taw rd eatuity, .no,9 rae~• be ccon r.r~ : rVnetutsntty. inakpendentty axe sueccssivsis_ <br />l3a 5tscrrt~astt alai A,adraa !>lartrod2 Jain turd Bmrat T iabitatp2 C'apdatas, "9"txc cosenanis and .tgrccrtaents herein <br />corxaairasd shall hiatl, and the rights laemuradar ~~haa2 inure r:,, :nc rr,;x~,:rzs,c su~crxaat~s rand are.igns of l.enakr and Borrower, <br />subi~wt to the of paragraph 27 Irersaf. .it8 t,: ar: na :,n.i ,igreements cif Borrower xhalt be joint and seusral- <br />77te : ap[inrsc and headings cif tltc paragraphs nF this Mnrea:e ar<• far cemtvcnienre Doty' and are oat to Ise rued to <br />^raftrprtY err tletEee the ptarAST~xnb herttrf. <br />11. r,5bo1>~, Bxt for anp rtoCtte requ:rcd xtatdcr -;,; fec:,~+te 4av; to Ise ;even in athcr manner, ba) any natiec to <br />)err e,-+vor pro+•idEd fa,r i-n r!ri, Mottga8c +hali ht gr,-rn >,r n a:irnG r,.;' 'Yt,t_cc tiv ,.rrti$ed mail addres~d to 43armwer at <br />the Prr,{,erty Addtesa err at rush tahcr addrrr. nr Borr.,urt -nhr da,.~cnair },t ^~,>7+cc tax I_errder as prrwaded herein. and <br />{ht inp ruN~^c to 1.¢szt#er shalt fx puce uy 4rrt,fled rnyd :.,n~-, Ycr,rrt rcqutctc~, m i.xn:hers address axatod herein ar to <br />xxh other ;rddre,cs as t.emier may dc+~igaaN: tip' r -,;:z ~ , Firs r-•+. r: ,ti , ro, ided 'serctn, ~m rratiee prravic~d !or in that <br />lNi~r:ga~gc zhaii foe dxancd to hn~; l+an {tiv~ to ~+,rrowrr c~ i ,-nrlcr ,.hen r„~rn i, the manner designated herein. <br />!S- l`aa/sertttrattt~tgr; t;:nrssrdttR few: tir•sraarWitr. T*:~ : sn ,.f ns.~n{tayzf :.,mnhina tent{arm ; ~,.,ncnants Far natianal <br />flee arsQ rxm uniform txnenantr ,ritil lintitsd var:at,cuts by , r,sa,~ ,u r,-,, .<~,3s::r„to a uniform sccurrYy irtstrumen[ covering <br />taxi prr~.pttty. 'flxis',Miartga:gr ~.hai! he atn,•crrrrd M- the ',.,~a .'t +ha ~~-,n~,d,ct:nn ...~ which 4he Prtapeny :, tocatod. In the <br />gent shat am p+tavdsatm ,rr clauxe ,TMt thn .'Jto;?y~~gr +,r rh< ~<>te c„nrliu~. ~irh :.ppleca'ble ta+w, rush ;r,nfirit ,halt not affect <br />either ;x:*o,tua!!x xd thir Mrxrsgage or ahe Note ~+t,~ct .:rn iK ,, nin;} >;-ithotat the oo~p4lietang frovisian. and ~ta this <br />end the provisiw,rrsof the AtartRalpc and The tiauc att aa['.rrd to srr ~vcrahic <br />3lc., laaawwss"a C,~y, Bartsc»vcr x3tali r++: !.:fuaatrCd n a~aanfasrttrKd ~r•r~ r,t the 3tcstr. and of 9tt6s Mortttagt at ifrc time <br />ad cuscnrticat ar after r'RVarziatiYKr hersof. <br />f~- 7YaMl'H a[ Nle!'i'tt~CR1r2 ~ If all ar env part r,7 rhr Pmprny axe ~n interest therein xs sold ar transferred <br />by Horrtraer wrtltattt Larndara prRaar written :.,vaacnt. excitadtttg ~ .; ;hr rcarccx„ r=f a tun =x errcumtorant~ shataardinato to <br />this tMongage:. r'F,l nc~ cre>.tiar, of a purr^hax mm~ay we~ctn:,v ,^„rrctt leer +mschcid appinnzrct~, al a arane#or by dcvit~e. <br />dGtis'#nt or by aprrnripp cf I;w uprwxa tilt-death c,i ,. t<r,ni aeaeant or ~'. the t;•an, ;sf any iruretv+ld inrere# of three. years or Icsa <br />rtut canatatttg an <:ptioo to xwue3aaac. lsfadrr rnmy, at Ixestdtr's art>+eoa. da3atc mi+ tftc =_umb secured by ibis Mnrrgare to be <br />iaarnediately due and payatrlo, l.ttwdsr shat} haul: wa:rcd sttrlt r,ptwn an accciorate it, pr.rr to rho sale or t4anafcr. I.andox <br />and the Ixrsass to wlsom tax Prap~erryis as 3+e aalai nc tramcfsrra.-d reau.?'r agrtsm«at ire wn.ctag :krtat fire credit. cx# rush persart <br />is satesfaetesty to iertder astt'ithat t}re itscarest.payabk c`rr fire stems ucctsred by this MagC.. shad ae at such sate as. Ixnder <br />shxai reriutat. if,f,eadcr. ~hu+ rraib~ad else option ~ro atxcicrats provided in fifes paragraph 27, gad it Borrowers steccxasrrr in <br />integer: ha: carca;.arfsd awrittrn aasrmpzeaee ~n=. acrrpacd in r+~riting h5' tactrdtx,. R.andor shalt rokax Iharrawcr from at! <br />~Jaiigaaioasrrrxlerthta artdthcT*totr. <br />9` f,eoodra cacorciacs such opt~ort ro atxxrterate, I.endsr xltati mail Barraxaas notiese of acetieraaian in accordance with <br />paragraph ! 4 futt:ot. Such twtxc +isa3i Fravido. a petard of sxoa toss titan 3tl days Erwin the date the notice is maitod within <br />wta;:h Harr,~wsr mat pav the ',wing daclartd due. If Harrower fails tza pay 5t+4-le sums prior to ills eepiratisin nt such periled, <br />I.cct:kr rnay, wittsotct .ftrrthex no4ite tar deetaand gut Borrower„ invake any remedies permitted by paragraph I B Irrresvf. <br />Hart-IJ~tsro~t„t C,av9<se.:aa'rs: Borrtwrer and Ixnder fartlaet cavsnant a»d agree as fisilows. <br />1 {. Ac~rrlrwadaa 3ileasaWac B;at,e~rt ar, pem+rbEd lea ~ 17 laersof, wpen Barra'wrst's beracb of ary raresrant ar <br />ftgieettK~ at lswrra«a[ ~ wit 914ar~rrat., > ate. eavrsaata la pay wire. due gay amuas srcared by rttb Nforhptgr. <br />t.mrtls! pitar to artslertrdpodtl rialll watt; rr.tirc rn Aattsrcrsr as faravidtd t'a paragga~s 14 h+etsaf t~ecityiugt {f) tart breach2 <br />fx} tls actiaa rrM6rrl w rags atrch bssacL: i3! a deft, gat. gees ilaap 3A rl#y,c fraaa the drMe the aa4l+rt Oat raaikd to $arrowsr, <br />b)' ,+fieb saeM brraela art`N ix asu~rA; geed (33 tAal FtaYws to sett seek bneao! an ar befare rhr dwts xpcead to the aatk*e <br />may .garde as arsraa n£ t6r arras -rcarcd br tbds ~tortRttsc, farecioara~by )adtciaf paataedi~ anti safe ~ rhr P`trr)rertY- <br />I1re aatlc+t rtiaia faxtirn infost• 39ttrtaa+te ut for rilEM to rQi®aLtr after turd fhm riraht to award is the farabsnro <br />pxveaedkttg tars watt-cxbtewcr of a c!duwt n~c any otlxo drtfre of iiariwrrr to acc~rleaal~rts and fire. )1' ttWt 6roarls <br />Y awl erred rH1 ,at fat4arr '.lw d,Mt c~acaRr~ is aha ewxtace. L.sader at. l.eteder'.s .artless xew,y drr~re a$ ~ dkar nuauc srrrred by. <br />tfAa P~l+st~e to he aaa.esfaer)g d+sc asst taw)aMr ,+iatxeat fttrtl~a dwnaadarda~' darscfirne by +jadieiad gaceadtagt, i.sader <br />sfut&l bs +nebAsA w co~rct iw recd prueadird; adt xe=ea~tt of farrc)awere,' brae oat fitsd ta, eagle tsf dat°aartadary <br />:s,+4~:e. elwRr>oc-.b .vrsd title rtyaria. <br />t4. tiwr'ro~ers'e Rids fa l~arwb'reie. laaro-ir3saaxtG:;rg*ter't axt~4eratian erf The scum secured by this Mesrtga~ge, <br />$m!.zbrrrt e.~s,7ti trews 'hr rig3t.:: la hi•~rc ;tr.~. ,+,r r.-emir>~.. ~ ~~~r. ~. f a..cntiet tr,. rasa`tucs this !vlwa`~age siixca+»tiratscd a# any tzme <br />