} cc~is~~ti+ca~c~ s~cu~sxY
<br />[ T2-1I$ Aft2ItTGAUE is rtadeth~is::..... _ltt:......:..... .
<br />... dagof :..... Apxil ............... . .
<br />i9. - $Zhetween the ?4ic~r[gagar, - ~`~tte ~ ri.ta. astd .Pacx~? .:9oxii z, _htsaband . atad. xa.£e., each ist hfa
<br />ana iaer..cwpl. ~'liLiiL . ..aa . ~gotcgw . af. , .... t~eut "Fiortotver>,l, and. the Mortgagee. Name F~era!
<br />Savatge ~i I.ttan Aasociata~, a carpoxmtion organized:smd existing tinder the laws of Tate United Stales of
<br />A~~ica. whose addaea9 is 2`dI :Beath Louarst Street, Gtsad ialeatd, Nebraska llteerc'-n ..I.~nder.'i
<br />4Vt3a,~s, Horromer is iade~ated to Lender' in the principal snm of ...:F.Q~. ~BaU59~D. ADLQ :"~®;13.Gtt-r--~----
<br />.~ ".' ..... . ..:. . ... . . ...... . ... . .. . .......... . tats, which indebtednexs is evidenced by $orrotuer's note
<br />dated,: ; . _ .l?csT .tea : ~~$~:. , . { herrin "Noce'")> providing for motatitiv installments of principal and inrerest,
<br />witth the balasscs of the irt~btodtaress,rf not socmer paid, dtte and payabtc on.. , , ... .l r . ZillA... • .. - • • • .
<br />I'o $i~ctrttt to i.cttdcr {a) the re~syment x~f the indebtednesx evidenecd isy the 'dote, with interest thereon, the
<br />psymeat of alt ot#er stems. swish irrtersst thereon.. advancexf in acrordancc herewith tct protect the secatrity tsf this
<br />'4[or~•gaYac„ sari tYiie perttttmatx;.r c+f the 4~ove Hearts anti zgrcetnmts ot" Borrawcr herein contained, and.{b} the repayment
<br />oS ant° fuittr~e adxaatcrs, wiririrsxere t there+sn, made po I3oarower by Lender pursaattt to patagtap6 21 hereof (herein
<br />"Fttntrc f4titratnccs"), Rarrtswer does hereby mortgage. grant and c~otat~cp to Lender the following descr€bed property
<br />tocstwxi in tire' ~.. , ....... ktiALL .. . ............. . .......... .. State of Nebraska:
<br />~ tzact of lard .is Gwwr 8ttbdivision in the
<br />City of Grand laiaad, H,ltll Cotstty, hTsibsaaka
<br />deacriba~d sa fcilova: SegtaaiaC at the
<br />Soatiatnaat (SEij coa^ttwr of Lot lraeac~r-•s-tar. {26).
<br />tike rtas>ai.a~ northerly alwag and uga.tn the
<br />w.at Z3a,a o£ said Last for a distaazeee of
<br />tp^-Pi. Feat (2~' ~ to the Aetttal past oiF
<br />~!i , tberuee coatittui.ny~ ~lortherly for a
<br />tliatasrte asf llu~adred ~ighcewa at~d Four
<br />'Fre.chs Paust 14118.4') to the Soaatherly
<br />b 11aa of 2flth Strews. tts~tce
<br />Zraatwrl~r alota8 and ~~ t:hw SwtbwslY
<br />liotw-dsry llaaw of ~Oc: ~~rrwt for a dfstasea
<br />of S4.xe~-stx Feat: (66`) terarctt rtsmits;~
<br />Sontbesly xlem.~ and won t:ise l=east line of Lot
<br />3°+~+anty-StSC t2b) :or a d~.stece of d
<br />i»i~bt:eszt aced Z'tac :aghtc Peet (.tli.d'y cbttate
<br />~starl~+ for • diatancr of sist`y-S3~c ~`ae¢
<br />t,bt' 3 to t:tta ;.lance oif b+a;ittaLag.
<br />~' ~~~~
<br />geg. ~ t3eexts
<br />wh~h h~ cite arktretx t~_5~~: t.~:..... Grattd talaaxd
<br />;sls+i+a3 lcmr}
<br />:yahraattu ~'• _.....~(6trcirt"`Propcrty,~cidress"`t,
<br />a:~~e e,en ~aa 4[~9
<br />Ta:Erti`r_'tt with ~: Yt~c ialSjia,:~~e?iXtS~ ;~}~.a .,, her.ttyi: ,icixrl •: the itr.txtt~. :~r,.` art ~esemeasts, r'rgitts,.
<br />~i p~1.ftC76tiC4i~:~, ictlt3-, YQpai tiGY, trtst.++:.tsi, earl ~s7ct j,_.'u ri~~at.~ a:x3 ;`rota, vs fltYr", YVAls i' 'iLRtS, :... ~ W87Cr strick, s~ttd Ott
<br />57C3ts?°c:_ rxrav sn h,~~rr'afCea ai.lat:~~hac! u: t#tt p, crYy~r!v, -sit ~y wbtrris, .,~::iodi~ty r%g,im.~: ma:mx anti A .;c~~.r~w Eh ~et+~„Chrtjl
<br />;txraax..i to 1m sew: rrrnai~n ~ part isl 1fic i+r,~~tcr~ cca~cn:a tij~ rhis '~9i~r±r•a~, ar d ~(i , ;h~ f„ri- ~.-ri~„ tsrgethcr +vo:h 5aui
<br />r :.~garrtq E.::~¢ t31m.' ttate?ea;+t+l est~tt,c ;i ihla ~+~t-t,~3~c ~5 ..~ a #easc~:c:rd t e:rc hPrrin ac::~r*::d ;o d~ 2ht "PI~A(tetty.,
<br />13uece-r~~s-r ea.,:.7a,tsts'.}.tw: 1~rr..;un~r c ~~v.~feify ;r.,sc,l ~,: ttte .:,ate h:rc;tti wvnva:yed and lass the rgttx iomortgagc..
<br />~rxsrt :ttxi c-{~-~~cvrr t;c F'n~t:y. 'hat ;hc 1`r<.t~,;rr. i :xrcu:r xrs*i, a:~~$ ;inat £lttrirawrr will warrtattt aatd defend
<br />g'•-Pq .7 iTr,y .gat. tr:)r Ir? ,.~,. y'Krtar, ftt' A,7~t. ;: v.il .-sltns :S:+d ci,;nsr,c's:. !.~~t7~cc:s '.., ~R} :GtCClB~rax2~6'~, C3Seittenl~ x)t rat€iCt'!#Rn3
<br />Fxi..~ ~ n a«.hctit.tst-. ~~: ex„r~~tnxrrf r.a ...-.zr,~. ,~ s.r~~ , x~ >rr:rra., .. r.:,:~p taztzriirg t..err;a SXttvreS't iaa the Farzrperty.
<br />°° - ~ ., f+IAMtF1~tK v1pdM Rf~ktiA4BaLi
<br />