<br />~2- i}12$4
<br />JIiDITH A. LIdEHR and LOYD A. LIIEFIR, wife and husband, GRANTORS, in con-
<br />CENTS ($6,346.65) received from GRANTEE&, grant, bargain, sell., convey and..
<br />conf izm ~~nto wILEVR 3. ~3C CIMBER and BERNADINE M. SIC CCiMBER, husband and
<br />wife, as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, GRANTEES, the follow-
<br />ing described real property tas defined in Section 76-201 of the Revised
<br />Statutes of Nebraska, 1943) in Lull County, Nebraska;
<br />A tract. of land canprasing a part of the Southeast Quarter fSE~t) of
<br />Section Thirty {30), Township Ten {i0) North., Range Eleven {li) +dest
<br />of the 6th P.M. in 'riall County, Nebraska, z~ore particularly described
<br />as follows:
<br />Beginning at a print on the-South line of said Southeast Quarter
<br />{SEA'), said point being Forty {40.0} Feet 'nest of the Southeast
<br />oorner of sa%d Southeast Quarter (SEC}, also being a paint on the
<br />westerly right-of-way line of the county road; thence northerly
<br />parallel to the East Line of said Southeast Quarter {SE~i), and along
<br />said tight-af-way lire, a distance of One Thousand Three Hundred
<br />Nineteen and FoDrteen Hundredths {1,319.14} Feet:. running thence
<br />westerly perpendicular to the East line of said Southeast Quarter
<br />{-SEA } a distance of Three Hundred Sty-Five t 365....0) Feet: thence
<br />spuY2serIy ~rarallel to the east lane oaf said Southeast ,quarter {SE?~)
<br />a distance of Oxae Ttrausand Td*.ree -iu:a3re~3 ilewea end '~wessty-Fiz*e
<br />2{ttsaadredtlas {1,311.25} Feet to tt;e ~:outh Sine oaf said Southeast
<br />{;Lsiarter {5E~t); *_hence easterl}~ ale"4 the South line of said Southeast
<br />trier {SEA) a distance •~f ihre~: unrtred sixty-Five (355.0) Feet tv
<br />the p3ace of beginning and a:onta:::1r..; : ».;~20 acres, rsc.~re or less,
<br />exceptizag therefrom fl) a tract ~_ :an~i ::onve)red to Wilbur J. McCumber
<br />a:~d Bernadine ~s. ~•c:u:a:er, hust+ar..: z:;~3 wise. ads ~raint tenants and.
<br />net as tenants .n ec~ruon, c:ont.aa-::.r: , ....&08 Acres, ~txre car less, by
<br />~tarraaty DOed f'sled Uf record :..c ne :.`.1Ce of the i~eg2Ster of 1}eed$
<br />ca# =isdl cour-ty, tdebraraka, ~an ~eFiCe'~ttir*x 3, 195, recorded in 3ook 152
<br />€sf iaecdffi, at pie 49, and { 2) a tr set ,- land ~cansisting of a varying
<br />wa~dtts strip ad jacent. to thr; y cad ~ r:,nt-of-wsy along the East side a£
<br />t ~out~°aeast ;quarter C5E'~) ~._ 'e~ct~~:n ^?:rty { ~0} cantaanz:zg .18
<br />Acre,. re~re or .less, Heeds tc~ t~~e Cv~as~ty~ of Hall, State, ref tebraska,
<br />'->~ ~~uit ~:laisa Deed dated Nay 19, ' 959, recorded. in the Office. of the
<br />~ey:ster. of Ue:c~is caf Hall tiounty, :~ezsrsska. in Hoflk 128 cf Deeds, at
<br />;gage _' + .
<br />TCi ti.'4iS. AED `1`t) Htl£.U the {~risee, together with sill tenerarents,
<br />here+dltasaeutsq aa~d aplzurtenaraces ti2ereto belony,tng, unto GRANTEES as joint
<br />tend;xtt s.
<br />!1RA.tia"3R5 cc;~~c~r;art ~~tt. GF;+:w:;€;S that t1) GRANTOR51 ,are lawfully :seised
<br />of the rrea+ises i=) tr» ..rc~r~.seer .are free from encumbrance; Q3) the
<br />~Sr1CI~.1 tSC3 sre _'on•/+e•y~d yUb.;c~.L to ~OSr~fiSn"~Sa ~Ondlt~.anBl., ZirstC2Ctlfin8r
<br />resuzvatxvres xr~. ~.ae~emr;;r.ts :~t .c:c;ox?d, if any, and all applicable zoning
<br />Laws> rulers, :e•~uia~k~..ns red srdinancess {4) GRRzN2ORS have good right and
<br />:awY~si autnnri:y ~:o convey the preeaise~s; and {53 GRANTORS warrant and will
<br />defend r_izN cztle ".o the premises against the lawful claims tsf all persons
<br />xt~otmspeve r .
<br />This c~eec is executed axnd ils~d for correcting the description cif the
<br />real estate. z: tare Joint "ena~cy ~lacrranty 73eei3 filed of record in the
<br />[~Efrce ,mss thr~ ;,e,xsrer {~~: L~ce:~s «f 3a11 ~:ountyr !Tebraska, on February 5,
<br />{982, revord?~3 as titxetaments82-0004SS.
<br />Oa.tez3` t~:arch ^:r' 192_
<br />1,/Jd~~i~ A" ~'ue31r)
<br />
<br />a`£~~'?~ Y.tiE$it.jSlK24~;, L"{)t2NT",~ CdE t3AY.3::
<br />i"hr oscgsizg instr+snt s!rarc acs r,~wzdged beftrre rz~ ;~xs~»±~~ ~/ t''~
<br />1.9il,;:, ,ate°c:: ~, uuehr and Lvptz .1, LLYi~r, wife and hnxsband, GRAB`t~£t~.
<br />y~
<br />~. •axna+-ias a r»tr s..i,
<br />