<br />$~--t101 ~ "75i
<br />Leader', written agrettnant ar'applicable law. Borrower shall pay the-amotmt of alt mortgage insurance premiums. iq the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Lexitier pursuant to- this. paragrsph. 7, with interest thereon, shall became addatiohal
<br />indebtedness aF Barrttwcr sccu:ed..by this Mor$gage; Unless BorrowerandLetider agrretoathertetms ofpaymrnt, such
<br />amour,ta shall be payable upon notice from:Lender to:Bomawer requesting paymenx thereof, atidshall beaz in;erect from: the
<br />date of disbursentcnf at the rate payable from Elms to time on antstandmg:principal under the t3ote unless pagmearof
<br />interest at auch rate would be contrary to applicable.iaw; inwliieh evenk suchamounts shallbear interest atthehighest rate.
<br />permanbk under applicable law: 2`loxhing contained '[n this pacagsap6 7 shall require Lenrkr to incur any expense or take
<br />any ectiort hcrtumder.'.. :
<br />6. iatE~ectfoe. Latidcr may make or cause so bt made reasonable enxries neon and inspections of the Property, provided.
<br />tha[Leader sha€3 give.Borroweza[oticeprigrtoany xuchinspectign specifying reaaonablecattse:tbemfor related to :Lender's
<br />interest in ttteProperty:
<br />9. Cam. The proceeds of a[ty award or claim for damages, direct or consequential. in ectnneMion with any
<br />conderttnation nr attest taking of the Prope[ty. or 1~rt thereof, ar farcr;nveyance m liraof condemnation; are'hereby assigned
<br />and shall hr paid to I.etttkr.
<br />fn the everrt of a tgtal raking of the Prapem, the proceeds shall be applied ka the sums setuted by this Mortgage,
<br />with eleit ea[aesa. if anti, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property; tiniest Borrower and Leader
<br />otharwr[c agree in writing, their shalt ix applied io the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion: of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to thee proportxin which the. amaunt o€ the .sssms secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the: date of
<br />taking bears to the fair marker value of xhe Property immediatciy prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the pnctceeds
<br />paid ro Borrotvcr.
<br />if rite Property is abandonsd by Borrower, ar if. after natice by l:rnder to Barrawcr that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an awat+d ors~ttit a r3aim for damages. Saaxrazer fails tq respond to Lu\der w'sthin 30 days after the. date sixclt notice it
<br />mailed. Lender is attfiittd to calks and ai'Fly the proceeda at I:endrr's gption, either m restoration qr repair of the
<br />Properr•v ne to xhc slims srcitrai liy this Mart;ag~.
<br />to Ipis f,endar aad 8arravrcr othetwisr agrrx in writing, any such applicatian of ptncttedt to priktcipal shall not extend-
<br />. or` patilootx the dtx date of the tnottth#y insrallmrnis rrfemd zo in paragraphs 1 and ? heeraf or change the amcwnt of
<br />tracts ant tailmettis.
<br />I~., =ar*ew+er Nat Rt~aaed Extrnaion of tht time for payment ar madaficauon of amartixarion of the sums sxitred
<br />by this Martgage granaed by Lcitder xa am tta,^.cesux in imerest of Bgtrtsstrr shall oat operate to release, in any manner,
<br />rt\c liability ofthe axiginal $otrower and Boiratitwrr's sttccrssors in nirreas, l.rnder shat] nex !+r required tacommener
<br />prc,ceedint[s agaitntt. stt~eh.:twecetsor m trftsr to extend tierce for payment ur arherwisr modify amartizatian of thezums
<br />sa;,urrd tn' [Iti< Mcmgsgr by rea!tas of any demand mark tsr tits griginal Borrower and Borrowers succcstktrs in intcxesr:
<br />1 t. FsrfrMrance -g iawier tYot a Wadvrr .4n} farbearanct Icy l ender in esercising any right or remedy hereunekr; ar
<br />cnhea^ai\e afitardorl by apptkalak law, strait nox tx a waiver of nr pretlsutr tltc eRercise rf any. such right ar rettterty.
<br />Tix pmcurrtrtent of imttrmce m ells payment ni , tset ter ether terns ar charges t+y t_mder shall ntrt l+e a waiver of Lender's
<br />tigTtt u7 xcelersrt the. ntiararlty aaf the intkhtedm~. ~•eritacd by this '.Narxgage.
<br />12 CaetorlaA~e. All renxdtrs rrn.:prd :n chit Mortgage are distinct atttf cumulative xa arty attarr right.. ar
<br />rrirKdy under rfin Martgsgt ar aAordcd he la+...,r eau+:~. and may he ctrrcisrd concurtrntly. itukpetsdatitly ar artccessively:
<br />13. Snccc+Mrs a~i AtsUota /Isutt/: loirrt aad ~rvrral t.ialtAkly; Cst~iotas. Iltt cavrnanza and. algtremente herein
<br />oiantautrd shall hirxd, and ther:gh[a hctc„ndcr }hall ,nvrc ic., t'sr mptrtivt ~zu.-~ccs~tr+rs and atSigm +?f l.rrtdcr and Borrower,
<br />wbicct to [fit pre+iaicxt\ of paragraph ;' bereol .411 "rvcnanis and agt,rrrtxtnts of Borrrwer ahal2 hr joant acrd Several.
<br />'fhc castavx an.7 h-aafings ci3 the paraQraph~ ,+7 ,1n \]r+rlFage are f,~r convrnitnoc only and arc not to he used to
<br />:nttrpret cx dtfine t1+r provesi;.na hereof.
<br />t1. ~+akr. Fxrcpr fnr an7 not,cc raatucrcd under arpii,ahir few rr, t+r givut in another manna, 1al any notice !o
<br />Hortc.wtr' pmv.aled fnr in thu tfcrtgxgc shall }x• gran h, ma~lirtE• uoch r~ticr he rrrti inailaddrt+aNtd tcr.8cm'ow+erat
<br />tht 1'rorert}• Add[•rvn cr a[ rotx-h txhcr eddrr.+ ac El;vr,+ucr ma\ dr.~knatr, l+v n .fiYC ds+ T trader as provided herrrn, and
<br />{h1 xny ttcrttcr to Lcnuttr shalt he Ftvrn h•, trn+futi marl. rcit;rn inr~r+t rrqunatd. to 1_eocftts~~. add^eta stated. htrcin ix to
<br />:ucb whu address at Iznatar e'na+ ae~rna[t '~,. non; c :r Atvrr++.rr as pr++~+ded herein- ,1,nt' notice pravidul for in ibis
<br />,~Ork;yj,e ~hxli hC ew.etrftd [U 7,~<c 1.ter: I; n~c:l 1n ~rrna Cr ~.~r I tRdca Htv~n i!rvc`n in Ihq tllanVtlCf t~."tI1$C9atG~.lYCrrln:
<br />76, L'w{tsrtw Mregpr~r: (:urrraYr~ l.a..: 4..ta#~:ty. 1?:,. +<,+m „t rnnrlFnFr ~:,rnt>inrt uniform ravrnantt far natinnai
<br />~ff6 atul MH1-tAmforrn ~:JvCnantc wYt?, limetrJ canatum: ht ,: rn.7,a trm h'~ ~nnsl tt Utc a gintfarrzt Sexufl[y inatrnfdYeitt eaveriTl~
<br />~ pr+>'pcrr>~ Tlvn \is+h~agr sa+ai! 1x r.+•>~cn,eS ts~ v~ Ia» .+f ~'+t` ~,.n.,1:.t,~,n :~: whrcn the ptcaptrty dx l~oc:aked. In 4ht
<br />,Cwlnt that an} pnevi~tion r,r ctaar~:~ ~+I :hr, Ate atgate .,::hc '., n[t :., n:Twt. utth .,pptiCat•dt taw, ttzcit crmAiet e#+all no! affect
<br />tMhu g~nvntaR\ id th+, !stx•utxa~e ,-a :hr 4'„tc µhr.h .:a:r hr given rfte~! ,.i:hx+t~t the confliieifng pravitaEn. and to this
<br />end rtes {*rmrsrt+reS ~+i •~hr Mc+rtgagc and tree ~~at ,arc :3~rciar'j r\+ t+c `:cv€rah{e..
<br />lf. 1eRrnwslf t'Mr. Rnrfr.>•.cr .halt t+r it~rn ~.hc.i a ..+n€~ixxtrsed ;~T+v of the tiatr and rtf thix lultxtgagt at. ihr time
<br />,>{ eRtcul\nn or alrer rrcxdati.~n hrrrrf.
<br />i9. Trata~er d the lt.*.artt: AavisPtiow. Ii ali ,+r anti part ,•i ;he Pmtrertt tx an irkirtrat Ehrrcin is sold ter iransfrrred
<br />YfY' B\'1ry'c)NYr alt t9Mr! t.XrSdtf ~\ pr~~u~r +A r4ti r+? „+(1'..'n I. fii'udin M+ `,ri '..'ft ~:rCwtt,~n i,f a ;iCii 4kr d'+n4'tltnb[aflCt :'4Ai~61'Tji.natr x0
<br />Stew Drli~ttgaye. Iht rtes crratstn :+f a parGhane snonra ~-art[ ,ntrrtu foI hot,nehoid a~raTCAS, tr) a x1'a119frr by devise.
<br />6cwenr ur h} tq+erarlmtut law u~+vAn [M :~a[h c,1 ~ iorna tcnan[ ,v iu i ins gram of an} Icen:hofd irttrteei u# three years ar ks'K
<br />- :xu crntaia,nx an ,rptscm [n l+urtihsxe, 1-crier ma}. at I.enc:rr~~, .,p[~<r. ;.a. i., ?+ the .ur.,s seCStrEd by tttisMttMga¢e to be
<br />,mme6rasriy due and pavaYia. L curter chill !-.ate ~+aivrd w,th e-pn~3n r ~ a~ceicrxtc ~: ;nri,~r [a the vaio or trader, Lrndet
<br />and t)+e {*r'r~'^ en u~h_cvn the Pmpt:vc- ac t., he wid :v tran..terred rxach agrocment +n anur-g thak :he credit oi'.ttsch person
<br />.w sat~d~actury tr. t-ereentt acrd that ihr in[ercvi nntahir an xfx y.,m+. ,3-iured h~ [hi. 3{t~rri~a~~ sha;i he a~ attcb rate a5 l.ertder
<br />.shad) reyue><c f€ lrruler tear ~atva~ tax nphc~n fa ~:crl€raic proc,ded rn rho paragraph ;" and it }3nrrowcr't sttccassxtt in
<br />,arera+t has tzrtiulccl a .rsrtn anumn,.on a~r<ttOtrnt acceptaf in a.r:f.nfi try i,raxkr, {.ender ~hatli rekaar Barrnwrr from ail
<br />oMr6at+ca+a on:aer tlts\ Mt~rt Fair ar>,d t+e tiaic.
<br />'it t-ender c\erdrscs cu~h %ep[ram u• ac~rttrate„ Ixndertha!t mall Barroa\+rr [lacier. of acc~:lrraiian in aceotxlanctwith
<br />iwagrophi4 *c:ca•f. S:v;h n~Me .hail I+r e~~,de a ptruxl a f ran+ le • ,teen 3ffdaya frs+rn the s~atictlsc notice is mailed within.
<br />ahteh 9nrrrvrer :nag a. the wu-cm dec;.ercd d~.nc l* Ro:., er. ~,;:_:, 'o pay such <tsarts prior to the expiration of suuch peeled,
<br />I..er.:fer ma}. uttt\tuu f;erther rf,,xc ~:_* ..'r_marxla=, ti4rrr,:w'cr..n.:,ir :+^~ retnrdi~ pcrmirtcd. b)~ paragraph 3$ hereof.
<br />tit~.Umruaae S'nvtxtvt+. !h?rn?'rcr aixl lrnCtr fur.htr.=•+crtanf ~nlrf a~ru as #'ttlttWB.
<br />3t. .Acre3eratiar: ilerneilea. Fsrrrpt a. provided ~ paragraph. t'7 heraot', ulraa 8orr»aker"a braarla of retry. eova~t ar
<br />aanr>arta e/ 1arm+rer la iii\ ~#3r, iwciat)iwg tie rovvrwurts ro. pay whte der. any aoota serurrd by ~fhls ;4for#~rtge.
<br />I,erOttr prMr N rttteieraKarr r,hall twill twtice rn liMrorrrttats pmvhdrd lap~itt6nph.1llrercaf,igct#Yia6c t9j tltebrtach:
<br />4T) :/te arrMw re»oirrt /o con aech 6naeh: [3? > ett:e. roll brat Chad 3tt t#sya #aom the date true ewYl4x ,is mailed to Borrower.
<br />ti +.YArh tech bead awtaa ht! crrrlt aaad ti11 2(urt faiHrct to cmrtxnrh BrYACh twr. or hef'arr.$laxr date spircifiaM.lu therrotfce.
<br />ttaayr revels hr acrsatrastieo of tie sutwv wv~wrc•t6 by thh *lurtRntpe,,.#arac~k+sarndry,l{rdicial prrrtetxl€t~ sad aakof theProperty.
<br />71e tuat€ca +iaY farther itdtxrw iarran\tr uT the rirti-t to rrimta{c af3et aeeteler'xtira at\d tttr right to arcs{ in ftxt fotrerlwiarc
<br />pnraed.trg gee sever-~ex~krerre of a defsrH ~.r aa. ether Aefea~eof Brrcv~w.vorto aKCeierstk+n atwl:fm+rrctoacure; If tbebrear'~h
<br />art tat rwtJ age ur i,iv[w: rht rtwu sprrdFed in [hc trvticc, (,endcret Ltniter'.s t~iaur tgay. drttare alt of the xnnty seccnared h)•
<br />cAk \Ewtigagle tan are iwttteediatet~ dsr ttad prrahic .•ethotst tanner rattwawd trod rnag torcgktax tsyItaliChrl pmrccd:rgr.- header
<br />r1m4 br eaakMral M c-aatre'. 'tr roch proreeAiaq a8 rapetbaex ,>i fureclacurt, iacladtrag„:lvra{ »ut Utrt3sed to. cos4a of ddtstmrutarv
<br />vv:{dasce. aEettaeb and tXk raynrrt-.
<br />r~. iRrswt~c ii~ii to itriwpafe. 'ti <,<µrtinr>rud,~g £.crzr~r' _ .: sic-ht ..>• .>f t}iC ;urn.§ c ere•+, n. ''-hta :•rizxr!$x~,
<br />_ P=~.rrvwcs ~a1, hay-e, eFye rr~n: •,~t h,.c zny e,~oc cdrrs ~rgu~n hY '-. ~~.~ des e~ :. r. roc th~kx 7~irrrs€~s;e - ~n=-~„ru4 rsx nny :lure
<br />