L'':~C~ 2rr ..^eCii: c? rR ... -.. ...„:.:... ~... ~~.......... Ei ..............:........... U~C1UB~n .. ........ 1'k~.
<br />i'.nu : ~C:.i C?c%? lII }.f:C I!aLd SICCO: c: ... ..:.:..:.. ......:.., Paga .,.' ...:.........:........:...
<br />.... ............. .... ........... ........... . .... .. .....::. ~4 .:.-..:.. .........
<br />.egis;a: c: i)eecis e'~epYiiy l.e~seer of Deeds
<br />SUr".~tT~TdRSH~'" ~'ARAIVTY i:3~ET~>
<br />~2-- s~ai~~~.
<br />Carr R. Hagan and,[leborah J. Hagan, fluSband dnd'Wife~ereSa calPed °ihe s~reaa*.ar whether ane ac moze,:
<br />.- ;a~:-;.::;an of Ninety.-five thousand.. da13ar5 and 00/00 cants {95,OOO.f~fl}
<br />~-,.^ez. cc t:uv ,;raaiees,;Hoes granf, barsain, sePP c'oucey epd confirm untbSt2Y2tl D. Mi~j6YitZ,dnd
<br />Pamela K. Mi71n9tz, Husband artd Wife
<br />ns joiyi ie:trtets w3ia ri~,h: afaa,rvir.wrshi., ;:i~,1 aa~ rs :~nants in comr,~ci:, ,i:e`aPihas•ing desrsted real
<br />aruperiy ib .~itC~T1.t~...~.Sj~dTE~s.~.~d.~ ~.,, ..,,,...,. ~';~u~i ~ciiraska;
<br />l.ot Eighteen (i8~ in Boc3c Four {q) in Brentwood SubdiYision in the city of Grand 'Island,
<br />HaT1 County:, l9ebraska
<br />~s~ ur~~nra~r.
<br />AP~a ~r~x
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<br />9ruu e;~p!:r;sari~co~ aJ:rraio b:i~::~;>>,; vnia tbu ,+r~ioii:~~~Y aszs~d tea t3aeir~aa~, ;Ar to :?ri '.iei~ az~~l .:.~,cgns
<br />~~, _b;C 6U1'Y I~~Qi; .;iCJtS fuFi'~1"_
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<br />c:icumbran~.t f'KCC~~t11~g eaSC~lent5 dnd rBSLriCLyOtPS Of ree0rd
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<br />.,. t_~_ „_ .-:.~. , aria: i,c;'rLo thr_t .a _Y~o ..+ri.. ~ ., u: ~.cHia ;tt:~•r at ;s#,~ ~rxnP~Ce#t.,
<br />:'u .:L~~,- _ ... ,. iJ~;. _~. ;,~~_~..~r;,~~ °.it~~~ .;~.., ;o: +i~v :,ur 'i: ..star. -
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<br />P/ebraska ,ou.,~y Hall
<br />• Beiorc -ce, a ~...ts~: s ~,il,;.. <,il3if~c3 for ~as~ ~~u~atY. ?,:raacsaPy tat~ie Card ft« Hagan and
<br />DE~¢rah J. Hagan. Husband and Nife
<br />&- #u i~ttt~ 4t~te n r <c~u Aye a;, F w't~+ s ~r ;. 'nrego3z ~c,,:•, s,e~.r ~tn~' ae3~~a;;. !gin-4_ i
<br />.•3' eEJl .E, UL' it :.., f .~4Lil Y.)?:lII1.tr!' ..., ,. P371, u8t
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