-: _ _
<br />82~"Q1263
<br />REAI. ESTATE MOR`T`GAGE -Nebraska
<br />• T` Baran and 3aT BQ,.~n h ~snd and ~n3'e
<br />( 1:StiOW ALI. '.KEN BY THESE PIZI'~SEN"CS:'ChaG ~7_QfiCDt? F? ~'A~• hereinafter
<br />called mortgagor; of Rs» ~ County, and State of Nebraska. m consideration
<br />of the sum of T]E~g° 4c.nd SIS=Hundred Tvelve & 7n hand paid, do "heieby grant, bargain.
<br />Umoant Fiesrs+ced)' ~'1l ~tw A1~S
<br />:~11, and convey unto IYIaI Finance Company: of Nebraska _„_ ~ hereinat3,er called mortgagee,
<br />_ of -__- 3d11. ,~. County,. estate of Nebraska the following described real estate situated
<br />it __ if 71 County, and State of Nebraska, to-west
<br />the 2iarth ~';fty-txo £5Z2 reet o< Lot roar £4~, Block Eight £8)
<br />Packer sad &arr's Add:tioa to the City of Grand Island, Ha31 fatally,
<br />PTebraska
<br />together with all. the tenements, he: editamenta and. appurtenances to the same belonging, and all the estate, title,
<br />dower, right oC liameatrad, chime and demands whatsoever of the said ;tiiortgagor, in or to said premises or any part
<br />therea# and BAort~agor does hereby covenant that said ialortgagar is lawfully seized of said premises that said premises
<br />are free Crow all trans and e:tcumbraaces except as otherwisenated herein, and that ?vortgagor will `warrant and defend
<br />the title to said premises against the claims and demands of ail persons whnmsaever_
<br />TQ HAVE ANA TO HOLD unto ilia said mortgagee; provided always, and these presents sre oiChthe3 ~xpress
<br />conduinn that if ilia .said mortgagor shall pay in full to said mortgagee a pmmiseory note dated __
<br />19.$x. for g~$~i{ tY3 payable in instalments according to the :.`rms thereof; the final instalment
<br />of which is dtre on *~*_ ~+ ~_._~ 19_$'~ whtclr includes interest at the rate of 24~'r per year on that
<br />part of the ~ princtpal balance not in excess of 52:17(10, and 23~ per year an an}• remainder of.such unpaid pritrci-
<br />pal balance ! rnantlily rate shall 6e ane-twelfth of the year$• rate), and shall pay all taxes and assessments ievred
<br />upon: said:real estate, bet'ore the. same bemmes delinquent., then these presents to be void, othemise to be and remain
<br />in Cull force.
<br />IT 15 FUI2TNER AGREEoD that a failure to~pay any of said money, either principal or interest, when the same
<br />became due. or s failure to comply with any of ilea foregoing agreements, shall cause the whole sum of money herein
<br />secured to bearme dtze and collectsble at osrcc at tke option of the mortgagee.
<br />NOTICE TO CONSUMER: I. I?o not sirgnn this pa r before you read it. 1. You are entitled to a
<br />copy at this p~petr. S. You may rtpay the unpaid balance at any time wit6aut penalty and may ;
<br />hie-entitled W receive a refund of unearned charges in aecondttnce with:law.
<br />Signed tlxts ._1~....-. _.~ dayof.__%~~h ..__ __..---. A.D. 19 ~'2 -
<br />STATE QF Nebraska J~~~-_"'~F'__-----_-_a_._~___._.__
<br />sa. ,
<br />__ ~$~_ ....,.__ ° County ;, }.'--~?•~-.._. ar-.._ .....
<br />{ t}n thfs ~t _. dpy of ;~~$ .... . ._, A.I)., 14_ ~Z.._., l~t;~re me, tho undersalmed a Nr>lary Public, duly..
<br />commisdionCd and qualitod fns and residing in said county. liersanail~ camr JOdeph R,_..13@r3i1 and__,_Barbnt'at
<br />L.,_~xran to me known La be the identical prr,,n3 whose namee ~'~ffixc~d to the foregoing:
<br />_ _
<br />instrument a3t tnartgagor _~ _.:..__~_.__ -_. _ ___.. and acknowledged the came to be __thegr.k.: _ _ _...____. volun-
<br />tary act and dead.: fNEMIMrMr..parrrAw~r
<br />Witness :ny hand and:`datarial Seal'the day and year last abs~ve written, f~ t~/ty K, ~y
<br />~it Ny Commtsainn exprreathe._..___._'~~.~.._- day ,.,,,(,./ v- ~ b.-rMn.t~M
<br />r,. of _ _ _i '..~.1.G.t~._._..__-____ _.- 29._ .~;... _ ..._Lr._~`..~~~liz~-..1 _... _ ._. _± „.M r_
<br />P;, - - -
<br />r. 'rotary Public
<br />STATE t?P .~.~._.....__.,_,~_- ._..._.__,__ i
<br />t ss.
<br />_ _____..:.~.._ County.. i
<br />x Entered in IVurrrericalIndex and. filed for rewrd in. the ofl`ice. of the 2tegister of Deeds of said county, the _.___.:_._._.
<br />~ day ~f i9__.--_, at _r..__-, o`clock and __.___-~__. .._...__
<br />minuus ~ -. --_ ~- ?rt-, and. duly recoriledin Boak..-s_.____-__-.-_. af.:--,---- _ _.,..
<br />_ -._
<br />'dottg:;he, page. -_.. ~.~_._.__~___ .._._.;-._~_~.-_~....____._-` --.---_.-____._..
<br />Register uP' Ueedti
<br />sat ~z yr
<br />_._ a..__.__ __ . .,~__. .__.__- _..____.__ __.__
<br />Deguty
<br />
<br />