<br />82-1)01262
<br />1tEAL ESTATE MORTGAGE -Nebraska. and Wife
<br />ITT(?W ALL x~#EN.BY'PHESE PRESENTS: That.ISarv--c=-f'=--Y'~d band- . hereinafter
<br />c~lied mortgagor. of FIn'la County,: and State of-Nebraska, in consideration
<br />~f' t}:+~ sum of 54'~$7.1~ DOLLARS in hand paid; do hereby' grant, bargain..
<br />tAaw~mt Findnam''r
<br />a:]!, end convey unto Dial Finance Company of ~hra~?~= ~ `. hereina#tor>ealled mortgagee,
<br />of ~'vi l _ County, State of Nebraska the following described real estate situated
<br />in ~ nT $ County, and State of tiebra aka, to-wit:
<br />Iat one thirty nine (139) mast Lawn Addition to the City of Grand island,
<br />fia.12 County, Nataraska
<br />together- with. all the tenements, hereditameats and .appurtenances to the same i5eionging. and all the estate, title,
<br />dower; :right of homestead: claims ant! demands whatsoever of the said 4fort{ragor, in or to said premises-or any 1~t ,
<br />tlheretxf; ami Mortgagor daea hereby co aenant 4hat said ,Ltartgagor is lawfully aeued of said premises; thatsaid premises
<br />are free-from all ]icon and'encumbrances except as otherwise noted herein, and that 1:artgagor will warrant and defend'
<br />the title to said premise against the claims and demands of all peesons whomsoever.
<br />TO HALE AIND TO HOLD unto the said mortgagee; pravided always, and these presents are upon the express
<br />eandation that if the said mortgagor shall pay in full to said mortgagee a promissory noes. dated ~P*~ l '1,
<br />I9$;~ .for ra_'Z$~r(1Q._..~-~_ payable in insta}mentc according to the terms thereof;: the finalinsta3ment
<br />of whsch is clue nn ..~ P,r.__~.~ , 13_..$(x.._ whsch includes interest. at the. rate of '24'~ per year on that
<br />part of the unpaid principa~Yance not m excess. of ^~I,000; and '23~ per year on any remainder of such unpaid prinei-
<br />Rai balance ~ the monthly rate shall be one-twelfth of the ceariy rate), and shall pay all taxes and assessments tevted
<br />r.pon said real estate, before the same becomes delinquent, then these presents to tie void„ otherwise to be and remain
<br />sn fail forre_
<br />TT "sS lit3RTF{ER AGREED that a failure to pay any of staid money, either principal ar interest, when Che same
<br />become duo„ ar a faikure io comply wath any a€ the foregoing agreements, shall cause the whole sum of money herein
<br />sa+twred'to trrcome due and ccs3lecti~le at once at the option of the martga~ea.
<br />NOTICE TO CONSUMER: }. Do not sign-this pa r before you read it 2. You are entitled to a:
<br />~Py of this paper. 3. You may prepay the unpaid balatnce at any time wiWout penalty and may:
<br />be entitled to recervc a refund a unearned charges in accordance with taw.
<br />Si}tncd this _~3#____._.~ day of'_.-.~8r1$.__ ____.. A.I7. 19. t~2__. r~ ~~ . .
<br />STATE OF `.Nebraska ~--~,~,t~~~ ~ ,_..__~i~~~!~~r~ .___~.______
<br />Ha4i3 s;: l s „_
<br />f?n this ._~._..__.._ day aC _ -6S~'$1._.. _..._, ,1.T) , 13. ~~,.._. ix tare me, the undersit*ned a Notary Putiiic, duly.
<br />cammirasixtncad and: qualified far and reaidanQ in card county., petru~oally came i3azyi_.L~_andW~eas•1 R. Smith,
<br />~LLS~,._~r,. ~l~S'~._.___ trs me known to be the tdrntieai ;>Rrrsona whosr name:~$iffixed to the foregoing...
<br />exit as mortgagor$,:_,_.._.~..._... _ _ ,.__._., and acknawlydgcd the game eo ue ..t~13'__._,_. ___--~..~.,. vo1un.
<br />tarvact snddeed:
<br />bb"ttncae my rand and 'wocacnaa Seat thr daF vnd wens last. aba~+r arrittvn e~E~ ~~-#ix.r #rm~
<br />r KATFiIEEN K tiN„t.
<br />llv Comnnuno
<br />. n exptra+s the fir. ,,. day ~~ ~ ~. t~onrn.EaµA6nda1,1M#
<br />tio~Rarv Yubiu
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<br />~ ._ _uv :;County
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<br />~:n3ca~d sn Nun'n*.ncul Irides a.ad tiled far rtv:[uaf in the office of the FtegiRter of I7eeda ofsaid county, tihe._.~._.__.~_.._
<br />- day of ,__..~...._..__. _~_._ ._._... _.._..__,__ . _ _.. _.__.__. at
<br />minzztes _..__._, ._.___._..._.___,____ ..__.. Lt., and du?: ,~•carded in .Hoak. _._,_~__.. ___.._ ui` _ _.._._._--.___._.
<br />?aLortgB$ers'page _.._._.. --.__._--_.._.. ..._..___. _ .._. ___..._ ..._.__.__.,___..
<br />Register of Deeds.
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