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„4 <br />d. For better security oi' the indebtedness hereby secured, upon he request. of the mortgagee, its successors <br />ar assigns, mortgagor shall execute and deliver a supglementaF mortgage or moctgages covering-any_ additions, <br />~ improverents, or betterments rnadeta the property herenabove described-and all acquired by it after <br />the date hereof (all in form satisfactory to rnartgagee} F`uthertnore, should mortgagor fat; ro cure any default <br />~ ,n the payment of a prier or tnferior encumbrance on the property described by this instrtrment, mortgagor here- <br />,.,,.t by agrees to permit mortgagee to Cure such. default, but: mortgagee is not;abligated: to da so; and such advances <br />~ shalt become part of the indebtedness: secured by this mtrument,_subject to the same terms and conditions. <br />e. The rights created;: by,this eonveyrartce shall remairc is.full force and. effect during any postponement or <br />extrusion of the time of the payment of thesndebtedttess evidenced. by said.: promissory note ar notes,. or any; <br />N par, thereof sew.-ttted hereby. <br />~~ f. To .rontimtausty maintain hazard insurance, afsuch type or types and in such amounts: as the mortgagee <br />may from erne to time require an the improvements now or hereafter on said property, and will pay p:omptly: <br />when due any premiums therefor: All insurance shall: be carried in companies acceptable to mortgagee and the <br />policies attd renewals thereof'shall be held by mortgagee and have attached thereto loss payable ctatises in favor <br />of and in form acceptable to the mortgagee. In event of loss, mortgagor will. give immediate notice in writing <br />to moRgaget:; and mortgagee may make proof of loss if not made pi•amptiV try mortgagor, <br />cwnpany concerned: is hereby authorized and directed. to make payment for such' toss directly to mortgagee; <br />instead of to mortgagor and mortgagee jointly, and. the insnrance-proceeds, or any pan thereof, may be applied! <br />by'mortgagecariu option eithee to the reduction. of the. indebtedness hereby secuccd or to the restoration or <br />repair of the: property-damaged or destroyed. [n event of foreclosure of this mortgage, or other transfer of title <br />to said. property in extinguishmean of the indebtedness secured hereby, all rigor, title, and. interest of the <br />mortgagor in and to any insurance policies then in force shall pass to the purchaser or mortgagee or, at the <br />optitan of the mortgagee, .may be surrendered for a refund. <br />g. Ta keep all buildings and other improvements on said- property in good repair and condition; to <br />permit mnusut, or offer no wash, impairment, deterioration of said propcny or any part thereof; teethe event <br />of failure o£ the tttortgagar to keep the buildings an said premises and thane erected on said .premises, or <br />imptrn^omenu ehcreon, in good repair; tht mortgages may make such repairs as in its discretion it may deem <br />necessary for the proper preservation thereof; and the foil amount of sack and every such payment shalt 6e <br />iinatediatelydue and payable; and shall be secured by the lein of this mortgage. <br />h. To not voluntarily create or permit to t?e created against the property subject. to this mortgage any Lien <br />or tiem inferior to the lien of this .mortgage without written consent. of [he mortgagee; and father, that mort- <br />gagor:witl kelp and maintain the same frce from the claim of alt persons supplying tabor or materials for. con- <br />structitan of any and all buildings or impravemems now bring erected ar tp be erected on said premises. <br />i, To nai rtnt or assign any part of the rent of said mortgaged property ar demolish, or remove, ar <br />substantially alter any building without the written consem of the mortgagee. <br />j:, All avt±ards of damages in connection with any condemnation for public use aF or injury to any of the <br />property subjest:to this mortgage are hereby assigntd and shall. be paid. to mortgagee, who may apply the same to <br />payment of the.installtnents last due under said hate, and mortgagee is hereby authorized, in the name. of the <br />mortgagor, tt> execute and deliver valid aequitranus thereof and to appeal from any such. award. <br />k. The mortgagee shall have the right to.inspect the ntortgagcd premises at any reasonable time. <br />1, To comply with the: provisions of arty lease if this Mongage ~s on a leasehold, if this ilartgage is ono <br />unit in a condominium ar a piannesf unit development, Borrower shall perform alt of Borrower's obtigations-- <br />under the daedaration or covenants creating or governing the. conidominium or .planned :unit development,ttte <br />by-laws and regutations;of the coad~vminium or planned unit development, and uanstitusrrt documents. <br />2. TXfaui[ to any of the cavsnants or conditions of this instrument or of the note or Loan ageement secured hereby: <br />shalt terminate the mortgagor's right to possession, ass, and enjaytnen[ of the property,. at the option of the <br />mortgagee cu assigns (it being agreed that the mortgagor. shalt have such right until default). Upon: any such <br />dcfauit, the mongagee shalt become the owner of alt of the. rents and profits assuring after defaul as security #or <br />the indebtedness secured lureby, with the-right to enter upon said property for the purpose ,of collecting such.. <br />ernes and profits. This insttnment:shall operate as an assignrseent of any rentals on said property to that extrn[ <br />3. If the mongagor defaults, and fails [o make: any payrnen[s-when due or to cgnform to and comply with any of <br />the cenditians or agretmenu trontaixted in this mortgage or the dotes which it secures, then the entire principal <br />cum and accrued intcrest sitaT9 at once become due and payable, and draw per cant ( yJo) interest <br />thercaf[er unlit paid at ttx election of the mortgagee: and this mortgage may thereupon be ftsreelosed immediately <br />for the wttolc of the indebtedness hereby secured; including the crone of .attending. the abstract of tilts from 'the <br />date of this mortgage to the time of commenting such suit_ <br />4. In the evrnt at a foreclosure ar dcfaolt as provided herein, th~,mart$agee shall at once be thr pas- <br />scscion, use, and enjoyment ai dx real est.atc foressid and W,thc rent, issues, .royalties, and proftts;dhereof, <br />froth the accruinb of such rights artd during ate renderecy+ of foreclosure praceediings and such passrssians, etc„ <br />shad ai truce be dr&vered to th+e t~artga&re upon request, upon failure such dcliyery of such pgssecsian may be <br />cttfarced by mortgagee, by any appropriate Segal pro..eeilings, includinga receiver 6'or ths,praperty. <br />Tht grcxextis of as<v talc .~,f ;aid {rrt~txay 4r- accardnnce with !hc preceding lvaragraphs shaft be applied. firs[ ao <br />pay ^..he ctxt. and e=rrn,=<~. of said sale, the t•tpenres i~zcurrcd by the mortgagee far the purpose of praa~ting or <br />asatntainirog cai3 nrx,~psty, ~c:undty, to stay ;he +ndebtydress <~rr,reti hercbY, and. thdrdly. ter: tray uaysurpiu~s <n <br />txCrs_c ?o the ['fir:=orn or ~cr.vr,+ ley&i3~ ;rrt>t%rti thfi, r; St,. <br />