<br />g~-=~i70T?53
<br />Tk18 TRt1:$T DEED, made this 26th dayaf rrtaur;p - , tg 82
<br />be and between: ---'
<br />whether ane or more, hereln-
<br />aftercaged"Trustor"Whosemallingaddr¢ss'is 36 SNF.:AD COURT CONROE TS 7.7302
<br />and
<br />(g? JOHty' ~~_ WOLF, ATTORNEY AT LAt~;
<br />as ?'Trustee" whose mailing
<br />address is PO SO% 428 GRAND ISLAND, NE 68802 and
<br />~~) FLRST SA.VI'svGS COhLPAA1Y
<br />~o }3OX 1:56 GRAND i..LAP7D, NE 6 as"Beneficiary" whose mailing address is
<br />WITNESSETH: That Truster, In canslderatlon of One Doltar{$1OO) and ather'vatuabte cansideration receipt
<br />whereof is heretxy acicnawledged; grattt~, conveys, sails and warrants to Trustee, intrust;: with power of sale; the
<br />following described property, situated in t3ALt_ ~~ ~~ County, Nebraska
<br />QUA7~TE}t (i~s„N~W~SE'^;,) OF SECTSON ONE (1), IN 'FQkTNSHIP TS+?EI.~TE (T2), 11ORTH
<br />R.4Ni,E TWF~.VE {12) , w'EST' OF THE 5ch P..~i. , IN HALL COUNTY, NFBRASIZA
<br />The inteM}on tre}ng to corrveY-hereby in abso}ute title in tee simple, including aif the rights of homestead and
<br />dower, together with ail tzuiid}ngs, ftactur®s, improvements and aPPurtenancas thereunto beionging;,and ail of this
<br />forgoing, together with sa}d property are herein referred to as the "Property •'
<br />FQR THE l'IfRPOSE OF SECURING ParformanCe-of each agreement and covenant of Trustor herein contained
<br />ar-dthspaymentofthepf}nc}pafsuennf ~+L-'~=Y :!•ldtEH "f'€ivllSAx~D t]oitars($23 8G4..ib*****
<br />af~ evidenced by a prom}sttory oats. be~if~'ev'~ti`~'~~~~'' {~tt~t ich may hereafter be pattl
<br />or advanced under the terms of th}s Tr:~st Deed; both pr}ncipa} sum and interest ttesreon being payable eccortting
<br />to terms set forth in sa}d prom}ssory rrote, reference to wh}ch is hereby +nade, of the afftce of the Beneficiary orat
<br />such other place as the holder may designate }n writing, the t}oat payment of principal and interest, if not sooner
<br />paid. shalt be due and payable an the2bs<h _ .,,._.,_day af;;lB,EtGfi_.r.~,._.,_~~ ,_,-_, t9 qyt
<br />Truster and Betieftciary covenam and agree as follows:
<br />,. w~r..xr„ar tw. .. ~:ean a,u~;rr{ ,ac, ,.ti~.l ma;
<br />~.tw wrlwrltr ro a. ana s~c.n ~ vrws ,.-na r,>:,eav ,r -m. e:vf u.d, ~I aw
<br />Ivy tl '. u[!barcaa e..~epf : r ,,,.;ra ,. war ~ a:~
<br />erne 01~ a went' ~ ,,, { '
<br />~r
<br />lo[Mf, apxl YI ~^.a of Yl~ pat N
<br />Qr«ar.y mx ,i o. t I aw<f ~ ya. -. -.., -.
<br />'~mbrarai rx Ixip u of t,» V M . ~«~ ~ ' +.er a earFl
<br />xmK~hnaRt J+ svCGM+iTHnl 114r t SM . IN a N ~. ' (:asb -~: IM
<br />' t4aparYY l.'_ G rrtt M) '-h
<br />m iM pp 'rurr ra rtu. ba .Gw~ :n -
<br />SN(IKt J1 Vr aK`i (N alK'l !lea ..an .I 15 ~. ~i~a3 cos Sa. b , _>r crape.
<br />J!M •O!iRgaTM+'1~~i..WDWB."Wn:Sr.
<br />2. •yp«IIp at -rNClpl xIq b+WML : O ', .v. cil,
<br />x:q enNte»t ou, 4~G f cRUtiary . a W as F.--i,:eG
<br />rMhn an IN MV mob. . tMt R .^,a ft'.
<br />R~nGt 'h C{th m a1 N .a, ,1 V. . S~vna
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<br />'1xriYRN t tl GC Ma ar f~' lk .. . r ,r v4r.~`. aflt~Q
<br />'iDtral ftp SAOt rr` eFl c..aiv=. v. ve w ,. }. a. _s,w
<br />orxw a rygrn, , ~ n., , _~ ~w .np,_
<br />%.MS«.rnwv.«nww ":-c« .pw• ,.q p+ „~acsn,,.
<br />loan 'x v.e.ec o ~rw~«~.a ., ,.I .~
<br />oeaCka..'- .i enn,~~, nad t a ...
<br />w!n .narv~.:a .-C .
<br />cs,anr. anG u~ , t . » net n i -
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