<br />K-- / (~ j
<br />AGR>;'EMENT
<br />:HIS AGREEMENT, cYated this ~7 day of ~~~~,
<br />1962, by and between Rlvn benman and Shiron Denman, husband and
<br />wife; Wilbur Lepp and Dcarothy Lepp, hu band and wife; David Brown
<br />and Rash Brown',.. husband and wife:, and' Robert Brown a single
<br />persor. (hereina.ter cal3ectively called:"Browns'°).
<br />WFiEFtEAS, Alvin Benman and Dorathy Lepp are plaintiffs
<br />and-Rab~ert Hrown and Bavid Brown: are de#endants in a lawsuit
<br />filed in: the: Bistrirt Caurt of Fia11 County, Nebraska entitled
<br />"Alvin Firown and Bcrothy Lepp, Piaintzffs, v. Robert Firawn, David
<br />Brown, and all persan~ having or claiming any interest:.. in and to
<br />Lot. i, Section 3i, Ttawnship 14 Narth, Range 10 S~est of the 6th
<br />P.M., Hail Countgā¢, Nebraska, real names unknawn, Befendants;'`
<br />s+hsch ap~aears at Racket 73, F?sge la and
<br />WFFEREAS, said lawsuit seeks. to quiet the. title r,s tc
<br />tkse eon~getissg claims of the. piants£#s and defendants, to Lot 1,
<br />fiction 33, Township 14 North, Range lG 41est of the 5th P,~:.,
<br />Fiala Co~,u;ty, Nebraska; and
<br />LdFiEFiEA$, ttte parties hereto have had a survey conducted
<br />ana have agzeed -among t2semseives as to the eMtent of tht
<br />ownership. of Rflbert Brawn and. bav.id Eiraw~Z in the said I:ot 1,
<br />Section. 3i, '~awnshp, itt, T~orth, Flange ltJ West a# the 6th F~..t,. ,
<br />:is11 ~.C3UntV, Tlsi~rask~3;; ar_d
<br />WHEREAS, the parties hereto wish to end the-
<br />above-re_ezenced .itigation acrd are entering into this Agreement
<br />for the purncse of establishing the ownership rights cf the
<br />parties 'reret~ in the above-describeu' property, and far the
<br />further purpose. of establishirsg a aiear and agreed uga hound~r:-
<br />1i^.c bet:~een thy, pres~rertlF of Alvin Benman: and Dorothy Z:epp, ar~d
<br />thk property c£ the Browns.
<br />NC}Yi , :H£REF~R in recogrsit~on of the claims of the
<br />parties hereto, in ccr.si3eration o#- the znat~:a.I covenants
<br />coretaiaed hEreia, a,.d ~~_ further consi.deratic~r: _. the st~ipulat_i:rars
<br />£c. Hn~_, .~_ a co3i5e>a :iecree file%~ i=i .the ~icsti_.-~referet~eed cassc,
<br />tYIQ ~GrLie ~y h~r~:to [3l~;i e?F+ t~~ iCl ~~l~w$:
<br />