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i <br />~2~--c~~-123~ <br />STQRM DiRATNACE EASEMENT <br />RCIGER L. ^icSHANNOt~ and SHARON K. ?icSHANNON, husband and wfeg <br />each in his and: her own. right, t°erein called the Grantors, for _ <br />Q:ie Dollar C$'~.~J} consideration, receipt' of which <br />is hereby acknowledged, hereby grant and convey unto the <br />CITY C)F GRAI~'~ SLAtdI?, NE$RASKA, <br />+~ municipal corporation in Hall Gounty, State of Nebraska, herein <br />called th:e Grantee, a permanen*_ artd perpetual easement to construct, <br />~>perate, maintain, extend, repair, remove, and replace undergrouhd <br />st,r*.n drainage lines, manholes, srlr:face markers, and other appurten- <br />ances upon, c3ver, in, .nd Chrough the tract of land and real estate <br />described as tol.lows: <br />Aeginning at a poi.rtt on the Narth ?ine ca f: Lot Five i5), <br />McShannon Subt3ivision, said point being 1~.6 %eet East of <br />the hort.hwest ct,rner of Lot Five ~ ~ 1 , ~ScShannon- Subc3v- <br />is-ion; thent:e in a southwesterly direction for a distance <br />oz 7G te:et, more clr less, t. ca a point. along, the West line <br />of Lot FivE: ~5t, ~teSi~annon Su*rdivision, which is 74 feet., <br />mere :~3r less, S~:~uth t>f the Northwest corner of Lot Five <br />f5t, ~feShannan Subdi.visi~~n; thence. along the West. tine of <br />l..ot Five +:5`i, McSFeanntan Subdivision, far 4:i :iistance of 20 <br />feet, more. or less, :.'o ~~'herE i.Uts Four t41 and hive (. 51, <br />I9cShannnn, intersect with ©hoenix Court; thence <br />easterly {along the Nnrth ri;iikss of I'ttaenix Court for, a <br />:llstance ~~k' >.7 i'c:et, mare =.~r Iess; thence deflecting i.n <br />a northeasteriv air+.~ctorl fc?r a distance of ~'E) Teet, more <br />r~r Less, to tr point along the North lin€: oY I.ot Five (5}, <br />~9cShannon Subdi.visr`.an, which is 2D.6 feet East of the 'north- <br />r~~est corner of l.~~t Pve a 5 i . ~cShannnn Suhrdivision; thence <br />west'erla alon}~ thw> ~i~rth of i,.ot Fi~.~e ~~ ~"~1cShannon <br />Subdzvision, for :~ distance c>E eight f.3t feet, wore or <br />less,: to t•tac t~oint ~-i i~eginnng, atl. as shown on the plat <br />n<3rked l:xhitsit ,'A" dated 3-3-ff`l attachc:ri ttiereto and i`ncor- <br />}ioratt~d herein by ref€rence, <br />to~t?~:er with al.i rights oY ingress an3 Egress Eor instal:Cation and <br />~rsaiatenanc;e <~i_ such ~nd~rgrotand storm drainage lines and azppurten- <br />anres. <br />Suer rights, of i.zagr.ess and egress shall .ncliad~: all rights <br />necessarq Lor th<. and c;~mpiete use, t>ccupatic>n; %and en_joyrrsent <br />.;t fire easement herein granfed, including tEte riplst' tc3 excavate axr~i <br />re i. i 1 -ii tciae~ :ind - r~~n~:he5, to r± r~ovt: trees, ~+ust7es , hedges, under- <br />t rnwth, .iid. ~~*_her t?b~~~..ructioazs n:LCr' ;ai,;:h the location; c.on- <br />~.f ?':iC f'Y_,:7^„ ~,.5 ~~~?i Y~Ttn, rep~:r, rE'Er~ ~'ce~ment, remoVkal . a11d f7l~lnt'[.`i'Yi.§iSG': tt. <br />i?~ titl~.l :fit'"T7s :1; f1'1:1 ~,, ~ `rt ~^S ',V i,.1 E'. t"1 ,. i. is SitCh ct,~.nStrtic: C. i. "~;~. 3r `rt t3 i.: ZY- <br />.~'n;is~~: ~-t:E„~ ;_>; r4,~_ ;ri,„~,.i:i ~ e^~~-~ti, ptsl.cs, ha~-µsurti';~t:.' _!:-(~e:-- <br />.~5. r, :;~_ t ._..~. _ 4he ,. ~~~.,.,• .:hw E;tr~ni.e~ u:r ,.ts ccan- <br />