<br />"'; This fvrm is used in connee- r
<br />A~',('~~pam~^.p/'~~+ tion xvith mortY,ssAes insured r
<br />SrIIJAk 13HVCa under the. one- t:; four-famih~
<br />protrisivm of the Nutiana]
<br />Ifnttsing Act.
<br />THIS MORTGAGE,tradcandexacutedthis 33st dayof March ,A.D.
<br />7982 .h><tndl~etwe_r Danny 13. Dobbs aced Vie7cy L. Dtibbs, Husband anal Wife
<br />c>f ttue County of SaIIli3:t~t ,and State o€ N: hraska' patty of tha first part. hereinafter called
<br />the Martgacac and Sugeriar MCaZ'tt~age, ZAC.
<br />n crn-por<uiono: Rznizrdand existingunderthc~laws af. Nebraska
<br />party of the sect rdpart: lrercinafter calked'ihe.Mortgagcez
<br />Vd1TM1t£SSETFI: ThaFthesaidbicut~srctr.forartdinconsiderativnofihe~snmvf Thirty eight: tlaactsand
<br />and No/I06ths ------ 1hNlars ($~g ~ 0~ 00 1: Pad by the Mart
<br />g.3gee, the rece,pt of w=hich ishereby ackntswledRed_ hss Granted and. Svld a y e <:presoms does C,rant. Bar-:
<br />gain. Sett Crurr,e} and C+anfnm Hato the ~4artgagee; ac successors and -axsigns: forever, the foliowingdessribed
<br />re-ei estate, situated in rtieL'crunzyof Hall .and;Stato
<br />o? 'debraskx. tc- ~, it
<br />Lot .:Three {3). in B1GCk Eleven (13), in Jahn.: W Lambert •`s Addition
<br />in the Gity of Grand Island, 1ia11 County, Nebraska
<br />vg thr tiihilt Prireeipa!•t~ter'tdian, tontairting in a!1 awes according iv Gavern-
<br />tiren[ survey:
<br />:O NAVH Ah[)'t't) Fft)t,l~ the premiwes above x}escribed. tivnh :+ik the ,+pfaurtenancas thmreunty k>elanging and including
<br />ukl heaung, p! smbtrg :.e~z kightitrg ftxture4 utxt eyasktnent nc w ur hexes€icr;rtreehed to ur u,ed zn conneativn wi4h said teak estate
<br />vntath< ~9vrigssgre and t+~ its t nccessvn and assigns. €vrevet. "1"tom Mttttgagtrs represents Cv. and evvenants with, tho Mgrfgz-
<br />gce. that the Murtkeagur has gvod'right ur ,akl sad cnnscy,-mid prenrires; that they sire free tram encumbrancx; and ttiatthc
<br />Mortgagor will warrant xnd aefctrd zhe s:amea8ssrmt ihe_t~wtul claims ot'all persons whamsvever; and-.the said Mortgagnrhete-
<br />byretigyui,±tcs ail right, ++t }tomcstead. grad all ntartiak r:ghta. either to law.vr in etauity; and ail other cantngent interasts of the
<br />]4fo; tg~vr oat ano to tha xhotC-de:;cs'iiaed nrernt,c. the intettEintrtxrugty convey hvtnkr un absvkute titir,,.infee simple. inelud-
<br />ipg :;t! riph t_. ok h um cs t exd..ind.xilaes rigtrts .ins srterer rs as xtcare.said.
<br />PR(? V I DrC) A Lrk'.~sY~ artdtltece prasents are exc~u:~ck atxl do#Svered upvathe folkawtrig crvnditivns, tv wit[
<br />The btortgagur agrees cu pay iv the,:Mnr~t~gee. orurder, the principal sum of ~.{rty ,ej~ht- thousand
<br />and *to/100t?tc_-- I)vikarst53$Q00.00 3.
<br />•~uh uttere,t fruan date st the-rttte+~tt Fifbeeet anti Une=half pet e:entum( 15'~.SU ~) perannuman
<br />the unpaid 6slance until p;ud. The +s.id principal and intcrtstshall be payabkat thtufficeaf $ttppp~pr; MOrtx~agB, ~,
<br />in Grand Island, NE . yr at suclivtl:er place as the hinder of
<br />*he n.~te tna} designate in writing, io monthh• imtafiTCntS~of Four ht3rtdred ninety five and. 12J204ths--
<br />- -~_____~__~____er. kkzltsr.s3 x:35.72 D,oammencirtgvnihefustdayof
<br />~Y ;? g 2 . :ud on the fiat daycrf earth month.there-after until the yrincilralandin-
<br />teres[ are lolly paid. except th,t the find payment ,~i prin~tpal an¢ interext, if nvt;ssic~ner paid. skta[k be due and
<br />payabis on the nr,[ dap of Aril, 2012 : akl-acavrdingt>cftktc corms a€':vicertainpromis-
<br />.ary =w h; of e-.en date hrrewith executed ;tis the s-id llertg`sgu3.
<br />l he 9tctrtg:fgor ir. artier n;ute iuAy tv p~rtotec t the sewr,ty ;rrFtAis~y+faTtFage. agtGes:
<br />I- Thal he wit! pa} the it~ret+tedness, a~s herei!;lxxfu:c pravided: privilege is,reserve'd tv part' the debt in:whale, vYinfrft
<br />:mtr:untequai t6ime or naren,vn:4tti nsyr.^.ena on chc prin+:ipa! ;.hat ate next clue un thenote.4n tftc firstday o[ any month
<br />[+'l.?T to f'rUCL'riiy: YrcrcKic(f, haawrrer. That wriften n,tt:ce :r' ;:n iitiMUJaO iu C$erc iyc iucrt pn 4ElC~+$.1S givul-Ytt. kExsi th irtF t,~{it
<br />days pries Stt pr. payment.
<br />_ -?"ttet. a'~gi~atv_r Kith ~atd :e adffitiur to, the monthlp pavmen[+ of principal trod in.ere;t psi~abie under the terrl7s of the
<br />txrte sc~urt~;i hereby-, ti;e ~9ort$agu+ ~iEl prey to [he Marlg~gee. on tree Fir . +~a} +.f s°ach mc+ttth unid the ,air4 accts n f~!llyp;zid, the
<br />lrrlhit`~ing ~.ums.
<br />(a i '1;~ati=cat. w£~~ictcztc 4v pre.viCc thr !t<~uc°r lecrrc~i wttn iu1t:5 ,~.+ pay th~• ne.-tt nt<zrti~age rn5ut~tttcc l rrt tint*.t u~iltts
<br />su t..+r?~tst -.r:r f. F ... ti.arrerl Hereby art i~o5s3rcu; eta ~:,r[t~lt ia•;es rut f!~tpc>fO,tit4ta'g4(;'e tx~txurt~ pre-
<br />mrt->; it ~: t t rcid t , ,l.c ~.~r tar} nd i4c„t ~.r mo,u t,rho:~ 12r { n:_;t'.. - :.,~1QW51
<br />tJ) it a >< .;nrg, .. ,,... ,+.» .•i es„r !a;csnar t , ,!tstn,z-c. _ ._ ,ewra' c~-:rr~.errrsusea atttkc-t t}ee~{asr7~
<br />+in+ ,a -~: `~ar.,,r,~`. kkrs„:v,g Ac; r s.7u~s-t a,tllc::t c nacuusuu3ate io tOt P ,rd::rt u~::6.,]derurxe
<br />-c. o-e+n ~ Asa ~r..~+. ~~aw _h ~wrvU ~>,,,: w..~, ~=ze~,l.~a.:d'V~ff: r;rk' VEaiii;i;al~ir:4
<br />