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<br />$2..., t);J 1224 <br />STATE QF NEBRASKA, )' <br />)'ss: AFF I DAV f T <br />CC?UNTY QF 1-CALL... ) <br />i', Charles. W. Ylinkter, being first duly sworn on oath,, deposes <br />and says that he is a resident of Hall County, Nebraska and he was <br />personally acquainted with Ernesi .1. Dalgas and. A'1ma Dalgas., who were <br />[he.grantors by Warranty Deed dated October 27, 19'77, recorded in iFre= <br />Register of Deeds Office as Documeni # 79-007916 of the foCfowing- <br />described property. <br />A part of Lot Fifteen (75) Ca::nty Subdivision of part of the S.;uth ;°CaCf {SZ;) <br />of the Southeast Quarter (Sl=,'-,) of Section Sixteen (76) Township Eleven <br />(l Y) North, Range Nine {9) West of the 6fh P.tvi. , Ha1C County,. (~Cebraska <br />more particularly described as foClows: Beginning. at the Southeast <br />Corner of Lot One {1) Block Four (4) Wiebe's Addition to the City of Grand: <br />Island, Cali County, Nebraska arni running Southerly a distance of <br />Sixteen {16)feet to a point an the Northerly boundary line of Lot Fifteen <br />{1 {} County Subdivision of part of the South C-lalf of the Southeast Quarter- <br />(SASE;) of Section Sixteen (76} Township Eleven (77} North, RangeN'ine <br />(9) Westaf the 6th P.fA., C-iaCi County, Nebraska; thence proceeding: <br />'Nesteriy along and upon the Northerly Boundary line of Lat Fifteen (15) a <br />d}stance of Seventy Eight (7$') Feet Lo the Actual point of beginning; <br />thence running Southerly parallel to the'vVesterly Cine of Cleburn a <br />di~sta~ttce of C7ne Hundred Thirty Two (732') Feet to the. Northerty tineof <br />West Johr StreeR; thence running Westerly along and upon the Northerly. <br />line of'West John Street a distance of Fifty Four {54') Feet thence <br />Northerly paraNei to the Westerly Line of Cleburn Street a distance of <br />One Hundred Thirty ,T wa (i32') teat to the Northerly 8ous'rdary Line of <br />hot Fifteen {i5) County Subdivision of part of the South Half of the <br />Southeast Quarter {SASE{) of Section Sixteen {'C6) Township Eleven (il) <br />North Range Nine. {9); thence running Easterly along and upon the Northerly <br />f'sne of Let Fifteen, (15) ;;f .aid County Suhdi;;i: ion. s diutarce cf Fifty Four <br />(54') Feet to the point of beginning.. <br />and that ai tyre date of said Warranty Deed, Ernest J, Dalgas and. Alma <br />Dalgas, were husband and wife. <br />Further Affiant sayeih noi- <br />~..~..4.x J , _ ;Q Q <br />Charles k4. Winkler <br />SubscrCbed and sworn. to before me this Lam. day of March, 1982. <br />~~• ODIC. b''_~~~ <br />NOTARY Pt1Bt i ,:~~ <br />~Ay R'fpiSS tUtf PX(316'P,c~f'ST ~_ s ~~. <br />Pr ~s" <br />