<br />
<br />~2~°- sj0121'7
<br />b. In the event said-property is said ar a> judicial: foreclosure sate or pursuant to the power of a sale hereirtabove
<br />granted, and the pegceeds a#e not sufficient to pay xhe tote} indebtedness secured by this instrumenx-.and evidenc-
<br />ed by said promissory:note,..the mortgagee wilt be entitled tea deficiency judgement for the. amount of the
<br />deficiency wirhoud ; egtrrd to appraisc+meaz
<br />?. In the event the mortgagor fails to .pay any federal, state,: or local tax assesment, income fax oc other tax lien,
<br />charge, fee ur other expense charged:againsrthe property the mortgagee is hereby authorized at its option to pay
<br />the same. Any sums so paid by the mortgages-shall be added tq and become a part of the ptincipal atroum of t!te
<br />indebtedness evidenced by said note, subjece to the. same tercets and conditions. if the mortgagor shall pay and
<br />discharge the indebtedness eyidenced by said promissory note, and shalt pay such-:sums and shall discharge all
<br />taxes and liens and the costs; fees, and expenses of making, enforcing, and°execuiing this mortgage. [hen this
<br />mortgage shalt be cancelled and:surrenriered.
<br />R. The covenants herein t:ontaiiied sliall bind'and the benet5ts and advantages shad inure to iherespective successors
<br />and assigns of the'parties hereto: W hehever used, the singular number shalt inditde-the plural, the phtral the
<br />singular, and [hc use of any gender shall include all genders.
<br />9: :~tu waiver of any covenant herein or of the abtigarion secured hereby shalt at any time thereafter be held to be a
<br />evolver of the terms hereof ar of the note secured hereby.
<br />1t1 A jttdciai decree, order, ar judgemect holding any proyision or ponion of this instrument invalid of unenforce-
<br />able shall not in any way impale ar preclude the enforcement of the remaining provisions or-:portions of this:
<br />itstrument.
<br />F: Anywritzen notice to. be issued to the mortgagor pursuant to the provisions of this instrument shall be addressed
<br />tq the mortgagor aY 6I] G V____~n~__~~'Frui Island, NF. 6884_,_
<br />__ _ and. any written notice to be isstted to the mortgagee shall
<br />be addressed to the morigagec at 424 W- Third, P. O. Hox 2005 Grand Is3.and, NE'58802
<br />In AVrt'tsF_45 WNEtiE(1F, the. mortgagor has executed this instrument and the mortgagee has accepted delivery of
<br />this instrtttttertt as of tt?e stay and year aforsaid.
<br />-iaerry,/~fl`ef ~
<br />Deane M ef#'ers
<br />~teeuzind and dclirerrecC in zht presence of the following witnesses.
<br />.. [Add Apprgprate Ackngwlcdgcmem)
<br />STATE OF !~i`E;.HR:~SICA. Se re ate, "txi~,ut;'yt/tu~ezd Notary ubtiG Personally a ed
<br />Ct~tUNTY C7F ~ T
<br />Lnown to :rn ra be identical pcrsore or persons whq signed the fmregging rtsirumtnt andacknouledged the execution
<br />[hereol to ex _-~ voluntary act and deed.
<br />witness my hand and Yotatial Seal on ~~lf~C .~'~ > 79 ~'~a-._
<br />~tlpll~P-wtlst,.ttaMr~ ~_~L'~-a"r^-Y""`
<br />t s *~r a wx~c _____
<br />ti~i ~, Mw.=4 ?trq Notary Pu
<br />~y C«mnrission F_xpires ,;,,,,,,~ 19~s.,.
<br />ST.ATf. OF ^±EHitASKA ~ HefOre ttte a qualified Notary Public, personally appeared ":w._,._,._~_._
<br />s_ ___ ~_~.______,
<br />C'OUPITY OF _~_____ ~ Pirlent of ----~___~_____~~~ _,__.___ __.. _.._,_.._..
<br />a ~ar~rat:au> kno+yn to ire ta• tze the :'r~tsident and identical xrsan who signed, theforegoing instrun?'ent, and
<br />L uknowiedged the eae~ttdon thercrof fo be his vtr!untary act cold deed ~ such of ftcer and the vglttntarv act and deed of
<br />slid corporatign .end beat its ccxparate seal was affixed ttrereto oy i authorety.
<br />~i'itnrss my baud and `iotariat Seal ern _. l~J ._._ ._.
<br />lSEai:? _
<br />_-__--_- '~'otarrPubFic'-~_..____.~__._
<br />?.4y4 mrn.ceS~;:rF3ct~szr, ,_ _ _w.;ttl~,_„x.,.,.
<br />