<br />~~~~~~
<br />82~i f~.1 ~ 1'~
<br />This rnartgage made and Entertti taro this . 3I.st day of_ ~rbh __
<br />19 82 „ 4ryand between Sert~-1 Seifert and Di.an~ M. Seffcrs:, Husband anc~ Wile
<br />(hereinafter referred tows roor4gagor} and Commercial National $ank and Tiust Company
<br />(htreinafter referred to as
<br />rnarxgage~e), wlro maintains ar, of5ca and place of:business at 42A S4. Third` street is Grand island,
<br />HaII Coanty, Nct+rastca.
<br />wtr~vassent, that far the censderatiott'ltereinafler'stated, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the mortgagor
<br />does hen:by mortgage, sell, grant; assiga, and convey umo t!x mortgagee, its successors and assigns, all of the foI-
<br />lawing dixcriaed property situated and'being in the County of Hail
<br />State oflQebraska.
<br />.Lot Fi£taert S25} Capital Heights Eighth Su>xiivisitan, Ha21 County.,.....
<br />Nebraska
<br />togeitlter with a!l the tenements attd appurtcnartces thereto bclon$in$, all the masts, issues and profits thereof, and all
<br />atsetrients, rig}its, royalties, mitterai, oil artd gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and water stock, andraicluding
<br />alt heating, plumbitag rcfrigeratinrt, lighting, equipment and elk fixtures of every description belonging to the
<br />mortgagor now or herwfter:attached thtretaarr usal,ltr connection with-the premises herein described aad in addron
<br />thereto thr, foiltnving daeribed properties which are and shall he deemed to be fixtures and a part of the-realty, and
<br />rice a porttan of'the ~cttrity forthe indebtedness: Itcrein stated, (I1' nont, state."nano"} None.
<br />To have and tip hold the same anto:the Mortgagee, as hereinprovidcd:
<br />The mortgagor is l0wfuliy seated aacl ptua,tstetl of and has. the rirght to sett and convey said property; that the
<br />same is free from all encumbrances exsxpt as ttereinabave recited; and that Mortgagor covenants to warrant and
<br />defend the title aforesaid thereto and every part thereof againstttte claims of all prisons whomsoever.
<br />This instrument is given tc secure the payttKnt of a Framissory Holt dated I3arci^i 33, 1982'
<br />in the principal sum of 5__2~~,.~ ~• 4Ct ,signed byd~srv deffezs earl I7iax~e M Je.€€s~~s
<br />in behalf of ,__.TS~~_ -
<br />also. as such Hate or aotcs may frgztt tittle, to timr be nttxlifird; renewed or extetrdtcl is writing.
<br />In the cwcnt tare titk to said real estate is trans€erred, <ir a~tttracted to bC transferred, frotst tlrr undersigned for any
<br />mason or by any method whatsoever, fire enure principal sum and acrued interest shalt at once became due. and
<br />payzbte at he election of the Raidu lten:of. Failuto to exercise this oation because of transfer of title as abo~ r stolid
<br />in ant instance shall not constitute a waiver of the right to exercise tktc same +n the event ut :tny subsequent uansfer.
<br />1. "t'he m~rrtgagor covenants and agrees as. follows:
<br />a. To promfrtly vay the inr3eistedness evidenced by said promissory Hate at the times artd_n the manner
<br />thrrrin fatovided.
<br />b, fo wi all taxes, assesament_., water rates, and ether ?trverntneatal txl muiticipa[ chz~:gc ~ n~*s, t>r
<br />im,+c~ttsorxe, ror which provision t?a: no? been rnauc hereinbcfarc~ and~will prowl t ? ,7clivcr .nc. a`~i4aii rrce~ipts
<br />therefor to tlh :,aid rtortgagec.
<br />c- I~o Vat uci: •c pers~°, tad `ees rz> n~ty~ k>< irt:ar.ed .+:• the .protection. a~trd matniesxanc~ tyt~ said {?rn;`~sr tv,
<br />fncludin#; the Pecs f ant .xttt aey nptcagcv icy the mar,guf;.ee or he callcetion of may car tall of the +rs.ilelrce~aess
<br />srs'rrfi; stcurrS x f,~~tiavsuc~ '.. t-s r ~~r,e, ~'y » le, cir :curt : ax;:e:#t ar in rsrc ottre.
<br />;, , ni+<" r [s3i~aiie~ ewr , tR,fi~~:o ins
<br />:dk.~~ti12g. 4}.!(. ;t~t_x~'rCf s'. .
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