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<br />S'7.`dT1E t)E' N 1£RtiA,~31i'~, Conmtp of ........................................................ <br />Piled Par record and eat i in Numerioal Indas <br />an .........._ ................................................ at ....,........... a'alack .._............ Bi., <br />and.: recorded.. iix Deed.. 7&eeord ............................... Page .....:........................ <br />..._... .._ ...............................»... By ...._......,....,..................,........,....,......... <br />C«ttnty Clerk:: or Deputy Cauaty Clerk or <br />B»giater of Deeds Deputy Register of Reeds '~ `~ °""' ~ t j (, .~ ~ ,~, ~' <br />Ni ~'l.J~ittN i I ~~i~ V <br />k?2LC.CRM Fi. HASKIf?S AND PAARLENE FiASF:IN5, husband and wife-------------. <br />-----.___________----------_°------_--~ hereia called the grantor whether oae ox r~.are, <br />Fa corscidaration of 3?INP'I'EF;'N THOLYSAh''D F~ IVE I-Fliix'DRED (SZ9,5flf}.(?(3} DOL7,r'~RS-°--_ <br />received from grantee. does grant, lrargatn, sari, convey and confirm nmto RAYMOIv~? 1. ~'VRDy AND <br />SUSAD7 E.. 'PVFtDY, husband a:~ad wife, as point tenants,--_----°---.-___-__ <br />herein called the grantee whether any ar more, t$e fallovriag desorihe~d real prapertp in <br />................?3x12..........,.............,...,......,........ Caounty, Nebraska: <br />Cc~mmencs:ng at a paint tin the South side of Plum Street, in <br />~tj t ~ Village of Os~niphtsn, z^hree Hundred :7inety (390) Feet <br />of the center of the St_ ";oseph and Grand Island Rail- <br />. ro+ad, running thence East One Hundred Eleven till} Feet, thence <br />South Qtte Fluzadrt~i Forty-Four 1144) Feet, thence West Ore <br />Htanc2red Fileven (11.3 } Feet, thence forth One Hundred Forty- <br />Faun X344} Feet to t::e place of bestinning, being a part of <br />the s>cauthae&t Quarter of the southeast Quarter fSW~SE~} of <br />SEttit~Ta Five {S), 'Pownshits ldane (9} North, Flange Pdiite (9} <br />West cat ttse sixth P..d. , l-dall County, tiebraska. <br />Ta have and to hotd the aFro~we described premises. together with all tanaatant.~, heraditamenta <br />sad appnreenanccu thereto halonaing unto *.ho grantee and to grantee"s heirs and assigns forever. <br />Anal the grantor does hara6y oovaaaet with the grantee and with grantee'u heirs and assigns <br />that gran.Wr is lamfnlly seiwcd rf spud pr~mistsa; that they are free from encambranaa,_____________ <br />that gt'antar has scrod right attd lawful authority to c.anvey ±he same: and that gratstor warrants and will <br />dafead the title to maid premises against the lawfrai claips~ of sl3 parpwns whomsoever. <br />Dated iL'.Y ~ ~ , l9 Z$. <br />_. ! <br />r~, , <br />.......,. ..._.,.,_..r.,...._._..._.. <br />....._ ................ :4.. <br />CF713lis3att H. Fla.skins <br />.......,. ......:..tir .. ,....,... <br />......:i~. ......... <br />:^Yaxlene :-1as3cins <br />~,'Ii'rF; t)F' 1,E833~1i:A. 4onniy af ......:t3.a.1.3....- .............. <br />~~~~ ~~ Ba'fare tne, a natarr pnl 1pr rpp~;clifdef for za sl racrapty, personally came <br />~Ta?~+F +~i31* ass :i. flasxi~s and Marlene F3askins, husband <br />and wife,___--------_____.____---_------_________ <br />mown zF} ins *o ae ice eder t,r,r~ ~i€m4'ac perp;orss w*ho wignexi the <br />.foregoing isr.strnmpnt and ackr vH h;eigL$ the ezeention thereof to be J~t <br />'~0K2~° their vvlnutarp set and rrerl. <br />`4Pitne~ snbv hand 8~~i rtateriai .jai re ~ ':', _.. s~;'l~-a-.~~~:~, <br />+~911t11ws sMrata~ :` ~ , <br />eArunw.t~. aritli. *fM :. .....~... Notary F'nlalie <br />_.. <br />pl,. ~ ~ » . , .~, <br />~JT~a 2.2 f4,~S}7?'a~,s'MS~~: txY itbBkArWa.~~ u~R.ati: far' F4txsi4'tZlat3tfik x'rAva A WdE Cb., tkmWe.. !$Mm. <br />