_._.~ M.
<br />i~QFRT`GAGE
<br />~ ;~, ~~ tl 12 t39
<br />1 THIS MQRTGAGE is eixede this.. :.:.... 30th.:. _ . ; .....day of, ..... Marsh... :.. .. .
<br />1s ~rG. ,between t3te Mart{lagor, . 17}~a IO W....KTPPL~Y .ANiI. lIEANN.IC.; .KIPPLEY., ; huBLtand. and .wife. .
<br />...................{herran "'Borrower">, and the Mortgagee,:.. Home Federal
<br />Savirygs and. Lasn Asaiociat3on, a carporatioa organized and eaistiag under -the laws rEf The. Uteited States of
<br />Ame¢ica, whose addxe~ is 223 5tiiur2tLoctiat-Street, Grand Islaud, Nebtaska therein "Lender''}.
<br />Wa sr~s $arriower is itrdebted to Lender in the principal sum of. FijLJRTY, SIX THOUSJdND ,Ft)dlR, KUjyD,l;l:0_
<br />A.NQ N~f 1 Qb --. ----- -°---.'.Dalfats, which indebtedness is evidenced iay Borrower's nose
<br />dazed.. .Mar h alb; 19$2; - ... .....
<br />.. ~ {herein `Note"), providing nr monthly installments ofpnncipal and interest,:
<br />with the balance of tfie indebtedaess, ii` not sooner paid, due sad payable nn.. APr71, ,1, : LOI l .... . ........
<br />Te StctraE to Leader (a} the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Noze; with interest thezean, the
<br />payment of all ot}ier stuns, with interest thereon, advanced in aceardance herewith Fa protect the security of :this
<br />t4tort:gage, anu :~'ta perfarmaitsx o° yhr ce:vrarzs and agr~me^.s of 3arrower herein caratained, and {b) the repayment
<br />of an.y future aduances, with interest thery-ran, made zo Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof (here'itt
<br />"`Future Advaaces"), Batrower does herbyy mortgage, grant and convey to Lender the following clescn'bed property
<br />lopred,in ehe Cacmty of, . , ...... , .. { PAlL, ........, Stare of Nebcaskar
<br />I5fIJ W Dfus9an .~rand.Is,I,at}d,..,..
<br />tchich has the addrtas of .............. . . .. . .................. , ..., , , ..... ..,
<br />ESt.aatt EC~tyi
<br />... , Nebi~aSKao$EL~t pcriy Address„);
<br />................. (herein.."'Pre
<br />E3[ate an9 ZiP Cads}.
<br />TacETirt:R with ai: the imprOVe~IIients new ar hereafter ereicted an the property, and .all easements, rights,
<br />ap;aurttesanee-s, rents, rtoya3tia, mineral. cit and ti~ rights and profits".water, water. rights,. and water stock, aril a!
<br />fixtures novr er licrrafrer attached to the prtRyierty, s!t cif which, including replacements and additions rhetxia, shallbe
<br />clternrx! ro be and trmaia a part of tfx prolreny an~er~3 h} this ?~1ort,,.age> aced all'af the faregLdng, together wdth said
<br />iaroperty For ilie le~xh~+lsi Mate i£ this itr_artgagc is o^ a Ecvrhold) are.herein reft»rred txr ax zhe "Property"
<br />BtErrawxr ctss~riantx chat Barrawcr is IawIutls+t:c:ised'=of [tic estat.e:heLelsy aaitveyed end has tlse right to A€artgage,
<br />grans axnE cvnrrp the Fmperty, that tler 1'rcrp~esty is uiter~criit*bE~{cd, azid #har Ffsarrawer will warrant and defend
<br />~exsxlEY the title to the ProF,ert}• ~~inst a'si c+ain~ic arzd'steemarxi~,, ~~'Eriut sq astydeslaratioru, easeruenrs ar tesYrseLiorts
<br />iists4 rn o. s..:xctuk u€ exaptian~ a e,sra~*i~ s ;any Litlerrisaracfcc Poii~-.y isxstsring [.ender"s interest itx thcl'raperty,
<br />~..._, Y•r $ far.-iy-.~: i°. __itd~,'t MtMt HMNp~1'.,
<br />