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<br />QQ p~ -~}} ss~~ qq REAL fiSTA7£ A10IZTG.4GE -NEBRASKA
<br />"~'°~ t,t Q 1 G 047 .
<br />llusbat~ d
<br />K.tii~W ALL MEN i3Y THESE PRESENTS= That S'tEft7laY Agt:~2&~ JT. dC Rose :~ ~: A~tu~:ar, -~ ~riPe
<br />- - hereinafter called r~ortgag4r{s), in consideration of tht sum of • Ostlers fn hand paid ,
<br />,~ ~ doses hrreby c,RANf, BARGAIN. SELL, and ('ONYEY to HOU LI> FINANCE CDRPORATTON; hereinafter: called
<br />mortgagee, ?lx foilowvtg described real peopcrty heated in ~ County, State of-Nebrastca, to-wit:
<br />L©t viz { 6) , Black Twe~t~g OrJe (2].), io the brigar~l Town,
<br />14n.r Gity u~ ~renct Ts3end, Hs3:l GataTat3r, i~3al;raske
<br />It;is rnartga~Dr'sintention to convey utte in tea simple iracbading aII rigizts of homestead and dower.
<br />PROdIDED, however, that this mortgage is wade the ex~~as condition that,. ~" zhe mortgagorfs} pays in full the
<br />promsssory note ~y><taie to ehe mortgagee dated _~or h u~ 14c7g__, .for an amount iinamcett of
<br />S 7rQn. QSi paYablr. in installments according to t fc tot, together with interest Thereon at the
<br />agreed rate of chazga provided in the note, nz ,the atntntnt of 3 1~7~.~3':b`~'t if the note is paid accordiag"to
<br />srhtdule: and if n~ortgagor(s} ?aYs ali taxes ark asscssrtents3eried oa said arty and maintaitts adcquau fare irrntrance an
<br />said real propctty, thm thix mofzgage sltald be vrrid.
<br />This mrergagc Tray antbe assumed without the written consent of the mortgagce.
<br />9f :tae rrro:tgagor falls to pay any mjm of money. either ptacapal or nteress, when due, or fails w crnnply with any of the
<br />at~ove alG~4tntntfi. the martga~ee has.the option ttr deciare the whole of saidindebtedness due and payabie at onceand to
<br />ttwlntain env actimtr st iaw or equity to recovct the ~aee.
<br />in ~ixnasc 4yltereofi rnortgagar(sJ executed ifirs tlanrtgage this t~ day ~ H8 T C l'I ._._.. _ , A.D. l 9
<br />h+ inr prrsn:ncr a+.'; ~ ,/' /r
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<br />s~noI.d ~~ir_ ices Gts , .icfti~n ~''
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<br />..ose ~'. A~t3
<br />? . ~.. ^,ixon, ~aoe~~r
<br />srAT~a~g~>~RASIS,~. t
<br />----~., COUNTY t
<br />t>n t;us.-}tii":..._.__. dat• of:~~_~~~ - A:i3.. 19 '~G ,before me,...tlse
<br />ue+iitrszgmd _''aoerte I.*_TSl,1er aNotxryPuhlic>
<br />auty e~rtrmissis+re?d and querrtred for .u:d resid=_n¢ut said ~ou~,ty>petsottally ::ame S'Jr:~i11b'y ARt fi t:~.t;•'. urA.".
<br />:tati_T€~s~t ~~3. A~_±il~r~ ~ us~a~-sn 'H_'•~i. c _ _
<br />w ;tar: katrw:t to bo the ;dentscat person whrasa name ° T(is} ~~ffi"iixcd to the foreg~tittg instrument atmortgagars
<br />and atkaowledged t}~ xarm to be ____ d!~ S i t' __~._____~ ,_,_,_, vaiztntary act o+' deed.
<br />~iti¢rtez~ soy ha.-ad and Notarial ~ tt~e day aced year list ~~es writttat.
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