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CONTRACT OF SALE <br />Know all men by these presents that Clintar_ td."!?ud'° .lahn of Grand <br />Island, Eax 422 is the county of Hall and state of heb- <br />saska part of the first pare in the property mortgage. of the follow- <br />ing described praperty; tots 1 inclusive to 19, Iots 22 inclusive to 26, and <br />las 31 , 33, 34 of Sec. 24, T.11 ti , R 1Ctt2, also known as Reutngs 1st <br />subdivision. <br />daes 'seezein state that Lhe part of the second part CIinL_on E. Sohn <br />and the part of the third part, Louise ~,. John having <br />not complied with the agreements made in the mortgage between the part of the <br />first. part, and themselves, part of the second and third parts, and being <br />in bzeaah of covenant therein for their failure to provide the financial am- <br />auat as listed and set forth upon Lhe face of said. mortgage ithat being <br />$~26, 4'LI3.Llt3j, and they not having given, nor there being any receipt of <br />any such money apparent lw part or in total; nor there being an}* past 63Iis <br />or overdue accounts havir;g been rui:ified by payment of Lhe parts of the <br />second and. third parr far thane of the Bart of the first part; nor in fact <br />any documents amdlory~rtification of any type that there was a financial trans- <br />actian complied with by the parts of the sec.~nd ar third part, of [he wort- <br />- gage filed with ttae r2egisLer of Deeds at the !;rand island , ?:call County Coact <br />tlanse upon Lhe lath day of "4arcn, X952, by Clinton w, John !part <br />of the second part. <br />Therefore., this being stated and declared as being a just a true statement of <br />fat t, the above c;ecribed mortgage is therein rlatermfned Lo ^~e nu11 and void <br />for any and all parpases far new and ail times. <br />/~J} ,~~ r ~, <br />~~fw.3~ L~ ~vyt.. 4lSi..,. ~~'% ~t``UTLti..-~.-. <br />/ =la Le +.lzntan ;.~."gud" .3oh,rl,," <br />„,,;v, xftlENT <br />F~1+Ptsi' aLL men by these *>rfesents, chat an asreement r.ntered-.into thxs 29th <br />~3ay of liar~ch , 1932, bet~reen Minton 6;~bad" wohn hereinaf to>r <br />calEed the,-vendor, for h3sESelf, his Heirs of the one part, and ~:l iiidait;o <br />Rau~~-land Lor~orat$an h+areinaiter called the purchaser, for ctxemselves <br />heisat executors ata~d adnciaistratocs of *he ot3xer part. <br />3. The said veaxdor doth hereby agree wt:z the said purchaser to sell. and as- <br />sign. unto him the. said purchaser, t3ee faliawng described properly, lsaildin~;s, <br />aema~ PzemiSes, situate Iofatcd Qld 'w"est Highway 30, firand l;sland, tietaraska , <br />ra}tereou the sasd,vexsdar has fa'r ~~ 28~ years cazried an the trade ar <br />business of ?'TYCO which is a truck and auto parts sales and repair co , ; <br />whicix tine sender ntfw xsnd np to this dare has held and conducted his business <br />thetein~. as else all L}se fixtures, en§ines, machinery and uten3ils, tools aced <br />imp3eesaents used or employed in carrying on the said trade or business, together <br />with-t3ae said business and the gacd will of the same, <br />2. Sa eostsideratiar, whereof, the said purchaser Both hereby agree with the said <br />vender to r,urchase lice said residue of the said term in the same premises <br />tag;+ether aids the said business, fix tares, encines, machhexy et al upon terms <br />hereafter :ientiorsed, <br />~. "t ;s ~~atexally reclared and agreed by and between the said vendax and put- <br />Chaser tt~:at ii: titre attorney of said purchaser shall approve the Title of the <br />~xf ~~Pn~o ~~d .aid ve=rdvr ;~11 on the 31st day of I~areh, 1°dR2, ;,t the cunt. <br />'~ 'hEe F, c.:ns c y •roper deed a: sssignnent, will sel_ de,scri.5ed property <br />s the ru .nzt er, :s •;es=3ccsx;, administrators, and assi;;ns,and s:hich safd <br />recd, i :,~},, i~r-.-. :o ;c: usual and arditury covenants, szhall ~,Iso c<st,tain . <br />