<br />~'
<br />- the et:ms ~ccvr rf by stir i~cci€'tzr Tiu~r stsalicnntinuc unimpaired. L'pan such payment and cure by 6orroxs~er, tFis ~.ed of
<br />TLUStand the >hht;:ttitan sctur<d hent+p sllnil remain sr: full fork and ctFeet as iF noacceteration had occurred:.
<br />r- 2R. 4swga~nt rf Renrs: Apgnimrumt of itecriver, Lew+~€rin Possession. As :addshonal~security herCUnder, Bgrrower
<br />it €xtc.h~ :r~srrn c ni i_ rer, ;v fur praperiy`, laravsded thyt Borrower shall, prior Ia acce€Cration uncfcr paragraph t:t
<br />herrot or ah,n~i, ,nu'gt zt the Yrti,pert}, hoc<e the nghS to collect andretam .ouch rents as they became:duearui payable,
<br />C:pan ,: u •r+t,.+n ,rid r psragrapls iR ftertaf nr aban8nnment of the i'ropcrfy, i.endtr; in per;an, by agent ar by
<br />~u 1,c.~lky ;,ppc , red r .. er..ir:+I2 bt emitted to enter upon, take posseccion of and manage the Property and to cn2lect the
<br />srntse+t the h'n+penr tnc€ndtngtttox-pasrdue At€cnfv co1€tctcd h}~ t.tnder art€ietrcCivtr shai€ btapplieditrsf to payrntrtt
<br />ttf tTr ~,rr. •.: reranagemtnt ;:f: fhc Property and ca€Icct,ar. a€ rants. ,rte€udtng, but not Limited to. receiver's lets: premiums
<br />.,nr tom, c,:rr . lx:n.., end. reasunatste attaruey'x 4ets, aitd then to the sums secured by this Detd al Trust i,ender and" the
<br />rcee,ver .'1., kx i:.,hi~ Las acttwnt only #tsr those react; actua€iy meiveti.
<br />?f. F'PRUre :ydraoces. Upon requesr of Sigrower. t.Cndcr. at f.endtr i option, pear fa ful€ recanveyance of°ihe Property
<br />u ttn,ac.~ <<~ He+rrawrr. mau make Fettsre 4dvancec to Borrau=er. Such Future AdVanCes, w)th irittrtst thCtean.shali arc
<br />~+ ~urr<€ h` r .,~ € k`ectof Trutt when evidenced by prnnsissory natts staring that .aid notes are seturcd btmby. Arno stmt sha12
<br />rh.: nnnctn:.l arr.aunaal ehe indehtednw•sssCCUra:d by rFsts Decd ni Tnssr. not zrcfudrng sums. advanetd in accordance herewith
<br />tr prn,ecr ;ti ~i°run~y of thasDecxi al Trtaxt. eYCeed the ora~na€ amount aP the ?stole aius US S 55{37 _Y2
<br />Z2. Rereae,evttNCt. trporrpayment a€ aH sums seeurtd by thts Deecf of Trust, LandCr shai€ request `lru,ter to ternnvtp
<br />r ~ atittpray+erss end ~,ha:t surrender this Died of Trust .rind al€ Hates eviderscing indebtedrre,s secttred 6y thix Dced of Trtrst
<br />tea 1 t:r.iCe- €rtruc-c :hall rs¢anvev the Pr €+errp withatrt warranty and wdhaut chortle t. the person or persrons €cgu6~',
<br />.. M322kd thtxtatx. Such person ssr ptrsans shai€ pay a€1 coxtx of tncardau+an. rf arxp.
<br />23. Sstbetitrue -Fros>bee, i-ender, at 2.:cndces apnan, may frc%mttmc tt~ tams remove Truuce and :+ppaent a stircccsutr
<br />tnr.:tet"to any Tru>ICC apposnted herefmrler by an invirnmenr rec+hrdcd t.% the r.auntr m which this Dyed of Tnrxt isrttards^t€.
<br />` rax+ssx iin. cxu,*a.c: r ;iH'. p'rapeiv a. iitc #tif.le„l~r ii usxcc ~iz:ij uc.cCi1 !,!
<br />a,i fns true, po.?,`er aria uwitts Wilteri'eu upon
<br />thee t ruStCe hcec^tn and by apptzcablC isxv_
<br />2~: Request itrr'tiaticts. Barrosver regatext, that cs+pics of the nartec ,+f dcfauh :end notvice of sa1C be sent to Barmwtr's
<br />adyfrC+w vi+sch rr zhC Prtsptrty .atddrecs.
<br />ty'tkftrN~S`C ~tktERFi~f. i3t~arrtsw"tr has YRi3CUSCd t€Ti5 t}Ct`t! !+f Trws{;.= r' 1
<br />~,r.
<br />Mxck~~t. 13ozer ~ c., ~,..-•--`°'y ....... . . .. . .
<br />__8o.ra..r
<br />.?tidy r ', . ~-~ .............
<br />--BQPrpWar
<br />X4,6 rr-alt"'~f.$A..,tSKw,. Nebraska .%3x11
<br />Cr~wnty ss
<br />L?ri thr~ ~9t~ day n! ~{; rt3 ~~psef+xre me, the wndentgneci, a ?3otary Public
<br />duip c~tutmrxs,rtmsxt and quaiafied fur •,atd ::ctwnty, tu'tx.araat3s came` xiick r. t3carei' and Surly A. Sorer,
<br />:FlSistxveric:. Anr3 .i~iia~ to me known to be the
<br />dtttiical Frtrsarstc? w~~im^4st are ,ut'r,cnt*ed t=s the; is+rcTxasn{; mstrumcnt anti ackntywttdgcd the sxccwtion
<br />thercY~f to az:. s6tunfafy act ;end deed.
<br />a,4no+cxs mg kaand acrd n<?tarrai prat at Gsand 'Island in s:rtd cUUntw. the
<br />dale atary`~aid,
<br />,;Y+~
<br />s~y'~'.CafntSy[3.$ttlri Y.'.tiYrrCi iiy~f'~j;k+`,y~ ,... _. ,/„~"~5~,~q -.~.i'M ~{~;
<br />R>~1lgtiq~~~li~~ it ~ ~4'€s ,~l",~^C''Jg ~'^J
<br />" ~+P4V~G
<br />RE:tJtnf::ST i t3A iCi'tflti\ i,~`,1NCE~
<br />Ter Titus{ r eE
<br />Tth' undct~tglfcd s, tM; hxNdxt tai tfaat ncatr ,:r ntue. ,c~urtsi f±p tksts L7ted rrt Truss. Saki ncate c>r notes, together
<br />yHdl aitt±rher tntfeixcdtte+, etcurcd by th:. i~tt£ aai lrti+,t 7x;tsr iw,,en gatd,n lull. 'Y'ou are hereby directed to cantef
<br />•.a,<! n<,tt r~r tttricx anti- this i}ecd oaf ~"ru>t, wfrit`h :see tirir,crcc! ttcrchs, and tea recnnvey, wttrsrhtt warranty, alt the
<br />cs;:et.tcta..E~ ~' ytau uatdcr thcs d7tt`Y€ t,{ zlru.,f t<. the pet..;.:>rr .,+r 3x^r~tan, iCg~.attp" cntatied thereto.
<br />Dete.. .... , ._ ... ,
<br />~.r
<br />_ r_ ~,
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