<br />[fwtr=aRtvt CavEranwrs. Borrower and l.ertdcr covenant arxl agree as ioklows: $2. (~ ~ ~ ~ ~"
<br />f. Pa7ment tf Printepd and f.Merrst. Borrowc: shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest nn the
<br />indebtedness evilectcedhy theNatt, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interest
<br />an an Futurt Advances created by thrs C3eed of Trtrst.
<br />~ for Tatty tttnd [nsnraece. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to Ltndtx cut the day rnanthly installments of principa} and inicrest are payable under the Note, anti{ the Nate 3s paid in full;
<br />a sum (herein "Fiords") equal to titre-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over th"ts
<br />Deed-uf Trust, and ground rents on the Property, if any, plus ane-twelfth e' ycarky premium installments for harard insurance,
<br />plus ane-twelfth of yearly premium installments for marigage insurance. if any, ail as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />timeto time by Lender an the basis of assessments and hells arrd reasrinable estimates thereof.
<br />Tht Funds shalF be held in an institution rite depasets ar accounts of which are insured or guaranteed tsv a Federal ar
<br />siafe agency (including Ltndtr ii Lender is such an institviian). Lander shall appky the Funds to pay said tares, assessrnertts.
<br />insurarue preminms and ground rents. C..tnder may not charge far sa holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account
<br />or verifyir:g and mmpiiing card assessments and bikls, rmltss Lender pays Bnrrawer micrest or, ttte Furtds and applicable law
<br />permits (:ender to make such a charge_ Borrower and L.tnder may agree ir, writing at the time of execution a( this
<br />Deed ttf Trust that interest on the Funds shall be paid to Borrower, and unless suctt agreement is made ar applicable (aw
<br />reyuirtK axh interest to lse paid, Lender shall not ht requtred ra nay Barrawcr any arterest or carnines on ahc Funds. Lender
<br />sltai3 give to Barrawer, withnttt. charge. an annual accatmting of~the Ftrnds showing credits and debits to the Funds and ahc
<br />purpose for which each debit !o the Funds was made. The Funds arc otedged as additional security for the sums secured
<br />by this Decd of 7"rust.
<br />if the amat:nt of the Funds herd by Lender, tagtther with the f;nurc monthly installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due dates of taxes, asxesantems, ;nsutance gremierms and ground rents. sEtall exceed the amount required in pay said taxes.
<br />assecsntents, insttrartct prcmtums and ground rents as they Ytli doe, such excess >hafi he, at Borrowecs aptian, either
<br />promptly rcoaid to Borrower ar rrtdired to fterroever an .ntk:ky amen , ,tr,d.~ Cf the :tmaunt of the Funds
<br />held b7r (xncler shall nai kx sttfhcient n> pav taxes, assessments. insurance premiums and ground rents as thty fall dot.
<br />Borcoa~tr shall pay to Lender any amount ne pessary is make up the deftnency mithm 3t3 days tram the date- notice is mai{ect
<br />by trotter to Bnrrawer ttgtarsting payment :hereof.
<br />Upon payment in. fu$ of ski sums ui:.aced by ibex Deed of Trust. [ _ndtr <h s! }~. .n.ptrv r rood ;0 8ar:, wcr any =a;nds.
<br />heFd try Lender. ff under paragraph ig hereof the PrapcrtF ~s said er the Proper o +s a,hcrwtse acquired by Lender, lender
<br />shad appky, no (titer than imrntdietely prior ra the szke a;t tht Property ur ire a;:gxriatson t±y [_zndcr, any Ftrnds hekd 6v
<br />Len~r at the lime of application as :credit against the sums secured by thrs C}eed of Trzrst. "
<br />Nate a» para~ g, phs~an~d ''y~cr~i~af shaltsk,t e~dpned by F ~ndrsFsst flt pa mcrr ,i Prmocc zs payabitrtght endc~ by B~rrower
<br />under paragraph 2 herw#, then to irttere t payable on the tiatc.:hen to tjxt pnncrpai of ahc hate, and then to interest and
<br />princs'(.yd an any 'r"acute Advances.
<br />4 Char(CcS; I•icr6. E{ormwcr shall pax a31 rase,, assessmcnr~ and .+tber ,.hargts tunes and ,maasueans atiribvfable to
<br />tht Pntperty which may attain a priority aver this reed of Trust, and ktasthaf ' payments cxr ground rents, if any, in the
<br />manaar provided under paragraph 2 hertaf ar, i} not paid in s[tch manner, kty Borrower maktn}; payment. when due, directly.
<br />to the payee thtrtof. Borrower shall ~promp;ly ftanixh to iRnder aJ! nou<es ai amatants day under this paragraph, and in the
<br />twat Borrower shall make pa}~rncm direcz3y, Borrower sha3l pramntly fzsrn=sh yr F.endtr recespts evrdcnc,rrg such payments.
<br />Borrower shakk promptly diselaatge any lien which has preanty eaver thsv l&rd of h. ust; provsdtd, that F3arrower shatF oat Fx
<br />reyuieed to diss:harge any such tiro sa long as Bortowtr sltaJi agree +rx writmq ;a+ the paymem of rFst ahiFganc+n secured. by
<br />such 6th m a manucr aeceptable to i_tndcr, ar shall rrt gcxxi !a,th ;unttst axch Ften fi3•, xrr sttftnd rnfcuecment o€ saeh lien tn.
<br />Frgai pptxscecdin s wtuclt operate is prevanz Ehe cnturcement .,i tttc o,en ar fcxtentate of she Property or env port thereof.
<br />5. fittvarri Insnrnee. Bor:sywtr Mftali kttp the rmpruvtmenls now exrstmg or hcrcafttr erccttd on the }'ropcrty insured
<br />agairrst loss by fire. hazards tncltadtti within the ttrm "exirndecl caveragc", anti such athtr hazards :,.: l «ndtr may tcquuc
<br />and to such amounts arrd far such }xrtads ax Lender may rrqurte: pravtdcd, that l.endet ,hake oat rcquare that tht amount +±I
<br />web €roveragt txt:ttd that amount of coverage required to pay she s~emssreurcd hq th+s 1:}cod at fors[.
<br />flit insurance caterer providing the insurance chart M beacon by Florn?wtr subtc<t tea approval by [.ender; ptavrded.
<br />that such approval shaSt oat be unrxasonahky wdhheld. Ali premmmx cm ;resuranc:e (aahcics shall he paid in the rnatroer
<br />i"revidtxl under paragraph 2 htrcxrt ar, rf nut paid m such rnunncr. hw itotrower snaking payment, when dot, tlirta-tly to the
<br />riwurance G8r11Q.
<br />Art ittattrani;t penhatts and ttttewals tkxertuf shall kre rn ft rm acce{ttabla t,> lcndcr and shall ~nchtde a standard rnongage
<br />elause in favor Af and rn term accaptabte its J,endtr. 1-ender vnatt bast She rrght to trail the f'talieits arrd renewals thereof.
<br />and Bot~toxxw ahaIi ptamptly futnrsh to l..tndur akk renewal notices and a7J recerpts ,.>f pa+J premrarms. k» the even of loss.
<br />Borrawtr xhatt grvt prompt nu3,ct [a the +nxtrraucc ;:setter anti Lender. k.cndcr may make prank of lass ~i not malt promptly
<br />by Bnrrawer.
<br />'LJnitrs+s~.,Lmder amt Barrowcr o¢i~rwrse ~agrtt rn wru,vxg, u,vurarh>r prrn:rxdn ti.natt 4k: applied to re+;[uration or rtpatr of
<br />fhC Praf+Y•~f dam,4gt{i, p[Utix~ktll 4ylC k) tyS[t3ral1tAi1 <.[ rCF3akr f0 tklrnUn)rlaJiy fL'd~lh(f :till I!1C YCi iti icy f1r Ik1A& DCtd ai TrUYi IF
<br />ttttt thereby tmpaircd. kf sash rextoratwn at report is rr<x ttxenonucaUy taax>bic nr :P the sccurrty Uf this C3ced ai ~lnrst waukl
<br />he rm{tatrtti, chit msruanat proceeeds shall bt appkurk to tilt stints srr:ured fsy this Ctecd ,+f "Trnt1, with thn e3cts, sf any. pail
<br />to 34otrower. (f the ('rapcrty ix aba[tdancd by 8arrawer, tar rt Fitrrrawtr tarFs to respand ua i.cndcr wrttun )() days; from the
<br />lass rtbtise rs mailed by (.ender to Borrower rho[ the ,nautance a.'arrrer c+i(crs to scitke a <Jasm for msutance (rtnefitt, k ender
<br />is authauzed to culkt-t and appky Rtrt insurance ptoctedx at l ~ndtr's rp(tan archer to textxaratran ar~ repair at rite Proptny
<br />ar to the sums secured try thrs Drxd of 'i"rust.
<br />Unlt~s Lender arrd i3ortawtr txtkxrwsst agrtt to svr+tang, an} stttit appkicatiart at proceeds w pnncrpal shall not exterxf
<br />ar pcxstpant the due dart of iht rnoruhls anstaikmtnta re}erased to .n paragraphs J and 2 hereof ar change the amount of
<br />such inxtai3mems. Cf undo paragraphs iR htrtof the PraptrtY ,. acquzttl trv Lender- aA n¢ha, tHic and dnrtrest of Baxrowtr
<br />in arxi to any ensuraact pcnite+cs and an and era ant pecx~eeds there,rt result mg (ram da~stugt Ua ifie Prapexiy pr,ar so the sake
<br />ar sogtrisitiun chalk puss to (_.tndtr ta'a the assent c k the corns >tcated hp tats 37eed ak Trust :rnmtdsate3y prtor to such sate ar
<br />acgtusttron.
<br />&. 1're~servatian and k-taMtenstrrte of Pwpertp; Leaxbatds, t:andominittmst Plamted (..'nit JDevetaprrrema. tlorrower
<br />sha3i ktcp tttc Pr<~scrty to g.a,at aeparr and chart not <r>mn„ 3.,t~ :,r pn.n t ;r,.,parrmcnt ,•r ictrrmr ts,~rr rat' the Ptcip<',rty
<br />and steak! comply writs tine prove„otts of any itxsc if 7hrs heed , f) ratst <> , n a iease#taFd. If thts teed tit 7"rust s an a unu rn a
<br />candonwntum ur a ptanrtcd amt dewekoptrtcnt, Borrswtr slraJJ perSarm uiJ of Borrawxr"s abhga[,ans a»der the dei:Jarot,ea»
<br />w cavcnanis creat;ng ar governing the cnmfarninium r,e pkaontd nnsa destiopnaent, the Fay-laws and tegulatinn, of the
<br />cattdntrssnium ar planned unit t#eve3upment, arrd constuutnt dacurrnnt, tf a c:o»laminium or planr.cd nriii levelapmtnt
<br />sria!! ~t~outtrS by Borrower and retarded tcrgethtr with this "Cleed of 'F rust. the covenants a»<d agreements e€ such rider
<br />poraicd into and shall acne nd and suppltrntnt the cc~+rnamh ,t ncJ xgreetnents ry! ih s L7c~eii v+ ~l-ruse ac ,f the rider
<br />Wert a part hrereof.
<br />7. P`rntettiszn of fender's Stenrity. FS Bartawer tasks to lx:afxrrm .ne c,ve»ants acr;J agreements cotrtatncd ire this
<br />Dttd a# Trust err i€ any aaits,t car prueetdmg is mm~,rxex -ht~h +raterwllc affects Lendtds ,nrcr~.t on rht Propert}~,
<br />trtt3uding. (net rax hrniitd ta, trrsinent damarn, iruolvtn::}, rc»,!r cnkor.cment, zar arrangemtrts or pre €e.dings ~av akvsng a,
<br />ltttnkrupi or decedent. ihtn Lender a[ Lerxltr's aptron, upon natt`r t+, t3at owtr', :nay rr>ake such appearances, tiiclaurst such
<br />caress and Sake su.h : ctiaat as is neeessary to pta[ect Lender s ~naetest ;nclud:ng. b+rt oat limited te+. lis$uraernent r,t
<br />reascreatrkc atfornty"s €cts atxi tntn~ upon the Prtrptrty to make reparrs (( P..cndet rey::rred munga¢e ;:tsuran a. s
<br />eettrdaian of nrakirsg the tear .mot:.-ed bs~ This reed of Trust Bvrrerwer shiakk pay the premnrms rctluued to rnantt.,n+ ,c<h
<br />iasvran t rn eKttr mv'r! 5'[AGf[ time as the requlremtnt for sut,h rr;aurance icrxxunates in a<:«ardance wrth }3orrtawet's acrd
<br />Etnc~r' w stn agrerrt_tcni ar 2p liable law. &srrawer shalt pay the atnaunt of all mortgage ansutartcc premiums ;r, the
<br />nsanncr p ;:t..r:l under paragr: ,,h ? htreaf.
<br />bray tiro+aurr; sbutacu 'ray Lc: titer pursuant to thrs }xaragraph ?. with ,merest tkrcrcon. shale became rxddinunal
<br />rr%t$tbitin-ss nl Hr. a.-e :cz r r v s„3. P•:ed of Trust. Cinitss Borrower anz3 l,er:dtt a¢ree fti athtr tcrr:;x a!' paytt•na, suces
<br />ama*u2ls ha' ;x. p+ t.l o~ ~;,er ,ra°. ; tndtr is Bartawer ~tqut^stiag }aai°rncnt thtrst±f, and shat! brat rntrro~sE ;..,~•r rtes
<br />data Hf 8ix! ~r•.entrm r , r rate f 3t '~ e F >nt ; tract to time on t*utstanding prim:ipa> uevdcr flee Note v»ktsr payrncnt ,
<br />st
<br />at euc.t a < :d !- ~ mfr a +r C ak to law. in +v~hxch avers[ stx.;h nmaunts rha(k Fiat n :±resi at thw big ~.t ~,,te
<br />parer. rraaJr_ e tide. xr rt°.ah;e ~. „"» .xy ~ ~tarned aA rtes ,na rsgtaph ,shah rcyture f_entEtt ,o i»cur,any expense nr, take
<br />anti ax.t. he ~ u.±cr.
<br />lY. f>acRr t6on r - ;r m.,.•~ ~se to trc made rca~a r i;F¢ - ate e z
<br />9itat [xndtr t5a~t q>t< .,~~ n r>P,wr ra sf h F r p ctx. r.-u l
<br />kit;;rta*.va ref. t:c~r. pert,, cis ar:y such +nspt . ,,,. ,pe-t +, Ong r~eaa n s..r ~:ur ...Prz. c;ar t ta~a€J :~ , truster-,
<br />=:xttrpt ,n tier Pra.€+eriv
<br />