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-~ _ __ __ <br />;_ <br />;. , <br />4._,,, <br />=~ ~ ~ 82""(lfl 1 ~ 5Ei , <br />ficiary sha#hhave waived such option to acce#erate if, prior to the sale, transfer or conveyance, Beneficiary and [he <br />person to w4sQrtt the praperty is to be Sold ar uansferred reach agreement in writing that the credit of such person is <br />satisfaotoN to 6sneficfary and tftat the interest payable on the sums secured by this Deed of Trust shall he at such <br />- raceas Senefidiary sheilrepuesF. <br />_ tg Rcce#eratian-upon t]efault; Remedies; Sale. Upon default 6y Trvstor in the payment of or performancE_ <br />ofhe terms and conditions of the Nate, ar any renewals, modifications or extensions thereof, er the payment of <br />any ether indeptedness seeured hereby ar in the performance of any of the covenants or agreements hereunder, <br />E2nefSCiaty may dEddare ail sums secured hereby im;nediate#y due and payable and Lhe same shall (hereupon become <br />due-and payablE without presentment, demand, protest ar notice of any kind. Theeeafter, 3eneficiary may deliver to <br />Trustee a written declaration of dEfau#t and demand for sale. TrusteE sna!# have Lhe power of sa#e dt the Property <br />and if Beneficiary decides the. Property is to be sold it snot! deposit with Trustee title DEed of Trust and the Note or <br />notes and' any other documents evidencing expenditures secured hereby. and shat) deliver to Trustee a written notice <br />- of defauttand Etectian to cause the Property to be said, and irusree, in tern, snal# prepare a similar notice in the <br />form required by la~.v, which shall be duly filed for record by Trustee. <br />(af After the lapse of soon Time as may be required by #aw fa#Iawing the recordation of Notice <br />_ of Defau#t, aril Notice of De#ault and Natca of Sa#e having been given as required by taw; <br />Trustee, w#thout demand on Trustor, shall se#! the Property in one or more parse#s end in <br />such order as Tnastar may determine an the date arad at the time and place designated in said <br />Notice of Sa#e, at put is auttion to the hgnest bidder, the purchase price payab#e in cash in <br />• lawfu# money of the ~;nited States at t?ts time of sate. Tne person wnducting the sa#e may, <br />for any :ause #;: or sue deems axpEdiEnt. postpone the sale from time m time until it shalt <br />>ae competed and, : n ?very such Casa, notice ai ntxtpanement matt be given by public dec3a- <br />rati~n itaereof Sy such person at the time and Grace last appointed for the sale; provided, if <br />the za#e is pastponEd ter Longer than erne (;1 day beyond the day designated in the Notice of <br />Sa#s, taatice therEaf sna#f be given .n the samE r-tanner as the original itiutice of Sate. Trustee <br />she## exeou is and de#iver to tkre purchaser its Deed conveying the ?rnpertY sc sold, but <br />tivithaut any covenant or warranty, express, cr irnp;ked. Tne rECitals in ;ne Deed of any <br />matters Cr facts shall be cor~tiusive proof of rte .rut.`.fu'.ness thereof..Am; person, including <br />wtihaut limatatian 3enefici-arV or Trustee, ±r[as aurcfzase a[ the sate. <br />tb} when Trustee xe##s t:ursuaat to the covers herein, Tnsstee sna!! apply tfte proceeds of the <br />safe to payment of Lys cxrsis a7d expenses of exercising the power of sale and of the sale, <br />- including, wiL'taut !:mrration, ins Gayme^i ,t Tr;:stee's gees rncurrr^d, vthiCh Trust88's Fees <br />she#k na: m the az~regaie exceed Coe sum of Five t+undred and No1100 S5t70.~Dk Ptus i,r2 <br />- of t °G of the amaa:ni zECUred hereby and remain4rtg unpaid and tkaen to tkte items set faran <br />in subparagraph icp raeraof in the order thereon stated, <br />. fc9 of ter paying tnc items sseclfted :n subparagraph {b}, ~f ins sa3E 's by Trustee, or thf, proper <br />court ens! t,tTtEr cases of foreclosure and Sala ii the ra#e ss pursuant to ;wdicrai torec4asure, <br />the proceeds of ssie ;hart be applied in ns order stated tasiow is the payment af: <br />{#j G€asi of any evden::e of ';rte prOt.:urBd if, CannBCtdfln with sul:h Sale and of any rEtle- <br />' nos requirhd to ve paid: <br />S2) ASisums then secured hersdy: <br />i3} Tfae remeendsr, of any, to the person #egalty ent toed thereto, <br />.3, Additiana# Security nst.:aments. TrusTOr, ;t Ire expense, ivit# Execute and dciivsr to the $eneficiary, <br />,~xrarnpt#y upon dem and, ~;rcta set:urtty instruments a"e ?"nay f,e rsgtfired try Beneficiary, in form and SL"b52anCa Sat15• <br />factors ;a Sery.,r a-y, cov8ring coy of tree FrapE±ty coarveyed fry :hit Deed a# Trust, which security instruments <br />sttilll be add-tior:a# security far Trustor's faa'th'ud perfarmanf3E oP aid of the terms, covenants and conditions of this <br />. Deed of Trust. tsaupramissory notes secured f[eretay, and any fhztoer security mstruments executed in c.onneczian <br />~. viiba: th+s traftsactian. Such instruments sha## CtE recorded ar fired at 7rustor's expensE.• <br />- - 74. AApain'tm8nt pt Suceessar Trustee. ietGCfary may, (ram tame o urtse, Lay a written instrument exc- <br />cuteef and aciutow#edged t y Benefic;ary, mat#ed to Trusor std recorded in the. ctrant>; ar counties in which the <br />Propeny ;s located curl by ciherw4se cornprying with ihs provissons of the applicable taws of the State of t`lebraska <br />- stibstitur^ asuccE:ssar o: successors to ifte. "rustae named herein er acting krersundsr. <br />7 ~. anspeciia~zns; beneficiary, or =ts agents, ra;prssentatives ar workmen, are authorized to enter at any <br />reason <<^.n,c uy:an ar tin any part fat tr,$ praperty =for the taurpfue of inspecting the same and fur The purpose of <br />1 .~; fF O...~",'yany of ;~ r@ ;l Li;i it iS auiitofited to :perfa(m. sander 2218 terms Ci if18 DBed of TrtiSi. <br />4 `c- Oat o cr.c -. ' the OCCUrrenc~ cst aaYc'efautz hereunder, genstici3ry shad; have the ontron to <br />- t--=-_ ,tea Jr+, ^e ., r~E meaner tsrtfided t?V #;aVs for the farEC#astue of *rartgages on -rr,;,g{ propsrty- <br />7 F ~;ate a-~~e t?°.__f ` ,r Tt~ t~ "'at a ~1Jaiver. ~,ny fa=ebeara»ct~ by Btateficiary ar ?rustas in <br />, >_, .. e [ ;,i fk~% ._ =reurstfEr, (x 0 rr.-_., a'fprdyd #3y apjkltGat#ie taw. shall na; :=.+3 a Vaake' a# Ctt pre- <br />~ . <br />