<br />FOR'THE PURP05E OF S~:.tiRING: ~~~ ~~'~ ~ ~ ~~
<br />{aF The. payment of indebtedness evidenced by Trestar's note of even date herewith Lt the principal sum afi
<br />~~, Sscsnd=act tt,r,usanrt r{n1 t arc Dolkars
<br />(S 1D~1.,f1[1iP.. {}~ }, together with interest at the rate or rates erovided tftercin, (herein °Note°}
<br />and any and ail ;ertewals, modifications and extensions of such Nate, both principak and interest on the Note being
<br />pay!ahie in accordance with the terms set forth therein, reference to which is her,,°..yy~~ m de, the final payment of
<br />prime"real- and irate=.est, if not sooner paid, due and payable on as per note d~te~ same.
<br />(b} The performance of each agreement and covenant of Trustor herein contained; and
<br />(c) The paymenl of any sum or sums a'r money ;vi:h interest thereon which may be hereafter paid or advanced
<br />under the farms of *.:tis Deed of Trust.
<br />3. Payment of Principal end ~tntefesi.-Trustor sha3i promptly pay when due the arincipai or and interest
<br />an the indebtedrfexs• evidenced by the Note, and a€! other chards and fees as provided in the Nora, and the principak
<br />-af and interest an any r~utsre Advances secured by this Deed of Trust..
<br />2_ LNarranty of ~tfe. Trustor ._ ;awfully seized and ;wssessed of goad and .ndet"easih;a title and estate
<br />to the Property hereby conveyed and has tie rant to .-,rant and convey the PraPe:ty; the Pre~rty ;s free and clear
<br />of ail liens and encumbrances except :inns now of record; and Trustor avi,l warart and defend the Yitle to the
<br />Property against all claims and demands.
<br />3. Maintenance and Comaiiance '.Vith Laws. T-rustor shalt keep me Property in rood repair and condition
<br />andf shah not camemtt waste ar permit impairment or deieria-aeon of the Property and shall comply with the pro-
<br />vosions of ar,y tease i€ this Deed of Trust n a ,. ,sehoid. ''Ja ;mprave*nent now or hereafter erected upon the
<br />Property steal", de a:tered, emaved ar da^naii:sned :^,vtnout the prior wriren consent a€ 3eneficiary. Trustor shall
<br />Cnnop3y with a!i taws, ordinances reguist,ont, covenants, cond:t~ars aad rzstr?ctions a fecttng ;he Property aad nag
<br />commit, suffc^r or pe-r^at any yet to tae ciane in -vr ur~.on t .e ?ra„erty rn v,oianan of any taw, ardinanr:e, regulaiia^.,
<br />covenant. _^anditt ors or rs ~ic2aan .star s'~ai. ;;omPle E^ nr restore promptly and in toad worfCmanliBe manner
<br />any :mpratrpment on t^te i'`ow"+'-'rty ;vnrcn nav to rlar-iat;ed .r dettrayad and pay, o,,°hsn u}ue. akf claims `or labor
<br />performed and mater^a,t `...~.~sh-sd'termfor~^ nci !nr 3nv a+;era:rors thereof.
<br />a. ?nsr.rrancr,. ~.zztor, at is exoens ~. v„i rna t:7in ,vith =nsurars approved ay Beneficiary, 'n;urance with
<br />'es4lect ',a t'?:. !r,Prr~,_mer.., ,:;,c; ;.Y:sang: pra:.v.rty, ~ st.t::t+^.g the PraP'rtY, againti +ots aY '.'re, lightning, [or~
<br />nada, and otner per;s and fiasards hovered o,{ standard extended caveraye endorsement, in an amount equal zo at
<br />teats one hundred parr t of ;;:e ~-utk :,_ptacement >~~u thnereof atxd insurance agamsf such other hazards and in such
<br />aneasunts as a custome : iy a Toner a,+cs operators of similar properties or as 9enefiaian{ Wray squire for its
<br />;aratcctron. i?ustse tvt-! c[vmo -;~ .atn 5ueb other ;equ;rentents as i3eneficrary may from ti roe to me request for the
<br />pratectian ;av ir33urancC .'t the ~ ~nsts ,.r .12a rest3ectere '>arU«>>_ y+11 ;nyurarscc ltoi~cres rnaentained pursuant to ±his
<br />Ueec! o` Trust ana3, name ru,to -nu i3tras Sic nary as nsurerSz, a~ .hair resk~ecLVe ~r,tcrests Wray appear, and provide
<br />cl at t"tare shah oe na canoe _ ~ nrs^,4sf s.ut;c,n v~rinaut na test than 15 day. ;~rr~ r written natif;aation Yo T r; flee
<br />and. 6aneficsary !^ the. event ar~.. . ~3tdcy harrunder , not renewed on lx k> tote 'i5 days prior to its ex piraUOn date.
<br />Trustee .~ i3enef;::iar{ ,-nay Prx re <_uch +nsursnce ;n acearsianc- .ro:th the pravi,ions of paracraph ?hereof. Trustor
<br />sftait deliver to 9enefic~ary C=:e angutaf pairc:es at nsvrance and renewals therer•fvr r:ama cep~es cf such poiiGes
<br />artd rersewafs thBrcYtf, Failure to furn;,h <_tx n ~~st;rance by Truz.ar, r>r renewass as reyusireC hereund9r shah, at the
<br />aPtitxr of 5enef;czary, canstatut a defau}t,
<br />5. Taxens: iiszassments and clar~es. Trustor shaid pay a ! R~mxgs, assessme^s n.: oxr!cr c`targes, :nciudinra,
<br />without ismiidtian, f,nes and =mpos<tzans atu~'JcfY"Oke to the k'•opas.~+, a.^.d ieasehaid payments ar ground rents, if
<br />any, before the same become dsimyuent, Tr+>star shat promptly furnish to 3ana=ic:ary a91 notices of amounts due
<br />.:radar this ;:aragrapfi, and in the event Trustor shalt make parrner.t d;recciy, T-orlon s7tait prcmpt!y Furnish :o
<br />Setse4iciary re;x;pis eviderc:rag ;ulta payrnenu. Trustor shots ;,ay a#k taxes and assessments which may be levied upon
<br />$enaf'sciaryes interest here=n ar upon :.`sir Deed of Trust without regard to any{ kaw that may .n enacted imposing
<br />PaYn~=rat of the :vhoie ar a„;Y pare thereof uprn the Benefsciar^{.
<br />6. Addit~oriat i .ens and ?ratection ,:.f E3anefici-any^3 Secur+tv.. Trustor shafk make ai! PaYntents of imerest
<br />and prnczpai ar ~ raa':henu of ~~ny at6tex eharges, *,ees and expanses contracted to L^r. paid to any existing liar,
<br />hapi^,kct's ar c•ra~ .~.--~ete~ .rtes undesr any prior ~deext of trust or more.yoga before the, date that are delinquent and
<br />praneptiy Cray and dizchar,z any and all otrar i:e:ts, cia(rzs ar charges ~ztteh n:ay ;eopar<:iza the security 3ranted
<br />herein, !$ Trustor iai'es to make aray such payment ar `.ails to perform any of the covenanu and agraerranis con
<br />taunet3sn ttis C7eed of rmsf, ar ~n any prior morga~ ar deed of .rust, or ,f any action ar proceeding is canxneneed
<br />wiiG` matetr"adFy affee~ ;3enaficiary`s interBSt in the Property, snctuding, but trot Rmited ta, anr;i~ant domain p:a-
<br />m:cd +~r or pzdinciy inw^fvimg adecadent, or if Trust r fails to .parr Trustor^s dabs genera#ky at they become due,
<br />ih--~ marts€;ciary, ~: 3enef-arary^s optsoc, and vvsthav2 notice to ar remand upon Trustor and without rsteasirag
<br />va?%r fr;am any oUiirat~an hereunder, rvaay :moire sxh a;;pearancri, dist3urse such sums and ta4e- such action ,;; is
<br />~tt e.,~a rr tfr pr,4teCt Benef'sc&ry'3 enter¢sS, i+'^etvtk4rtt.; trr32 not Iii,; sad ;~:, distzuste:ment of reasorabMa att~neq ~s teas,
<br />a ~ ~.c~t, ;xsrehaie, contest ;,e campsomiss ;~r arty ent;utt+.'brantC, charge ar lien, and entry upon the S'ra°serty to
<br />. ..., i;~ the _vas,.hat e"rest :r ;:'a!9 Eakt ra ~`csa~are ins~c, arse ar to qaY taxes. asse5smr^ts, or any v,ner
<br />~+-..:.
<br />