<br />82~ui,1.1~55
<br />dude the exercise or any suc. <`ight or remedy hereunder. Likewise, the ovc.,~~ try Beneficiary or Trustee of any
<br />default of Trusior undo.- this Deed of 7rvsY sh a71 not be deemed to be a waiver of any other or simi9ar defaulu
<br />swbsequentiy xcurring:
<br />18: Trustor Nat,Released. Extension of the time for payment or modification or amortization of the sums
<br />secvredby this rJeed of Trust granted by Beneficiary to any ;uccessorin interest of Trusior sha16 not operate to
<br />release, in any manner, the liaiaiiity of the oriainai Trustor and Trustor~s successor in interest. Beneficiary shall
<br />Hat be requited to commence proceedings against such successor or refuse to extend time for payment or other-
<br />wee modify amortization of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust by reason of any demand made by the original
<br />Trustor and Trustar's successors in interest.
<br />i8. 9eneficiarv`s Powers. Without affecting the !lability of any other person liable for the payment ofi any
<br />obdigaxion txrein mentioned, and rvithouz affecting the lien or charge of this Deed of Trust upon any portion of
<br />the Property net then or theretofore released as security for the full amount of aiI unpaid obligations, Beneficiary
<br />may, from time to time and without naTica li} release any person sa liable, till extend the maturity cr alter any
<br />of ?.'ap terms of any such obligations, (iii} grant other indulgences, %ivl release or reconvey, ar cause to be released
<br />or reconveyed at any iirne at Beneficiary's options any parcel, par?ion ar all of the Property, (v} take or refeaseany
<br />other^ or additional security fqr any obhgatian herein mentioned, or }vi} make compositions ar other arrngements
<br />with debtors in re lotion Thereto. .
<br />2©_ Reconveyanae by Trusses. Upon writ?rn requer of beneficiary stating ;hat alt sums secured hereby have
<br />been paid, and upon surrender rf thi: Deed of Trutt and ;he Nate to Trustee fnr cancaitarion and retention and
<br />vpKan payment by Trustor of T: ustae s fees, Trustee shall reconvey to Trustor, or the person cr persons legally
<br />enTl t:ad thereto, w;;,au warrant'., any p.n ..,„^. of :`.e Pieper, ;hen held hereunder. The rea.i ia!'s n such reCOn-
<br />ve~yance of an•t made s or 'acts ;bait be conclusive ~rrof c, •te truthful ress inareof. The grantee in any racanvey~
<br />once may bedesch~d as °the aersan ar ;yersoas iegariy entiTied thereta°
<br />21. Notices. cxCept`ar any naticcs. ~'emar:ds, requests .r ut7^?r _omrnunicat;ons rnGuired under appiic;a5ia
<br />avv tO rte given r^: anOTfaer manner, ~.:rheas=_ver Benefs`ciarY, Trustor or '-ustea_ gives or serves any ;.once (including,
<br />wrthotxt 3"imitation, hat3ea of >1pTauit and nv.sca of satej, demands, reouests or aiher cammunica;ion vaith respect
<br />w :His r_3eed of Trust„ eac:x such noT;ce.:aemand, rersuest ar prier can;munisation shall ~? ~n wraing an6 ease§t be
<br />efiectsue rm€y if the ~.ame as defva'ed try aersanaS serrtce or maiiea ;c{ ce ;nod mail. Postage prepaid, rate ca reeeipt
<br />rer;ues:ed, addr¢aed •o the aw'dre:s as se, forte at the beginning of tnis Deed cf Trust. T-ustcr hereby re4uests
<br />*,hat a copy of any Horace rf ~a'auri, env Crcase of ;ale, required or ce;misted to ba given Yne Trustor hereur~dEr,
<br />be mailed 'o . at ?he adCrass sc x+h at ::~c,~ nrc. ,n~ of this ire ti :~4 Trust. ~~ny {sarty +rray at any lime r,*,ange
<br />Sts address 'or such Hat e; by : Pu•,'na"•t~' or ~., e atfter a-t:es Hereto. as aforesaid, a nonce of such change.
<br />Rr'ry no~=~ce hereunt",er -aiS Lc :,cemed to Y, eve ~ s=ren ; ;smr ,-ter "dPneficiary. wtren given in the mar.nar
<br />designated hnreira.
<br />2T. Ga+e-n.rg l.aw. 'his Ueeo of Trust snail ''-,ae govemec, r the laws of tt;e State of Nebraska.
<br />23. Suc~ •ssor, any- ~zs;Hrs. T7sss Ueec cf Tr s a;rpc:es , ,tire :a-,,res t:. ,. _ enei'it o' and binds sit partses
<br />hereto, The - e;- 'r,ya ecs, devisees, personal xepraseatativNs. ~~ccessors and assrgris. The term "1beneficrar{" shelf
<br />mean the s7wr+etr and holder of the Nate..vhrthe: or prat named as Beneticiar r herein.
<br />29. uo,n: and Serr«rai i-:ao i;iv. MR z:cverrants ant agrearnents of '- scar easel' B:nt and several.
<br />25. Seversiritiry. sr, the avert any aree or more of the provrszorts contained in this Geed of Tr st, or ti?e
<br />Nate nr any other security ;nsuument given ;n connet:Tian with this tra;sxactaon shalt for any reason be held to be
<br />invalid, iftega} q," unen9Otceable ~n any rC5(w'CL :L'ch atvafidaty, ~b?egaYity, 4sr tenenforc.eabiiity shad, aI the option of
<br />Beroeficeary, not affect anY ether provisinn of tt:is Geaa of Trust, beet this .i'ieed of Trust sfaail be construed as if such
<br />;mated, ltegaf, ~t unanforceabte prowisior+ t?ad never iree:s contained Herein ar Therein, .f the fleas of this Deed of
<br />Trust {s :lnvaiid or une*+forceatrie as to anY Pari cf ttse dent, ar .# the i;~>.n is invalid or unenfcrceaote as to any pars
<br />of the i'ropertY, the urxsecured ar oarttalty secuced portan of rase w{tst she+i be cornprte3y paid prior to the ;say
<br />ment of the rernainang and secured or partaiiy secured ,portion of The dept., and ai4 naymenis made on t#re debt,
<br />vrhether voluntary.or under fexec;osure or other enforcernen: action ar procedure, s:tat be considered to have been
<br />first paid oat arzd. appiit:d To the fut.. payment of that :portion a# the debt ~rohich ds not secur~+d or not fuify secured
<br />bYthElsen of ihis'Jeed of T:.,sT,
<br />26. i^tumber and Gender. Whenever used herein, the singular numT~r shalt i;:cltrda tr.e pturai, the plutai,
<br />site singular, aftdtheuse of any render shah. be app"aicabte Eo ail genders,
<br />"'~. %1cCCpia~^.ce 5Y 7nritee, Trustee, acce¢zs this Truss when this D2ev of Trust, duly executed and ac-
<br />kna v _rye~! •taefe a public record as provided by taw.
<br />N ';.lTN ES5 L^tti EREvF, Trustor^.as executed this Deer. of Trust as of ehe day ar,d year f~rsY abov+ nr Tttn.
<br />~£
<br />t § • ,,,
<br />i
<br />