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etude the exercise of any such right or remedy hereunder. Likewise, the waiver 'oy Btnafiaiary or Trustee of any <br />defautlt of Tncstor under uhs Decd of Trust shalt not be deemed ra be a waiver of any other or similar defaulu <br />sutat.~vently acaurring. <br />t&. Truster Not Beltased. Extension of the time far payment ar modification or amoetizaiion of iha sums <br />secured by J.;,is Qeed of Trust granted try Beneficiary io any successor in interest of Trustor shad not operate to <br />release, in any Wanner, the i:abifity of the original Trusmr and Trustor~s successor in interest. Beneficiary shall <br />not f~; regi+~red iv° cammtnce p,-n~tdings against such successor or refuse to extend time for payment or other- <br />vvisemodify amrrtizatian of: the sums secured by this Deed of Trust by reason of any demand made by the original <br />Tfustoc and Trustar's successors in interest. <br />t9. Beneficary`s Powtn. Wi*hout af;2ctirg the iia5ility of zny ether person Gable for the payment of :any <br />obl',lgaton heresn mentioned, and .vithcut affecting the lien or charge of this i?eed cf Trust upon any portion of <br />the Pro pasty Hat then nr there?afore released as security far the full amount of alt unpaid obligations, Beneficiary <br />mar, from ?ime m i:me and without native ;i) release any perrnn sn iiah".e, (iii extend the maturity or alter any <br />of Fhe terms of any s:sch oorigacfcns, (iii? grant other indulgences, tiv) release ar r2convey, or cause to be released <br />or r~ecanvtyed at any time at Bent#iciary's options any parcel, portion ar alt of the ?rcperty. {vl ,eke er release arty <br />o*.htr or additional security for any niatigation itereir, mentioned, or (vi) make compositions or other arrangements <br />with debiors in relation thernta. <br />ZQ: Rtcon+reyance 'ry Trustee. l,'aon written request of Beneficiary stating that a1! sums secured hereby have <br />men paid, and upon surrender of liras need of Trust and the Nctp to T*ustee fcr canc2flation and retention and <br />upcrz payment try Trus;ar a*," Trustee'. fees, Trustee ;hat; reaar<vey to Trt;stor, or the person ar persons legally <br />entitled thereze, :vthout viarranty, any portran o€ the ?ro{:-arty ,hen field hereunder. ?"ne recitals ;n such recnn- <br />vey.utce of any rat*.ers ar facts snarl ~~ cnnc.usive prooF of the t:u[hful Hess :hereof. Tire granter ir. any r2eonvey <br />anrtr maV de descritpd as ..:he. ;rerson or :x:rsees legally entitled tftertm". <br />27. ~atfcts. `txcrpt for an•r :roticts, demands, requts~ nr other cc;mru^ica,ars required under applicable <br />Saw to bt q[ven in another man%rgr, rrhtnetrer Btntfitiary, Tovsiar os TruSIee gSves ar serves arty nailer. f[nduding, <br />bwtihaut ?imkztcn, notice of default 3nC naC:ce of sa£a). demands r^gvests or ctnc.r communication rlittr respect <br />to fhls weed of Trust, eacix crab natarn, riemand, request ar other eommunFCatscn snail be in wrrting and s^ak! be <br />eff;hciive only if the saint is dt3«rtred by persona: serv+ce ar ma-led ~•; car*..fitd rnaii; ostage ;repaid. return receipt <br />reuuesaad, addressed to the address rs set fort± at `he btginr.~ng at t't;s Deed of Trust, Trustor hereby requests <br />;Mai. a enpy of anq notice c•f der.=lr, an; r.oi.ce of tale, requsred pr oermittr,C to ra given the 'tractor hereunder, <br />i~ malted to 52 at the aGdr~ss set forth at thr. beg,nn~rr, of tail Uesrtf of ,., t. AnY party ;'nay at any charge <br />its arcldress 'for such rso .cring nr ma+iinr, m ne oirxr ,-ar?i?s hcre;o, as aforesaid. a nntres of such ekrang2. <br />any notice herts:ndtr ;6 . ; to ,a+e t»aen :c•n ;, ras:=or r;r firnef,Ciary, wrten qi{en in the manna: <br />dtsgnattd here<n. <br />22. Govern;r*g ~a~.v. This aces; of Trust *Stai+' tu) =lcvem+~d +,;,, the ,a.vz iaf t.^.e State of PJeL-raska. <br /><3- Sucrxssars artr4 +~ssiyns ~ h> ~raad "r;; -3"+,es and ~rerares to the ;rrnefi; of ar?d.i7inds aif parties <br />nertltta, tfttir heirs, legatees. dtv:;- per...;:n, eeor:~.r ~:,.ves, -arse^: and assign. Tn2 reran "3cmef;ciary" shall <br />ratan 417~t +7wntr and ha+dtr ai t!sa! _ _._ ,- cwt 'amid a3 i._^;n ficrar{'ts~rei r. <br />23s va nt and Sevtra t~ ,- , , -t„nt: an>j , gratntents of Trustor ,txati ;~r; larnt and several. <br />«5. Stvrorstselity. to ;he crent any one cr more ;tf the ;srnvisiuns containto in the rv`etd of Trust ,. the <br />:vat+¢ ar any other sewn ,~ -:nsir;trnent g;xtn .n oocnec:inn witft this uarsaczron -shall for any reason be held tea ~: <br />inYalyd. tlltgaf ar :rrben:?crxaiate !r. ar;y respect. suds n-~trdi ,iT,•. ri{egai[ty ar unenforcea'sitlty chefs, at the option r:f <br />Btreltc4arV, Hat affect any vth~r ;iravis+cn of ;his tDetd of Trust, but thrs '?ltd of Trust s;rail be construed as i'such <br />irrvahd, i4ftgal, 3f liners#orceataft pravsanA, ?sad ntvtr 4etn ^,nntaned htr2«n z~r rhtre ~. ?^` :he !en ,f this Ceed of <br />Trust ks invaS+d ~r cnecsforctab:e as' ~ any part of the detrt, ~ar a ~fre ;;an r; ~s*.vaiid nr linen#arseabte as to aey par, <br />of rite S'roprorty, iht unsrteured ar ,.artsa:i~y stcu-td portion of the deer, snail be comgt~~~ty paid print to the pay- <br />antnt of tr+c rtm7(aning and yast~rsd os Carizally sr•*ured par°aan of the debt, Gad ai3 payments malt an the rJebi, <br />.vf* [nr ~:c-;urttary ~r u;+der frruc±nsure itr crtrttr tnfor~cr:er~t Gillen ar proc:tdure, sra:i e considered 20 navw_..been <br />firs ~a.:7 on anc appkt.~ to iht fui! payment of iha. Pcrtior, of the debt wttbch ss not set°urr.o or r:ot fi.;.f:y secured <br />tell iirr' -::4 '!~i.5 :).?,t.4~,. ;,* Tr„,t, <br />~-. '4 <.ar-d Gender 1`VfEentti`er used ?sere n .nt Singt.Ear :miniver snai't irtciude ttr2 plural, the t+4uraf, <br />~t s.+uu€a ; a....rte case of anp ?3t odes sftaik' a2 app}zeabit ,o a;3 genotrs. <br />z7. 'LCCaptarce b'{ "Custee. Trustee arCept4 this Trust wheat thes Deed cF Trust, duay executod anc aC <br />F?xaw+ccir~d, .s made a pn6itc rncar ~^ as provfGtd try iaw- <br />iP8 'a"r""ST^,ESS ~dHcREC7P, Tr=:srcir eta; 2xtcs,ted thra veal of T•,rst as of the ca: an:l year litre ace h~;tr-en. <br /> <br />r , <br />