<br />
<br />~;;aR~rGa~~ $,2..... $101:199
<br />This Mortgage Is entered into.beEtwern _ FRE2? M. JAFIISCFI azxi I7C~1LdA 3AI~LLS~F1, Iitzsbatu3.-arr3-.
<br />Wi Ee ___._._ ___ _____ _--_ dherein "Mortgagod') and
<br />_ _.~ ~.~
<br />TfL WEP.II~I~II? NATICh`uaL: BAATK ~' G> I$IAI~, Grand Island:, i+Yel7raska therein"Morsgagee"}
<br />;elartgagor is indebted to Mortgagee in the gnocipal sum of $ ?75, aQQ', QQ ,evidenced ity 4fnrtgagor's notes
<br />datFrd ____~ 23, lgS2 therein "Nbte") practding far payments of principal and Interest, with the balance of the
<br />Ind, btednes., if notsoonerpaid,dne and payablean_ ~ 16, 1985 .
<br />Te ~.rure [hc payment of the Note, with interest as pro47ded xhcrein, the payment of atl other sums, with interest,
<br />adwmced by ititrtg'e 6tt protect the security of this iortgage, and the performance of the covenants andagrr~eementsof'
<br />the 41ort~gur cvnttained'herein, Riaragagor does hereby mortgage and convey to h4ortgagee the fotlowittg descxibed
<br />.property-'lactated in. ~~ ~-.-. County, Nebraska.:
<br />Lets: Fs:fteat (15} and SecrQ.nteen {17) iat Hiodc Three (3) in University Place, an
<br />Additicas to the City of Grand Island., Iial1 Cotmty, Net~raska:
<br />I,c!ks Five?.. (5? and. Six (5) in xr,aear,~s Subdivision, an r'Y.3+;'.itioz: to the City csf GraTUI
<br />Is~iand, Hall Ca~tusty, :tlebras ,a;
<br />Lots Orye f~urix'ed 'Thir'ty i~tir~ ii~9) arld One =:':x~re3 F~r*_y (141, Belmont Addition tx~
<br />ttttie pity G>arid Isla., Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />I~it O1ye lturx3red 'Fsaenty ; ? 22) , and Lot One Hundred 3~aertty Three t 123 } in Belmont '
<br />Ac'kiition to the City of Grand Isla=nd, fall County, 3vebraslcr3;
<br />Tw;~ {2) and -Four (4} isa Block zty-diWn (22) in t3niversity Plaoe~ an .FV3dition,
<br />tcl the City of Grand lsiarxl, #iall Cotmty, raska.
<br />'f'crget2rsrvrith atl buildings, impnevrmrncs. f•xzurrs, 4trr€•r,-srilcy~, passageways. +•asrmrn2.s, rights;. privrteges and
<br />appartraancc~s loratrei ihereaxs ar !a a»}'xrist• pertarnmg there^ier, autd th€• r<rnt} a~iuk•~a and grofits, reversions acrd remainde>a
<br />wtrektwf; inetuaitn$, but »tst timitr~d tar. trentinp, and c„nir»g +°€{urpmraa and ~trh prrso»al prrrperty that is attacttedto the
<br />irtrprov~trxtetsta sae ztr€ tra constitute tt ftxtum: aid taf witarbt, in.-tudtr+'t+ repi~aertatent~s arnl addiCr€atts thernto, is hereby deeiared'
<br />to lo-e a part zrf t#e rt*ad extnte secured by tttc^ li€^n rvi tha, ;kTortga,:e~ usa+A atl +•i t7tt~ fr5mgoing 4feing recessed to hRreinae the
<br />"Property"'
<br />ydiortlar furt9rer crrnsrcnaniz and : ~„ v«•:. w,th A9unbagr., y., t<;ilz,ws.
<br />L Pay'meent. 3~o pay the mdebte:dot~~, ;.~;d tl~.e s izt•rrat th. r+•~za m pttixrrdrd an this ;Mortgage and the. Noi,e.
<br />y., Titie_ ~iortor is ttsr^ owner o£ ttw Pr~,pera~, ksna: wRe r.pptee nn€t authenzy it, mottRnge the Property; and
<br />warrrnts that Utr Ileax rrentrd herrt>x ss a ftrsr and psi:>r am tin s±,~> Y«t,parrv. x^tiee{at as rnat oeherK•itie be set forth hereio~
<br />t:~ '!"rtes Property it .aulrpraY to a dtrngage warn^~n __._._...._____._ _.... ~-.
<br />ax the . , strcurdedat Nook _ _ ......,., . Page -. «r a hc• 1r rty„age iieenrtts of .._...__. __.___.__.. _._,..__.._..Gounty,
<br />iva~rraalta, wbecSa Aiartgage ra a teat pesos t« the tr€•n i~rttaceo rr,'cr Yt+,
<br />. - - XS f.MYaer pr,or tienx or estavnstxrarscr~, _. _. ._.._. .., _._ .. _.._._.._.___..,__..,_...~..~.
<br />.. 3. Tries, ;tts:ssmanxta.. To pay vrnen d=act a'tl taxe+.. sprr~al x~.:€:. s~rtt.nnd ald attar*r rhargc~s against ttie. Property
<br />and, up5n wt7t+-Yn ~mand by'.6$arrga: to add to the paytrnrzLw ~atairr d under the ?~tstr srrurrd hereby, such amountes
<br />atak~ he• stFfCecteni +.o enable tare hlost¢agHr tees pa?; sneaa taxes. asse•srtlentti or usher ehargea ns they become due,
<br />:# Insurnnc~e- 7`ti kwp !.ha- inwgrcwestsimts row-or iter:•aftcr lucatt*d €rs the raal estate d+asertixd herein insur+rd
<br />_ ~ xgnttzst dantagr by flrv- auei suett nE^ve tyazard,.a~Alarrtaagxa+ tna'yxquire,lnamrwntsand u~ittf':compar..i;~~a:~r,~ptabteaottsr
<br />~Itsr;.gag.•c^, and with teas pa~xlsre t,:,,.;l.e Mort~a`- iz* a~aH,: o: Sass sander .uctt txatnts the iiortRafr.. i.; authort.xed to
<br />xd;.rntt, nutetit _ad ;ornprotnsrr. rn ttcdisa'ra't}on,afl cL~imsthersunder at rt~ssc,te agtaon, aUtht,rt~.a~d loc^tthetappiy tits
<br />rmc•€KVis :<, the rnswratiuo oi' 4ac Pmpatrtyor upon, the sndebtedrunss <.eeured hzKwtxy. tsutpavrasenSxl;..~r;'••undrr utsalleon-
<br />time a:nti anesmttasecvlmtk hereby fir,-p~t"sd to #uf8.
<br />~. &xcrvw Fos :'errs ani:ln_cttcanre \3.ai ~~:i~+att: ~n}°lt:ing€'ontanednparagra4lss;iand9Sterc!ttftothe
<br />c+,,ninn , dartgal;ar s",a+t ;+~y [r, the 'aanggl~r at tr.~ ::rne of rt ~n~ ~ sac mr~nahly Instaitxrsrnrs +rf ptYnclpni nndintkrtexi;
<br />one-txR1t§tt sa the i-r .d :ase~,, a~x<smezi t, c:ararsi ;r-~ora~ta^ F-•.msarn... gad~c„und rents r:if any)nvhi~efe may atitzin a
<br />pc~or~+.y ose•r ti:;5 '~.9ur.yt~e, e!: ~ rr4u~t,a hip .,tc aa,c ;•um „mr z.. time b~. ttt.- }?o rtgagrt^_ `PPte arnabunts ao p~dshsiFbe
<br />t<xid by fitn ?t4,'rrtgagve u-i.htxtG ontc•n.^c sad appit?d ... ;::~ pagr~rrt <d ih . ue5 ,n n•s(mtt W v.hir:h r4ueh amounts wire
<br />~rp~krxa- 15:e ;uem; uud is i#er16!agev h~rrur.dvr :are p,ezi eca a 3 }r _,rra ,n ~ :or the indebtadm~seeuredby^E1xis
<br />43Qrt_ 4loazya{tnrshaik pa;r Ecr *:9arts~ge+• ehr a_~aou:ct ..r xny~ .} .n a~ n<> :~ ~ , e , t^.^ actual ta~€•s, assessmr°rsts, ttsxurant~
<br />pr>rtniurti+n wtn3 yrt~tt ar3 rtwe[•. anti th;• nr,7ir;..,s hcr.•vaa-r ; r:?+, ei tar. •: : ai:.t~t a",-civanrs c: ;aside upon YiMtgagar requesting
<br />E: -Hegnar.:tlutnrr,nasceu+A i~,a. "'i'.. t:a€rrr~p_t}- r~Rsir_ ~ .,r.-..:: ~;>a;Y# a; ; tzu3d;r,~orintwnst.:ueaatsuatwc+r
<br />~,eeea ;eat ~_, ihr :9atx•K~, ~+t ka °fr °ir5, }rt { r ~ t-t :;<, •s. C rat.i i, .... „ ray. na.. r, . wz<t ~•, ~: .1 r,,.,. ' _t17n ;nceltaetic's or
<br />Cl.I.FF iM-'Flti l+Lyx,F1#i•.tin6'4aY~f/F/-~Zfi~~Q`~SfJ F'Z+~.t'~i t1.•Ff` , ..~.1 _L '_. ., ,•t-,F t~F!rt'.~. .. S a'.'~.. 1!tO: G•.-. ,rlr~~l}fki7n~t9k-
<br />V: s s .}x~tt -. a'aGs ., tis "eSTy~•el~ ?~: ,e.= Act a t+.:xGkit ,• ~.,~~ ,tit. ~ rq ~GSlir ~~! Fit+^~avitfi
<br />