rte .. r`GCo ref e
<br />8~- ~~G1I4~
<br />g2 °° t~ti104~.
<br />[JtvePaee.r Cover+~rvrs. Borrower and i_eruier covenant and agree as follows:
<br />!. ktayestsetafPriwefpdattailateretM. Borrower snail promptly pay whin due the. principal of and interest nn the
<br />irwleMedness evidenced by tine Naxe, prepayment and Late charges as provided in the mate, and the ptinczpal of and interest
<br />an ~rry Future Advances secured byrhis t~ceti of Trust.
<br />2- Ftuis Iistr Tattles tut lewttnaee. Subpart to applicable taw or to a written waiver 6y Lender, Borrower shelf pay
<br />to Lander nn the day rnonthfy insFa[Iments of principal and interest are payable under the Note, until. ehe Notc is .paid in fa1G
<br />a stun (heron "Funds°) equal to one4welfth of the yearly tuxes and assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />Detd,of Trust, aml ground rents on the Property, iC any, pins oneawelfzh aF yearly prcrnfum installments for hazard insurance.
<br />pith aril-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance, if any., elf as rrasnnably estimated initially and from
<br />time to time by L.wder on the basis: of assessments and bills and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />i'he Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which arc insured or guaranteed by a Federal ur
<br />state agerrcy{incttrding Lender if lender is such sn insti[utiov). lender shall apply the Funds to pay said lazes, asscvsmtnzs.
<br />imuranec premiums am[ geoerrtd rents. Lender may not charge for so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account
<br />or verifying and compiling said assessmen[s and trills, tartlets Lender pays Borrower interest nn the Fe:arls and appttcablc lau-
<br />permits Lender to make sstch a charge. Hottnwer and 1_tnder may agile in writing at the umr of execuuan of this
<br />Deed. of Trus[ that inictesf on the Funds shall he paid to Borrower, and unless such agrtrment is made or applicable law
<br />rttquires such interest to be paid, Lender shat) not be rcgwred to pay Borrowtr any interest or earnings on the Funds_ Lander
<br />sha8 give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accarntmg of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purptse for which euh debit to thr Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as addiaional security for the sums secured
<br />by thus Detd of Trust.
<br />If .the amount of the Funds held by Lender. togaher with the future monthly mstaitments of Fonds payable poor to
<br />Cite due dates of texts, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed [ht amount required to pay said lazes.
<br />assmtrrtenLS, insurance premiums and ground rents as they talk due, such excess shaft be. at Borrower's option, tither
<br />promptly repaid to Harrower or credited to Barrawer nn ntamhly installments of Fttnds. If the amrnmt of the Funds
<br />hdd by Lenster shall not be sut}icitnt to pay taxes. assessments, insurance premiums and ground cents as they fall due.
<br />Horrawer shalt pay to Lxndv any amoum rtccessary to make up the deficiency w+thrn 30 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />tfy [.trnder to Barnavraz requesting paytatnt thereof.
<br />Upon payment in full of all attms sere -ed by this Used of Trvsr, lender shalt promptly refund to Harrower any Funds
<br />held ivy Lender. !f tender paragraph 3g ht~eof the Property .c sold ar tax- Property <s atherwase acyuired by lender. Lender
<br />shall apply, no later than immediately przor to the sate of the Property or its acyutsiuon by [_tndtr. any F+mds held by
<br />Ltndtr at the bate of application as a cttxsit against the turns sectrrcd by this L>ecd of Trust.
<br />:3. Awe of Paytrew~. Unless appli€abie law rrov,des nnc~rxvrsr. at1 paymenrs rece,eed by Lender under the
<br />Noce and paragraphs t and 2 6ert~f snail fir applied h} icndcr rirst to payment of amntmts payatsle to lender by Borrowtr
<br />under paragraph 2 hereof, then to interest payable nn the Note. ;hen to the prinnpa! of the Natt., and ~hcn to interest and
<br />principal an any Future .Advatces.
<br />4 f;Yatt~e~. i,itas, Borrower shall pay alt taxes. ;acsrssments :rnJ rtthcr charges. tines end :anpsn+tions ;+ttributahlc to
<br />the Property which may attain a prrarrty aver th=e Decd of Trust, and ieasehokf payments nr ground ooze, iF any, do the
<br />maaaer prtsvided undo' paragraph Z htrtot nr, if not paid in stub manner. by Borrower maktrtg payment. when dot, directly
<br />to else payee thereof. Borrowtr shall promptly furmxh let l rndcr all natters of amounts dot imdtr ibis paragraph, and in the
<br />avemt Bormwtt shalt matt payment directly, Barrow~tr skald promptly fssrnzsh rn I_rnder zr€erpts cvtdcncang stub payments.
<br />Htnrawer shall pmmpit}' dist:harge any lien whtctt etas prrortty r,vrr this Decd c)f 7ruse: provided. the! Nnrruwcr shall not he
<br />required to dtschitrgc any such Lien set tong az Borrower shall agree m u•ritmg to [he payment <,f the ablasam n srsurrd by
<br />sueit lien m a rttantier actxptabk to Landes, ar shall m good tauh cantrst s+sch k~m hy, i~r do{End enf +r, ,.•ment of c+,ch I+x n tn.
<br />legal ppnxtedtngs which operate to prevent the rntarremtm :~t the 3rcn or for#ritarr of the Pra{?i'tt; x any part thcrco€.
<br />S_ Haord Iaarttrte. Harrower shal3 keep the :m,rnvcments now exsnng or hrrcafttr me€ti c n =ht Property insured
<br />a~rat ions by fire, haiards irtctuded wnhm tilt term "rziendecl casrragt". and such oth€r h.tzardn zs 1 cndcr may regvirr
<br />and im such amounas anti for such ptrsculs as l ender may rcyurre, pr asctrd, ;hat i s ider =,hail oat rcc,uarv shat the amount ,>f
<br />eaten rmverage exertd Shat. amount of catcragt rtquerrd t++ pss the some sec oriel In tfis Uer:1 of l r,nt
<br />f'he insurance carrier pmvidin{5 the inssuansx shal4 trr rta+>,En rvp tforr<'>wcr :ubrerz t., appros ,l try e c-ndcr. {smv~de,l.
<br />Ihal such approval shall not be unrcawnably withheld .~G prEmiurm on rnsuran€c tx+hc+es +.h:eft t>L fur.1 to the manner
<br />pror6da4 trader paragrapG Z hereof or, tt net paid en ouch nxanntr, b} Harrower r;,.aktng payment, whin due, duertty its the
<br />iitwtntoae carrier,
<br />AH insararusz poluits and re7tewals thereof vhafl hr ~ + esrm accep.abir a, LEntier and ,.balk rnrludc a standard mortgage
<br />rlattae in fever of and in form acrxptablr s.x l ender. I ender •.haii have the rrgtt# t:x hair' ;hr f*ohcics .,red rEntwais 7hrrcof.
<br />and Ekftrt7wtr shall promptly furnish to t_mdtr aH rGrtew of natters and all aeccrpts rs# paes3 prena,ums_ Ire ~ttE event of lass,
<br />tlornawer shtdl give prompt notrtx to the znsuraruc tartarr send Lender 1 roller max make puxtf of loss ~t not naadt peamptty
<br />by Barrawer.
<br />13nktts l..tnder and Borniwar cdnrnvrse agrtr art wrnrrtg, 3nsuranir prcaietrls +Aatf tar applied tr+ rrstttrttion or rcpaer of
<br />the Property damagui. proridtd szreh reseuraternn nr rEpasr as c,~annm~vally icav filr ,,rid the ucarrity r i ibis f7ced r+f l r+rst ,~
<br />not ttwaehy ampatred. If such 7csearatrnn rrr rapau s. oat r>u<rnomieaiix :ratable n :i .hr + tz.r+t}' of thi Ifc€d od 1 rust t.•attld
<br />lye trrkpaitrd, the tnsoranet procerds shall L+e apptud 4<i the uurre. uctercd by the t>€,^d csf 7 nevi. wrth tY c czcca~, rf any, hard
<br />to $aa7o~r. if the Property is abandarred fiy &mrowcr. xr +^ Bttrrnsccr fat#s ; * respond t? e.et'sdrr w;thm 3tl days tram the
<br />due marce i malted by Lrndtx Fa Hormw~r that the arrsurane.t :.err rc c=tfrrs t, sEttYt :c ~sarnt tar insurance l>cnttity. 1a;zedcr
<br />is authorized to eolleci and apply the ansuraoicc prracetxfz at l rider's apnorz tahcr 3n restorabcrn err repair +,; the Propcre}
<br />or in the sums yecurrd try thn Lid of Trusa..
<br />1lnltss l_trtder arrct florcawer oihrrivtsr agree aC+ wrnm~..,m Suitt apptuat+rtrr ,if prrn.ceds its prsncipai tit+ail one extend
<br />or pnaxpwve ehe due dare of the mas,{nthky raata3fmtnts rate~rrd t., rri paragraphs 1 z~nd ' herrzrt ter rtaangc the aaxram of
<br />St3elt 1[ttta11n1entS. If irt}dtf paragraph t34 Ixscot tl'/t PrapCrt4 -+ .r(:(lu'd rEd tY4 1 -i2lder„i1{ tVyyt4 f. istit and rnlrtC t d)t l3arrewrt
<br />snared to any insurance pvesc~tts aad m artd to iht pr+.*vtcda ihcrcrst rasteftrrxg ;tom damage to the Pro~pcr'iY pracsr t,s the tai,:
<br />or acgWisitioa shall pass to Ltix:ri m Ctm E.xtcrte at tttc sums accured by thus I7ted at ~lYaSt umrrrrdaatci+< prasr t;' such safe or
<br />atxlttesitiaa.
<br />iL. Preaerrttifioe aad MstEstteesasee of }vroyerty; txtwtbratds: t::ondaminiirms: Planned L'ait fltwetapmenrs. Hon<swtr
<br />shall keep the Pmprrty rn g+x>d reparr .+n~9 shalt nr+s .crnrna *~astc , t ~. rnpn,rmer .ieta's ~ -ern. ,~. nit S'n>txertp
<br />atxfsttall comply with the provisae~res of any lease iY rhas ITE,+er3 .>t Trrst s n a ~ic.:rsthold. Lt zhfs LJiaco stir "frost ,~ r>n w on:i rn ;t
<br />e'.vrtdt[minium or a planrtu# unit dex23opment, Barrrn~Er shzii pe~ecm .d1 rat Born. war's rhitgauon, sr r~o-trr ttsr Gciarat~c:n
<br />nr covettanes errating as gavemsng ehe condamtntum .r r,lartr:ed un>t devEietpmrnt. the t.s~saw, .,nti r+:,uerf t o ,, the
<br />rc~
<br />condrnnuatium ar platutrd unu devrlapmtnt, and criztstnutnt da€ument, ;f a crtndomrnium ur plat ncd s;nzz tiu +. [t,ptnc nl
<br />rider is txerxited by Bortsswer and recorded togrthtr u~it'n thzs f3cerl t 'tnrst. the covtrtanty ;rod arr,r>_rrnrnts t .arts rider
<br />shall lxdncarlxiraicci into and sltati amrnd and suppien+ern tlx sewenanty anti agrternenis o± tfriy L}rcd .~t "hrtr.t , .:f the ; zcktr
<br />werea parr htreof-
<br />Tsaaecttnt of Lsoskrs Scr astir if Honawtz tats to prrfarrm the ..avenants ans4 aagrerinrnew „rnrs; rred to rls
<br />Decd of Txirst,. or it arty acitan err prrx:red;ng is ctmrnetx~cd whaeti +>tateraaliy a*{rt is t.errurrs .st.Err.^st ;r. rFr i'r, rerev
<br />instudang„ Fwt mat itmitta# io, tmznent domain.:,nu++renc}, xodr rntorcrmmt, xsr arrangcmrna ~sr prtree<%:-,: .t: .; .
<br />baakrttptordtcnt. thin Lerulerat Ltnder's+9puvn. upon rxnrce to Br>rrowcx, ptaY makE Aach appcuanrrs ~~~c#r
<br />sums aad falrc su,ar rxuaion as is »tixtasar;' to ,protect Lsrntcrs :ntcr~_ atu-ludrng. Esui a<n h*tnted a .bu ,.
<br />reasanalrlt nitorrto.'v fits arsd man span alert Property to nwfie rrpadrs 1! LEixfr: rr.~uanert rnnrt =
<br />condiiiarr of max,ng the loan sattrrcd ',r rhea L'xtd of Trust. Hormwrr strati pay the ptc+rtiunts rcyu > - :;, ,. , r;,;t~.
<br />itntari~x i^ 9t~~'L an°u fteCh Lrrfe Ss try requirement {ar Attch nSStrranCC 3erminatCS ~n accnrdanr ,y;tjr h~~?Y=Wer~+ ~ncY
<br />l.att~r`s wr:ran z~r «++ or applic=colt law. Borrower sltafi {ray ;lee exrrwurtr zi elf ra'rttgaswr insurance t"~ rsnrrn< ,r, the
<br />retannar Qruvsdtd under para,~7apt! 1 `rtrtat.
<br />ring gmnwrts -dlsbtvaed :~ti I enslmr pursuant to Hiss paragraph 7. u~,tl't rrirrc~.r rhEre:*n. '-_' c -s3dii.<r~u,
<br />:nde4trtitrss sit llsstrrttwe: sr .rei,- n.. t~~,x i7eed of Trusa. L`nless Borrower an+ E.Ender u}; cr t: anther ~ .-~ pa. ~cn~, ,,rts~
<br />mrn,:unss shah ~ laayablt xtpots ui~t,t,e tt,rm l,rnder to Bsrrrowcr rc:tuestrne na g-mrnt therca[., asr,i sttas 'k».. :ntk n.:.r snm: !ha°
<br />datm,of dirtntrsetare.nt at [ate. rata payrth{e frmn tintk fo tins on cta;z;! e- . ng Lr'neipal trader the Note a+s +ss p:<<~ment s>t intcrcnt
<br />ai. tan3t ratr wtntlrl 0a aartira rq to applicable 1'aw, in wt*actn cv..at ~:=._h arnontris shad !year +r,ters..; .r! tF..., f+s~hat rsrta
<br />ptet'rai¢stdhte utsder appiwtsdt law. Nnttting ~untatrtrd uz that paragraph ? shat ergo+re Lcnuer ,c~ r=tc zsr ir:x rzpensc <+r take
<br />eery actitta rmrctxider.
<br />Q. $~. L.endt:r may nsake rt cause to tK made is h9c mines + t`Ur, ;snci :rt pret~c+rr~. c hx 'Tt ~.~ z p. ;.ec,l
<br />i3ami l~Erider stzall girp lSnrrczrvtr ux tst,e ¢sner to an}~ sxreh ~ ax.GC a!- <pt,.:#viog rE..t«cvra,'.r1e ~.auc,^ t3rE mot: s :+*tsszr-u .., I...t,a-r
<br />itstrtmt in the Pratresty
<br />