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<br />REA}. ESTATE 11}vRTGAsjE -Nebraska Wife aid Rtnstiaad
<br />KNOW ALL ~2EN SY THESE PRESENTS: That .Y.iolgt_i~Lliclfsy ~d No*+~~ McYay .hereinafter
<br />cal7ecl mortgagor, of _ Rr,7 5 _ ('.nunty, and State of Nebraska, in consideration
<br />of t}te~ stun of5^+ar fihovcs,.nd Nine Hundred I~+iaety Ni]pRjLLr1 in hand paid. do hereby grant,. bargain;
<br />,Amount Fznanc~d! & '7'~~
<br />sell. and eanvet= unto D,al Finance Company of -Ne.~r>aSra hereinafter called: mortgagee,
<br />af__._~~j.___---_-_- County.. Stale ofN'e}rraska the following described real estate. situated
<br />1II srd~ a T County, and Stztte of Nebraska, to-~~,•it:
<br />I.ot 7 i3lock } university 1/l.ace, HaS2 Couxaty, Ne'tz_*-sake
<br />An ~tiditioa to the City of Grand Island,
<br />together with all the tenements. hereditaments and appurzenanrrn to the same ?xiongin~,r, and a31 t:he estate. title,
<br />dower. right of homestead, elaims and detnandr• whaLaaever of the :aid ~[oztgagor. tra ar to said premises or any part
<br />theeeoli and i4iortgagcrr does hereb}. covenant that said 92ortgagar as lawfirllc seized of ,aid premises: that said
<br />premis° are free from all liens and entvmbranrns except as otherwise noted herein, and that Mortgagor will
<br />warrant and defend the title u~ s.3id premises again5z the ciairns and demands of all per .an.3 whamsoever.
<br />T(31•ta~'F. AND TC) HOLD unm the said mortgagee, prc,vrdeed a3w^av1. and these presents are upon the express
<br />condition that ifthe said mortgagor hall eau m full to,aid moet~ t es. a aromtsan' note dateu ~n4nre}3 ?j,
<br />19 ..$,"~ far F ~py.c~p_nft~_-_- p --a:ale .n :nstaln ants accarr;,,s t„ zhe terms ther•t~at: the final instalment of
<br />which .is due on , t9arrh ?~_ _ ____ _ , __ 19._'`2.__ •,w h:ch includes interc<ct at the rate of 2~.'1 per month on
<br />that part ofthe unpaid principal iratance net m cxec_s.:ot ~ 2 t?f)Ci. I ~`: per month an that part of the principal balance
<br />in esea~ of 32.(~1lJ and not. in exee M of i;S,OfTt), and 1 <t per raunt}z ort ;mc remainder of such unpaid principal
<br />3utlar~tr. and shall pay ail taxes and a ~e asments levied .zlxrn sa;d real eszate, txxfore the same iaecumes delinquent.
<br />then t3aese preens ur he veld, ather•ts-i±:e to be and remain to iu11 fezrrx*
<br />2'C 2~' i. L?RT}3ER ACaKEED that a failum to pay anc of wzd manev. either principal or interest, tz=hen the same
<br />tx~x>trse' dui. «r a failure zxr ca,mpiy wtrh :any al the tort~t;arru; alsx« mints. shall catfse the whole sum ofmnney herein
<br />securc¢ll tar hecnme Sue and ecaflec2tblc at onrn at the option of tlse mz>rtgagc>e.
<br />tiC17'I<;E 1`(} t'OhSL'1~1E1R: L ~ not xig'n thi.~s paper before you read it. 2. You are entitled to a copy of
<br />this pager. 3. You may grapey the uapaid tsatance at any time without penalty and may be entitled to
<br />trte3~°e a rc'futxd of unearned charges in accrrrslance x-ith I:iw°,
<br />Stgrted this .. .
<br />,~-31!d_-_..- _....__. aea~•,:f .:44aS'Cfl__.__.. \ Ei l.t .'32 -
<br />`,"T.A'[`Fi t)k' Nebraaska c r
<br />"." r
<br />--'~ _.r~_ taunt}• ~'~1~ ~",2~c _
<br />___ _. c.ay of _..~rc; _ ~ l). lu ~2 Ix fare me, tht u ra:lmcd. ~r Notary
<br />F'ublie duly commr,+tsz,atteti ,tnd quahhed k,r .rnd ra~srd_ng to ,azd cnuntg, per:•t>n;t13y tame ]['inlet`Nj~. and __.
<br />~1erl~D,A--iK61j:~-_ . __ to men krtrsK•sa ins {te the rdentaca3 1~•z•~an ~ _ ~aho.~;e nanx~ .8._. alFxed Ar thr fiuegotng
<br />znklrument asmortgagar ,a._. _ __ __. __. and aeknaw'sr<tt;e~tl t.hcr same ttn },e___~13*:i.r..____-_.-__ volun-
<br />_ terry aet atad. de=ed. - _
<br />lgitnehw my hand and 'tr,z:crial :+etr3 the, die and year l;,st atxsve etr,taen. ~M--~+u.ry.~
<br />~'lS t`ommis~inn ,-spire ti ,... az ~ _,__ slay I ~Ch 1<~,L
<br />~ -
<br />c STATE [ )F ,_-._.
<br />~.
<br />_.__~._.._-___._,_.____ t;ounty ,
<br />1•-a_enrt rn i4urnericai lzuiex and filed far rcxcrrd in tixe ,:,tree t,f the Mega:ste~r° of [3eeds of Said county, the
<br />_ _ _ _ _ . day of _..._. . ____ I9 _.-__. - at ---__ .._._._.._._,.__.. o'clock and _._..__._______-~-_
<br />cnu:ut<s „,_-.___-. ___..~ ~1 . and duly retarx%yd in #3cx'>k -----.-_____q___ of._._
<br />?t3arts;agtes pale _._-...__ v____`.._____.__ ---
<br />Itc~,atrr of lkw~s
<br />~2G541 yF.
<br />t)upurq
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