_ ~ ~,
<br />l~I(?R'~`°GAGE
<br />This mengage made and rntc:cd into this 1st das~ of Or_teyber
<br />19_ 8'l, by and between Harry i . Turner and '
<br />viviar. ~. Turner as join tenants with right of
<br />surviyorshi anc4 X10+- a en n s an<common-
<br />(hereinaRer referred to as mortfiagor) and C ommerct3l filattonai t3anL and Trust ~ompaay
<br />{hereinafter referred to as
<br />mortgagee), who maintains an office and place of business aC 424 W`. 3rd St. street in Grand Island,
<br />Fail County, Nebraska.
<br />Wt7f~iE.iSEr33, that for the consideration hereinafter stattci,receipt of whieh'isherebgaeknowledged, the mortgagor
<br />does hereby mortgage, seII, grant, assign, and convey unto Lhe mortgagee, its successors and assigns, all of the fnl-
<br />Sawing described property situatsd and being i4 the County of Hall
<br />State of Nebraska.
<br />Lot Eight (S} in Slack One (1)
<br />In the Repla.t oP Riverside Acres
<br />An Addition to the City of Grand..
<br />Island, Ha1T C+aunty, Nebzaska.
<br />together with .al! thr tettemtitis a»ti appurtenatmes thereto belditging, ail-the ants:, issues and prat:ts thermf, and:ail
<br />easements, rights, royalties, mineral, oil and $as rights and profits, water, water rights, and water stock, andinciuding
<br />all Mating, phrmbing, rtfri~ation. lighting,. t+quipment and al! fixtures ,af every deseription belonging ro the
<br />mortgagor now or hereafter atthched thereto or used in connection with'the premises herein described and in addition
<br />thereto the following described properties whie3r art and shall bt deemed to be fixtures and a part of the realty, and
<br />art a portion of tfi, secut#ty for the indebttdtxss heron stated. ttf none, state "none"')
<br />Nang
<br />To have and to hold zhe same uaeo the Mdngaget as lrerrtn providtdt
<br />The mortgagor is lawfuilV scizrd and possezsed of aml has the right to seiF and' comev said property; that zhe
<br />same is fm from ail encumbrances ext~{*t as hrrcinabove rsxittd; and that .Mortgagor covenants [u warant and
<br />defrnd the title aforesaid thereto and cvrn pan thcreo2 against the claims of ail {arsons whonrsdever:
<br />This ltcuntment is given to secure the payment of a promissory note dated t~ctolaer 1, 1..481
<br />in the principal sum. of 1 200.7110.00 signed by Flarry-l, Ttarner an3 Vivian F,
<br />in behalf of __ themselves. Turner
<br />also, as such nag a notes tnav Fmm time to titnt lre ntc+difred, rtmwed or extendedtin writing,...
<br />Cn the event the title to said real t;tatc 4s transferred, or contracted co be transfer[at, from the undcrsigtud Far any.
<br />reavon or by aay method w'iutxoever, the entire principal sum and accrued interest shalt at once became due and
<br />papabk at the eleetion of the holdrr hereof. Failure to ccer~c this option because, of tansfer of tide as above stated
<br />in not irtstanct shall not ~onstitutc a waiver of the ri;ht [o exorcist the same to thertvtn[;~f any subsequent transfer...
<br />i. TGe rrwrtt~dr covtrranta and agrees as follows:
<br />a_ To prwnptly pay the indebtedness evidenced by slid pronricsory note at the tinrts and ir, the manner
<br />!ha'aa i~sbviek+d.
<br />b. Td pay' alt taxes, assesstnrnts, waar rates. and other governmental it municipal ehas•gts f incti. or
<br />itftpdaitidRy, e'or +rhich prnv-lsion has not bttn moor heteinfxfarc, and will promptly deliver the2f~~crul rcreipts
<br />t}xrefor to tl>ti snit! rzsort~gcc.
<br />c 'E6 psX suekt csprnsc~ a~ fo`es as mny 4t irr~urrcti in tear pr;~ ec ion ar: ,r.:~inrrnancc taf S;3i~3 hrppcr~ty;
<br />azsChuli khe fcc rsf anv attarsxy carDtuycd by thr ~m7rtgagee rnr snc of r:-!ir>n of anv oa a;i of <ite indahrodntnr
<br />`strtrlrr StCt~siKl ;~r fcrrtctixsusr by rncrn~a,g1X_ s23e a' ~,^.UZe ~re?.~c'n5ink >~ i , : it :-:;a~~ I • ..aYat+tt a~# prtx,n°,;dnr
<br />BBftrtSatg _~i~ srzrtsertt:
<br />