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r <br />s~-- ,~Li_~~s <br />I,endei s written agreement ar applicable. law, Harrrnver shall pay. the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums:. in the <br />manner p~fovided utider paragraph 2 lxreof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant ro this paragraph 7, with:interest:.thereon;. shall become additional <br />indebtedness of Bormwer secured by this Moigage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree:fo gthertetms of paytncat;such <br />amounts shall be payable upon notice from Under to Borrower requesting payrnem thereat, and stroll bear interest from the <br />date of dislnrrxment at the rate payable from tirtm m time or. nutstandfng principal utrder the No[e unless-payment of <br />inittutat such ratcwovid be contran to appEinble law, in which event .such amounts shall:bear interest at the highest rate <br />permiasx-ble under applicable law. Nothing cantaitted in this paragraph ? shall require Letider to incur any expense nr take <br />say action hereundn'. <br />t1. lial*aetiw. Lender may make or cause to 6e made reasonable er:riea upon andrrtspections of the Property, pro~;ded <br />that [xtrtkr shall give Borrower notice prior ta'any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related o Lender's <br />interest in the Property. <br />9. Cowierwww[Mw. The procdais'of any award qr claim-for damages; direct or cgnsequeotial, in connection w~tfi any <br />condemnation ar othtt taking of theProperty,:ar part thereof, ar. for~.conveyance in lieu of condemnaroo, are:hereb7 assigned <br />and shall be paid to Linder. <br />1n ttx event of a tots! taking gfthe Property. rhaproceedssfiall be~-::applied to thesums. secured bythis Mortgage. <br />with the cscess, if am', paid to ASrmwe[. In.:the event-of a pa~tial>taking of-the Fropcrty, unless'Borrower and Lender <br />otherwix agree in wr;tinp, them shall 6e applied tothesums. secured by this Mortgage such proportion:of. tfie proceeds <br />as is equal to that proportion •nc~h the amotmt of the-sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prior.-to the date of <br />taking bears to the fair market valueofthe Ptxtperty immediately-prior to thedateof taking,: with [he. balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Bacrower. <br />If the Property is abandoxd by Borrower. or if,:after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make <br />an award ar settle a claim fgrdamagesBorrower faits-tarespond to Lenderwithin.30 daysafterthe date such notice is <br />inaikd.L.ender is authorized.:tocollectandap~iy ihe;procecds, at. Lender'soptign;:.either-io restoration or. repair of tM <br />Propttty or to the sums secured by ahfs <br />lJnleas I_enrJer and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to:principalshall not extend <br />er postpone the due date n! the-monthly imtallments referred: to in paragraphs l and 2 hereof arChange the:amount of <br />such inatalltt[ertt_i <br />ltf. lerror-R NM:f~teleaaeJ. `Fadtnsian of the time for payment oe madifica[ion of amortixatign of the sums secured <br />by this Mengage granted:by Lender:[oany sttccessar. inimerest of Borrowershailnat operate tomlease,.in'.am~ manner. <br />the iiabitity of the on6inalBO[rower=and:Bairoweia successors in interest:- Lendershall na be-required to comrrrence.. <br />proceedings against such suecessororrefusatoextendtime..for payment orotherwisemodify:amgrtization;of the .sums: <br />secured b> this Mortgage ria• reason of any demand made. by tfie arjginal Borrower and: BUrrnwer's successors, in interest <br />it. Fedearrace W I.etderN'otaR'ah'erAnyfatbeararc'cttyL.enderin:exen.ising..any rigErtnrremedy,hereunder.:or• <br />athrvrwise afforded 6y applicable law, sha19'.irothe a waiver of ar preclude .the exercise of stay such righYor remedy. <br />'ilre procurement of itnunnce or the paytnetrtof torte or other liens or chargeshyLendershail notbe a waiver:nf Lender's <br />right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by ibis Atgrtgage. <br />12. Reaaeia Cam. Allrcmulisxprovided in this bfartgage are distinct. andcumulative to any: ether right. or; <br />r>:mcdy under this Mortgagt or affartkdby lawnrcquity,. andmav beczertnsed toncurrendy; independently or successively; <br />13. Seeessaes aM A~igwa Bawwi; Jaiwt: awd Several I.iahirfy; _f=wP The covenants and agreements herein.- <br />contained shall bind, and tha rights:hezeutider shaliinure ra, the respective successors seed assigns. of Lender and Borrower. <br />subject to the pravisiornrofparagraph 17 hereof. Alfcgvenantsand agreements of Borrower jaintand several. <br />'lire captrons and headings ttf the paragraphs of this Mcingage arc for rnirvenence only and are nor tq he used to <br />interpret or define rho pr+dvisfons-herec+f.: <br />it. NeKce. F~scept for aey notice trqurred under applicable law to be given in soother rrtanner; fa) any notice. to <br />Bam> provided for in this Motxgaee shallbe given-bymailing such:notice by ccrtiftcd mailaddtsssedto. Borrgwerat <br />the Property Address or at such txrirr addttss as Bctrtgwer may trotice to Lender as provided barrio, and <br />(h) any notice m 1_cnder shaft tx g,vrn fry ccrtifkd mail., morn receipt requested, to Lender's addt?au stated htrein ar to <br />s;rch other addrps as Gernkr mavdeaigrratt..bynctit;e:tc+ Harrower. asptovided herein. Any notice providedfor inthia- <br />Martgagc shall ire deemed ta+ have been giventa 8errower ar l.ettder whtn given in the manner designated herein. <br />1S. IJwironr Mlee~ge; Cotreratia~ l,at.; Se~eraliily: Thix farm of mortgage:combincs uniform covenants'for national <br />.use and Hatt-unitatm covenants with Eimuedvariauons-:try iurisdiccgrr. to cgtatitute auniforrrrsecurity instrument covering - <br />rcal property. This Mortgage short M garcrrersl by nc~ law of the jtttinsdietion in which-the Property is .located. In the <br />event that any pmvixian ar ctaux of SI1rS Mortgage r+r thrNore conflicts with-.,spplicablciaw,.such Conflict shall notaRect <br />other provisions of this Mortgage or the Note k•ltl: h coo be given effect. without- the. cantlicting provision,: and to this <br />cttd the provisions of the Mortgage and the Ntatt arc declared xo be atverabie.: <br />lei,'s (:oFy. Borrow« steal! be futnixlred a cxrrifgrmed copy of the Noe and of .this Mortgage at the timt <br />of natation or after rrcardatian hereof. <br />17. Trawtiv a+f rYt hNwtt: Aaarws~fiww: if alt or am part o! the Property or an intae:t thertin is said qr transferred <br />hr Borrower withgtt Lender's prior written conse^i. secluding ia) the crcatinn of a lace ar eneumbn~e subordinaEe to <br />this Mortyajc., (62 the c:rcaticm of a piw~"base money stcunty interest for housCltuld applianCES,~ (C) a tiattsftr by devlsC; <br />deacrnt or by alteration of law apon nc~ death of a iomt tenant or rd'. tfx grant of ary Peasehold iritettst of ihree~, yeah o[ leas <br />eat carrtreriug an option to pvrchaac, lxndtt may, at Lender's ctpuon. ~.leclare ail the sums secured by this Mortgage to' be <br />immediately due and pryabk. Lender shall have warned wen npuon to accelerate rf_ prior to thie sale or tramfer. Ixiider= <br />alsd lht persao ro whom tfre f'rgperty n to be salC or trsnsferred reach agrcttrtent is writing that the cteditof such }.erne <br />rx utisfauory to Gender and that tMinietest payable rot the sums st~tcrrd by iris tifartgagc shallEx at. xuch-rate as Lender <br />shall req~cat.. If Y_tnder has waived the option to wcctieratc peon ded ,n this paragraph t7.:wd if, Bi<rrower's ~sucecssor in <br />interest hu eteYt»ed a written assumption agreement acctpred in writing in- Lentiu. Lrndet shall tricast:Borrowcrfrom aU. <br />obl~{ariaaa under this Mttrtgye and the Notre. <br />if Lender exercires such option to accdera[e. 1_endcr shall n+ait Borrower naix ql' acaelention in accordarrce with' <br />paragraph 14 Mreot Gxh notice sha' L provide a pcricKi of not leers than 3i1 days tram ilu date 23ie rtaticc is rnat7ad within <br />which 8otr'owet may pay rite sums de:larr:d dix. if Borrower fails to pay such sums prior to the cxpiratian of such period, <br />Lender trtay, withwt further notice ar demand an Borrower, :~vvle any rcrnedirs pcrmittcdb}' psagraph tr1.l,..•reaf.. <br />Not+-U~trrowat (~OVExaxrs. Borrower and Lcmicr fitrtFter cot~rnnnr xnd seer as foltcnvs- <br />li Aceaisadar:tltwwtlias. EaerFt m Imniied is lMAte>4~ 17 hereor, wMw rarrewel's Frrewci ur eery covt~k.. ar.... <br />a>•araaaatr e( Henwrr iw gdsMorlpRe, Irneiwaliw~ Ile rovewawaa to pay waa dre say t:tuar seeenei by this MurrgKa+:- <br />Lamar C~c tle aceiwrrllww star war wwsiee to ioreewer :s ~asrrirew• is Mcw[ra~ t~ head sFertfyi~: (1} the bsead: <br />to tYa tseala~ n~wisM /s ca sort btreraeYC k3) a dose. wet Ies tisaa 3• a<ns rrsrtw tfse date the wMice b lesiied to rorrow'ery <br />-f wYieM wdr i+wwsA wsast rs ~~r~i[ sire fs) that rotate tv rrro sec! br~asb ow r ie[ere r-e btc srecl8ed {w ibe sodce <br />.ax r..wU r wecalaeaaia~ rf He s.trxa ,*ersed ley tLb 34er1tp~e, roreciwwwe -y ~+irw -~>~Ir awd sale d the Propety. <br />Ila ~Mltm a~sl fa1Mr iltar~ flo*ewrr d ifre ri[~t lu reiwraur araer atceitrataee awd Ilse rigY In atuatt le the terecioawrt <br />/woauiwR tfM waa~trYaatare d w datiadt sr My wtYer 8eresae of rosrvwa to ecceieraiiee ~ fnttrcioawre. ]f the bretrcb <br />fr uaa twwlF a+w et ia1'waaties iIs ~ is tae wedce, Lewder sti Leatdera o*eww may declare ar d ttx sumo scented b} <br />tW lfasl~IMa M Yr iwwaeilwialf tae aawl /r1~ srfCYeW fanner drraawd asst nub inmloae iy jrrdiciai rrocerdialt. l.endcr <br />sear M arallrid M tatdact M wed M«`~ sit rgewsw d raaec9easarc, itsrhdlK, Mw sot lierit~;te, coast of dot rmcetary <br />c~iiawas. aiaMtarla awd Mlle reMrls. <br />1~ tlwtRewwft R~ to Rehr. Notwithatandrng f.cnacts accekratior, of the seems rotated Gy rids Mn ~t;agc; <br />llsxrorvcr srtNl have the rlil-tt to have any grot~~aedirrgx begun by rr:;de: to cr;forct int. Stottgagediacontiseuad ~ . any urr,*_ <br />