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_ ~ _.. <br />REAI50NA~ FlEPRESENTATIVE'SJC}INT TENANCI( DEEQ <br />R <br />(PLJY2SUANT TO: P~~WEh ~?~ SALE IN WZLL} 82 --t~ t:i 1,z_ C?:4 <br />KE23NF.TH RICHARl]$ Persona! 1?epresentatrve of tfie Estate o` <br />I~3A n . FTtATT Deceased, GRANTQR, in consideration of <br />SIXTEEl~ THt7I;SRATD DCILLARS ($l'ti, Q0(}.OQ} ----------°-- p4LLARS received frdm GRANTEES, <br />FRED BEA:^IHLQSSOi and ELSSE L. HEANBLOSSOM, husband. and wife <br />onveys'o GRANTEES. as joint tenants:and net as senants in common, the fo4lowing described seal estate (as defined in Neb.: <br />new. Siat..78-23~tt:. <br />Fractiona3 Lat Six (6), in Fractional Block Three <br />(3} of Arnald & Rbbatt's Addition to the City of <br />Grand Is3and, :Nebraska, and its' ciamnletnent, <br />Fractional Lot Si:~ (6) in Fractiona3 Slock Fourteen <br />{l4}, of Bonnie Erae addition to the City of Grand <br />Island, Nebraska <br />STATEfvlE#4T ATTACHE~3 <br />NEBRASKA' flOCUMENTARY. <br />STtiMP TAX <br />sub~(:.Gt'tO.LdSEtI'MEhtSBnd re5tr1Ctlr}.nS t3! record. <br />GRANTt7R ctavenants with GRANTEES that GRANfCJR has iegai power anct tawtut attthorety to convey the same. <br />Exectxted....,..?'~~T.~~.... ~ .................~ #2 <br />%.STA7Ef3t'` ..~.flta,.('-...F,r:~,tt,,...,.... ,DECEASED: <br />/ ,, { f <br />By ~ ~;~}~'."y!~":~'.~~'4-~~, , .,~%9~,(,~~.~~''`.'S} . . <br />i ~`` Personal Representative <br />Kenneth Richards <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ~ <br />):SS. <br />T ht' lereyC~nq :..^.strue'n~ntwBS~Cka?L?v+rle(~s~eti bed~re r•,te s3ta :.. ! /,~rf~!!-~-;! }:.. ,~ y . . ............ . ...... I~'Sr""" <br />o, .... Ke; , RJ.4 t13 ~d9 . . .. . . .. . . . . ... . .. . ...... . .. Personal Representative ot'ttie Estate,of <br />zna.?,.. <'Ydt`. . .........:..:........ .............. ........................................ :deceased:. <br />. ..' ... <br />At~in~~i. i~ i Notary Pi3bltc <br />.. My commies+ats expires ... ~` !.~::....J.~ ...-'~., :.. <br />STATE QF NE~FASK/l. Cowtty o! - ..... , :............... <br />r lied tCer ie.C:u?7 3rd s~ntnr>cS +^ fVisrr ~ar!',at lcCLeJS t7f5'.:,......_.__. ..... :.. t~: -. at.. .. - . - . YS~CfOCk'.. M., Y:rt6 <br />*e6;i7F<rSFJti .,€~ ~E'k9fI FtEd£1'3rc"3 - '":!t~'6~ _ - <br />.. ~ ~ ,tr '..,.. ... ,~. ...,. ., .~. <br />PEiiSa~NAL REPNES~ClVTgTIVfw' <br />... >:(1tNT TENAN~'Y (.7EEl~ {GENERA} <br />