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_. <br />~~ ~~}} r <br />t3G ""te.} v`d ~ _~ Q t] SELLINi~ AttbR1`G AGE <br />t. Z6is ~Iortgagr is entered info between RAF A._ .70HIv"53ti atx3 .T~-;iY Pi. ~IDfII~'vT, Husband <br />- 3Ilt~ ~V1,fe^- `-------------------------------------- (herein "?Mortga;{or") and <br />'II3J~ OVF•RI.t1t:'!3 '~?iTF0;3AL k3r'llfIIL OF Gtt~~ iSL:AIvZ1, C~and IslRrtd, `debrisk.~ therein "?Kortgagee"). <br />34ortgaRvs ixinde6ted to. Siortgsgee in Che principal sum of 5 _~~ (xb-~ -,evidenced by Mortgagor's note <br />' dated _ lT `}'•_ 1~'? __ - (tterPin "Vote") providing for paymenGe of principal and interest, with the oalance ofthe <br />indG~htedness; if nci sooner paid, due and payable nn tilarch 3, 1987,__. <br />To secure the paymentof the Note, with interest ~> pnt~ided tticrein, the payment of 211 other sums, with iiaeresC, <br />adranexd by 4lortgagee to protect the sacurin• of thu' Margage, and the per!nrmance of fire covenants anal agreements of <br />the 5tortgagorcooiair~d i:emin, 1+to:tgagor does hereby mortgage and conve~+ to MotYgagee the fotlcwittg described <br />proparce tocatrd in -~8~.1-__-. t;duntt~, ~ebr~ta: <br />?4te i~~t One--Half {) of L;ot~ Sin;:and Ei~t (7 .C 8) <br />Bl:rk ~ (2) in ~:tth brand island, _tizT Addition to the <br />C;ii~- of Grand Ysland, ~[a31 Ckxutty, hebrasku:. <br />T~uge then wr Ut ail hudditi~s, impr+nor+uxr kv: diz turns, attert4, alley^a.. patsutgeways, easrnrrnrs, rights, privileges and <br />appartrnances lucats•d thereon nr rn am~wse pe•o~rnmg the~rr•lcf, and;hrmxv[s tsxursabd pro$7ts,reveraitxts and rentainderg <br />then'crf; itscdudmit, but not limitt•d lo_,ung and nx>liog equipment grid st3ehpersonad property t#1Htis a;taahed to tlfe <br />imprv+mtnents c= as to constitute n fiatusr, a3I .,f uh~r:h. ir~iuding nplatYments nndadditiot;<theretd,is hereby declared <br />tube a pttt of the n!aS catau se2wered bytt>£ teen .+f thy. i~;t+rtgag+e andaflt u[ tltr.$sxegosng bttiriK;m$rrted. lr% herein as the <br />..~~v.. <br />klotig~trr furthrr (•LMVett;trits art6C aq[t~cl4. twitls Mart,ngs•«-. as ~=atCrrws,. <br />1. Payment. 'Cn pay fhr indrbirdnr~ arad (ttr r r.-_r tr,~-rr•«nas provided .n titrs lu~grri.R~r and the Note. <br />2. T"ttk. Mort;a~or is the owner +r{ the Y4ttpe.•rt~ Y:ac I hr rigtrt xad authorii+:~-to u;o[tgagc the Yrarperty, and <br />.vanYau @tat the Gnu crtnted hereby sr a firRt area poor I+<•n cn th:• Yrrryh=ry} . r7ctr•pl an mac iztlxttlrwise x• set fotth herein. <br />tali. The F'roprrty rs *ub}et!. w a i4lort.gage~ rv hrn•rr. HO01[' :'t'deT ~i.f ~avzl~s ;a.nd tLwia -~SS~..^ Ia.210L_l <br />vu. 78-C~0~''13 -j~ vaunt <br />Ls the Mort~~e•e. trtux~deri 'K ~,{ the llnr ~asn- F{rrord5 rs$ ..__.._.._ _ Y, <br />#edraadta, trh4ch !ltotr.~ge u a inn prior to doe fsrss crs•a4Yi h>~n•t;c <br />U Othar poor liens or rtteumbrnrtces___ _~_.._4. ------ <br />:i. `faxes, rCrewivteuts. "fo pe~° whe-r+ iu+- a0. tmsrs.. ~prcral xs:xrc.mrrrts and ali other thargrs ~ain5t the &opertq <br />axtd, upon wri+,ten drrrshd by Riortgagre, to ydd to ttr:•.p~Yrnens_h *t~pusred under Lhe Voit+ w<~urcd hereby, such amount as <br />trot}` ix se[fscieat to eeaWrthe Aiortg>grw to pap. such taseti, a+~sarrents or nl.her charges zs then ?xwrame due_ -. <br />d. Insura~re. Ta icrrp the impn?vrrsrcnts now nr hereafter kx~.tted or, the: root e•~ta to desc•nired hereitr rosuced <br />ytaitict datn+,q+e by hoe and such ~ttrar II!nrardrs ns 31nrrA' :nay :~'quirr•, us amnun<_s and u+th companrr-,~ acreptsbie!o the <br />tfort~tw, and with tt>ss pa.}°ab'e ur tae iiarig~ee~. !n <~ase nC fuss Hader su>=h pt*iic7 es the hl Mgngre a~ auihon tee to <br />adjtat, etrlieet xtid cumprrm'tise ~ iu. i1. dix-rrtion, xli ciasac then nndrr at its snie uPtion., au;.horiPed to either aP9lY the <br />pruwwvtlxtuthe resi<ttatsrm of the :'ropy-Ry ur upem tEte ;ndeb!rdnr>: srcurti} here6l, but payments hvrv,rnder shall con- <br />- @nue uvtil the :.amp secrtxed hereby an paid in {ut1. <br />_ ~. ~? F:aero'F fiwTaXes and Irnwraree_ 4atw9thitanding any~ttusg coa!ained in pangreph: 3 and ~4 hemof to the <br />Otl'Nlttry. M¢rt~ptr s1ar1J pay to ;he SlortgaKr't' at Life q?*rce r,E pa}'"srg the monthly ;rr-iaiimt•n is oC principal and interest, <br />tr<!t•txxil$ttr nt The ye+~r1Y sues, awecagments, hazard insurance prrmr~ms, and grrvund mots t+f airy} which may attain a <br />peicxfis9 rn=ertfiit alotlypge;-a:~l as reaacrstsius ea!imate$ Crom Gime to time ~c tree 3[ortgagt~=. The zmounu so paid xtu31 be <br />herd by tlsr KtsxitnXer rc•rth~t int:ernt artc~ applied rq the pasmert u;' the e!eme <n ?+•spe-e>t w w'tir±h sash amoua:es w^ro <br />~~: 'l?fe nvmspaid to MorEgager hetxunt[er arr~ pkdt~~d ac vddtlional rurY§ for iho driCubtvd¢u~ uncured bg this <br />:.t$I~Ct.Q7lrtiri4ad'pa4 to ~$ry1f~'iE~Pe ids amOilni '_.f any det•cteftCt' YletpePP idtP AC46R) to%1? diFPG mints. ittS:Il raT1CC <br />pernatea~ a;i+d [rortud rirettta-and tto-rr tletrC>hiL< heresrdca :tiihio 3 G dat~s aP!c; demon:: is ertariv ltpi7n ir4arrtttag;rr rs•queafmv{ <br />pay-rrurt3.;11era.toX. <br />S. ittlpttu,.~Fslrrtsnanee+e trial E'se. Tr prampQy reyarr• Pr~a4urr nr re'naiid am boil<tings er irnpr[n~emen!a wow ar <br />2eer+rac${i,r cv: the Pretper;y; !<r.~Q,rp titre PTapectp t+:. ~.xrd c-cmGstt;url trod n•pa ° M;rh<,se9. v+awt+:, ar+,i Irs•«~ trun~ m+•chanic's or <br />krthEr l>°us swat e•X {timwiT ~.+tzcridi~rrefrdY6e i,ker l+p;r her4•n€: rn.;[ t-n nuke. *t.f{rr =xr peer.,,, sn}~ +«~ds~'rant to .•sixt r to dicAlrs <br />- ~ x~e 4xirpat~ :kx~ t-~eu+• «>~' SJ;r ~1s~pa+riy k•}~ ass)' :+~r8 n s-cis, si.~z::.-. xct: area .,-cal c«3.h as r°c,.~er _•nrn.-.i~ sf fsw r+~irh <br />i?~sVee4 istb> iRt°!mt•:¢ti. <br />