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!Y STA'CE nF' \F;~}'u1tik~ 1. County of ...................... eh <br />3~ filed ..°or record xnd entered in Numerics}' Index <br />. at.:. o'clcrc3c:..».....»..._ ~S_, NEBRASKA QOGUMEPV'i' <br />on ....... .. ..._--.........._ ....»...._.»». .....,..._ ARY. <br />.' and .recorded iu Beed Reeflrd .»»......:._......»..,.Page : ..........................» STAhRR'fAX <br />......................... ...._............» ~~ :__.... ....._ ..».. :.. ........... MAR 2 19$? a <br />('Dent}' Clark or E~cFut} Cauntc Clerk or- ,~• <br />Register of i?eed:. Dep~sty Rogister of Deeds : ~ <br />g'a'~i~ ~ U36 QUITCLAIM DEED ~~~TE~~M nr~r.~r, <br />Rcbert;G. Wiiiia~s and Judith L. Williams, husband. and wife-, <br />herein called the grantor whether one or mare, <br />in consideration of Love ans~ Affection <br />reeei~+ed from grantee; does gtuLeTair.y grant, bargain, set}, sanvep and confirm unto <br />Ca;zl A.. Williams, father cf the gra.ntcr, Rebert C. Williams- <br />herein called the grantee whether ane or mare,. the foiioving descritmd real grepertp in <br />Hall ....._ Gonnty, A7ebras'sa: <br />An-undivided one-sixth interest in and tC Lots <br />Eleven Cll) and Twelve (12), ;31cck Twe {2), <br />Wood .River Village, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />fio iaa~~e a:nd to hold the above : d~aeribed Rremises together with a}1 tenements, laereditsmentr~ <br />acid ~S>puttenaaeea;thcrcta:belongang unto tha grantee and tf grantees izeirs urtd assigns forever. <br />Flated Ms[rch 12, 1g 82 <br />r <br />~; <br />,. " ~ <br />C. <br />Robert C. F'illiacns <br />................ 3udith T.. Wllfams, <br />-~ <br />~TA'rE OF ~~13B.k3FCi1. Conntp of ....'tERis,ZGK .......:» .......»_..: <br />;~e'orr :ra e, a nofary pnblie clnaiified for said: vacuity, personally came <br />t~obert C. i~i;lliams one! Judith I,,, Williams, husband arrd wife,:,. <br />k~etirn to Ana ~o fie c;ie i:ierzvrai ~erawn or rtcr~:~a~ who signed tee <br />fn•~e{t~igrg 3nSY.rilmen! and 8c11[tiowinu{Sed th.e exe~eutian thareai !<~ be- 3:is, <br />her or their t•nirzntarp ac! and deed, <br />' 1~!#;1at~ are ' ^iarch i 2. 148' <br />,' a3nA a;~cl natzzial Heal ou ...:.... ....... ............ ....,,........ <br />~~ <br />~~_ ~.;. 5 _.. ... <br />_:,r 1. ~• ,.. ....~ ~ notary £*nb2ie <br />~4JM~ i~ <br />]gy rornmuazon tag3ree _ ...... ,.... , <. -.-. I3._.......». <br />tmrr~ I2 3~lsrer~ br .'{ebraw~, '-~;,°t:~ z"tar ,a,..fK~.,tG~rra. r++~,~.rco+rs~.-.. tse.~~ ra..~. <br />