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_ l <br />_,_. ___- _______w__~._~m_._._,....~__ __,.~___~._,,__._._____.~.__ ~.___..~__.___.____._._.~,._e_ ._.._..__ ___..._ .~_._~a <br />',. ~ 52~-,~-RI_,tt EBTA`!°E "tYtC1RPGAGE-f Wiih-TaxClause): 1?.ett?~. t 7 F.R. t ® C2 ~. Huffman and Felton $ Wo11, Wattor., Ne: 68461 <br />i brow nLL ?~;v er Tress raxESBivTS: That taarY rl°.°llBt~JClhana3an and Terri D. Buchanan, <br />Husband and wife <br />of Ha11 CourttY,. andstate. of.. Nebraska ,in cartsiderationrof thesum of <br />i Eightf>_ea Thousand Seven Hundred Eleven and 37/100-----------------~oLL.~xs <br />in f+and paid, a~ hereby sELL aaa coNVEY tmto The. rr^irst National. Bank of Grand Island, I <br />Grand Island, Nebraska ~ <br />S of Hall Cout2ty;.State>nr Nebraska the.follawingdescribed-premiacnsaitttated <br />i in Hall. Cotmty and state of Nebraska , to-witr <br />T,ot idine (9) in Block Twenty-Eight (28} Gilbert's Third <br />Addition, Half County, r=rend Zsland, Nebraska. <br />Ttse intent~tionbeingtocanvey.heteby an absttiu#+e Litle in fee simple, iaduding ail the rightsofhomestead.anddower;. <br />TO 31AV£'AND Tfl NOLD the prem;~ atwve described, with all. the appurtenances thereunto belottgiag, unto :the said '~ <br />`, mortgagee(s)attd. to his:: her or their heirs: and assigns Forever, ptxnaide3 a)ways, araf these presentsare upon the.-espreaa , <br />nxtditicat that ifthesaidmortgagnrfs), his her or their he.ita, executers, administrators or assigrtsshalc payoecattseto be ? ' <br />paidtothi® said=mortgageeis); his; heron their bears. executors, ezdministratorsorasvgns<thepriacipslsumof$1.$ ~ 73.1..:17 ' <br />payable: aft Yollaws; to writ: - <br />One Hdndred. Twenty (120) monthly principal. and interest installments; <br />at 1$e of $337.7:5, eommsncing April 19, 1982, <br />with Entrreat atrordirtg W the tenor anac e4feea of the ntartaagnrs writtrit promiasnry note hearirtf; even date with these presents <br />snd strati pay alltaxes artd..asnretarasentx. levied upon said rt„al. egttatc, aztd all other xaxes. Levies andasse~mants levied. upon this ; <br />ntaxt;;age ar the>-vwte~witirhtfrismortgage iz given -lo s+.«..urc,. brfxm the sameb.axrmeadrlinquent;. andkcepthe-I,tiiilftings:an i <br />': sad pratnises.:iatatrvdfar the sum ul`. Y ~$ , 711.37 lctas, if any., payabldto the-said mortgagee;tltea thesepreaenta i <br />~! t~ be <~~*dG oikterwsseo ~ and tti':~main in full Force. <br />TF ,S l €.'ii'1'H&ft AGl~1iU (1) 'c'hatiF fhe said mory5agxtr shad fail to pay such fazes or procure such insurance; the <br />~~ Ka,d n~ortfzal{rrr maypay such fazes andpratvre auehinsurance. arui. the. atrm so advanced, withinterest at 1$. p,.r j <br />:~ c<~ot, shall 6c rrpatd try saidtnnrYgattnt,.and thin mortgagesttall stand aaaexurity furtheaame. f2) That.afat7.ure tt,pay say <br />r~F avd ttwnev, eit3ler prirtelpml or mt+fireta.. when :the same.:becomet dun.: yr -a ' urn. to «tmply with any.. F~rregoing <br />agrremen+x, shall cause ihft whtrlr, xnm oC ananey ctcrein serttrad to ue a cotlectittle at once the o}~tion of the <br />ntart RtvCce / <br />t Sigttnd tfux ~~ flay of N;alrCh F 2 l .J f <br />:.. /'/ 3 <br />Irr: presence of. ,.<-- ~. <br />= u" h..._ <br />Terns: D. uc anan i <br />~'I'A`I'li OF ... NebxdS3~<7; , ......... _ ., Gmmt3 ttf .. .....~a,J..-.. , .. , . , <br />,. <br />7`he foraggang ir>stsutxrent was arlrnowter2ged 6efat~ rrte .....::". ~. ,. ,- ..:.:....19'$~ :. <br />. ~ }sy ..Gary. M. Suc^anan _and T~±rri ~. Buchanan, sr~d ~>~~•~ ~ <br />( Signatua~ ttif m~initn~t ~ ed ttL .. . <br />)- Aly Camani..ssion Ernires ~ ~ ' <br />xe <br />~ `~ <br />srnxE Qt <br />_ N .......W ..w.._.._ } ~ EatYes~r ritramarira<c rtsdca and Bead for t~rrl <br />C,~atr to the Ft of 33+crar3a OfSce of aatd Gotxntp the <br />__.._ _ . _. _ _ d.y of ... -_.. .. ,....:.. .,...-. F9 .. , ....... at.: ,,,..»..... _,,,....... o clack aad:.W.._ .. ..:_._:..-.:mtnutas :. . ..~ _ _._M.. : <br />sad teoordrd am ctwt _ _.~:,.. ._. .~f_.._.. ....,..._~. ...., pale.>:.~,.~. _.;..,......_.._._._..... j <br />' , <br />~ weds <br />_ ...:............Y_.,.r.._..._... __..._..____..._. _._.FZeg. <br />t3y _...r..., ~....._.__ ___ _...-- .._,.~.... _ ..,..._.Li~nrtg <br />