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$~ ~ U U I ~ y ~ M°JRTGAGE <br />This Mort{a{e is entered insp. between. Richard L. Alexander and I:inda Kay Alexander, <br />}iaaband and. i:ffe as ,Toint Tenants. ^_ (herein"Mortga{or") and <br />1'IVE POINT`S BA2rF <br />- ~ (herrin :'Mort{ag„e„) <br />is indebted to Mortga{ee in the principal sum of X58; 260_82 ,evidenced by Moriga{ix's note <br />dated 3/15182 (heceht "Notz"} providih for <br />{ payments of principal and interest, with the belance of the <br />indaLaedaeaa, if nor sorrier prui, due and payabir ne, 11 32 _ <br />T`b secure fire paymens of the Note, with interest as provided therein, the payment of all other sums, with ins:teat; - <br />adwait>ed b9 a to prober the security of this Mortpl{e, and the performance of the covenants and a~eeatenb of <br />the 4fastp{or contained. berNn, Mart~a{or does hereby mortp,{c and convey to Mort{ogee the- tdiowin{ described <br />prop~ty loafed is Hall - (`ounty, Nebraska: <br />Lot Oae (1] in Block One (I) in Dickey Third Subdivision, a resubdivfsion of <br />all of Blocks Two and Three (2 ~ 3); sad all. ei Blocks One and Tro (1 & 2} <br />Dickey Second Sutxlic,'.sion oz} of Crand Zsland, Hall County, Nebraska.. <br />(Co®ottlp known as 27C5 S:. natrick:Aveuue) <br />Tgetlter with ail buildin{s, inrptovemrrets, (irttr[es, sires LS, alleys, pasrageways, ease menu, riRh LS, pririleRes and <br />appt[fenanoer IocatM thereon a in anywiv pcrlainirrR thereto, and the mots issues and protts, reveesiona and nntaiaden <br />thereof; indttdtrrs, but sot limited to, heatin{ and codirrE egwptnent and such prnonal property That is attached to the <br />lrhproearaaub so as to toastitule a fexwtr; aft of which, includrn(; rrplacemcnts and additions lhereW, is hereby declaeed <br />to bet part of the real ewle seeumd by the leer o! thrs Mott{p{e and all of rho fore{orn{ twin{ rcferrrd to herein as the <br />"lroptrtY"• <br />~iort*{or further conrenann and apses, with Mart{aRre. us .',rflovr~: <br />- 1_ -arasa~t. To pay the indrbledaru and the mtrmt thereon x, provided ir. lhix Mortgage and the Note. <br />2 Tkk. ~KMa n the ownri of tht Property, has for n{ht and authority a mortaa{e the Property, sad <br />xarranb drat thr lien created hereby is a tint and prior lien on the Pr.-.p.•ny, except. as may otherwise be set forth herein. <br />f:"'r 1Rrtro/erty ui sub}ect toaMOrtpi{e wheMn .._.._.__....._.-. _.. _.-_.~_.___._.-~_.__~ __ <br />s the 1{orlptler. tacarded at gook .. . l'a{e _-_--_-__ of the Morilpyte Records o[ --.----~ County, <br />IiaYaa~, sbi~ !{atSptre k a lien poor to tl:r iKn emoted lterebt'- <br />Other prior lieea or e~rttmbranrrs: __,----_ - __-- -- .---------_ __ ---- --- _._.--__ ___-- <br />3..TaaaL Aa~ra~ta. To. pay when doe all tzars. spatial assessmen[x and all other char{es apinst the lhoperty <br />aat4.t~ers-wnttm demand by h/or[pt{rr, to addto i]re pwyntenu requined andrr the Note scented hrrrby, such amount u <br /> fYfYlCtfai Lu e~btt the 1Mortp{te to pay such tsars, assetamrnta or other chargrs ns they become due. <br />4..1~.. TvirRytltentptovemeataaoworhetralteriocatedonthcrtd-eaWtedeaaibedhetctinirnuttd.. <br />a>All~atda~gr bl Acs sad attch other ttaltards a Mort=ii{ee maY R4uirr, in amoanU and with c*xupanies acceptable to thr <br />1iaelMrr, ad wttlt tat yayabik to the to rase of lost under such politics [he Moip{re r4 tuthoriscd to <br />aiijr~trticailaet aasd ooae{ao~te, in itadiaaetlon, all claims thereunder at pis sore-option, authori~xdtoeiiherapplyihe <br />~iRatReJltt!- tJse MteeaOio+t o{ t1x lraparty nr apoa the indrbtadnesc secured hereby, but paymentr hereunder shall ton- <br />.. lWraaWit ieart~cia!dged>~ebgawpaidin~ull. <br />- 5. ~ rEJnrar PoeTaxas and.I~oaasacx.. Notwithsundin{anythingcontaiued in para{raphs 3 and 4 hereof io the <br />m~lst}!,'1{erf~rr shalt ylayr to ibe liort~re at the time oC payin{ the monthly irratalirttents o[principal and interest, <br />uae#sa11-l of fle. y~Ylt taz<ea. asaermrnb, hazard ituyraotw premiams. and [[round trots (if any) whir~f may attain a <br />MafurLL}r owa: Lt~a. itfortNa.aU lr teaaoaablY.esl[mated Ltum tithe to [irtw by the.Mortp~ee. The xmaunts so paid shall be <br />_11dtbY:Iya ~ wNMaht-iartrastamda0piaad tothe GaYrnent oC. ttte items in respret to whichsuch amounea wrre <br />i!{~aaiui,'Yfae tatulta pfd ti #iert~e btrattnder art pladird r additlotul srcurin [or the indebtrdoese secured by this <br />#Iwitra~r.~lVif~[afta4`~ W ~at1~e the +atouat 4f auY deGcierrcy' lxtwrrn the acttrat tzars, aaarsetrrcnts, inaungce <br />luwaltns ~ tl~ teats and thr depwtb ha~uttndrr rrikhin iC+ days after demand is iarad~ upon Mort{a{or requratin{ <br />{,:.-1{a*ir.){aYaMiarraMl:s. Toproarptlyspur,tnrtomorretwildanybuiidinasorimprosemenuenowor <br />~.t~eaeiahilt ba tba fRgMer$y: tnkae* 16ePropzrtX is Acid aondltionand rrpair, wfthtwt waste; and Free from mr~Aanic's nr <br />atlw~t HRH-sdt-ei¢r~IIY' +wYos~eLLRbdLn tt+e lien hereof; ncK Lei maitc_sutTes or y+ertKit soy nui~oc~ to exw t, nor to d!rnin- <br />ta1Fur ira/aaa tAr colas ut the hoprrty by aey act orotsfisalaa tc? art: and m corupi•; with all reyuirerrrmti of taw with <br />i~t,t0 u-.-nrR.rty. <br />