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<br />82--UU:~.08~! <br />a~nRxc:RCS! <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NQ_ I. 2425 <br />K2SUWAtS.MENHYTHESEPRFSENTS~TSiatt 69illiam C. LTnzicker and Lelia B. Unzickex, each in his <br />8i1C1 ht?x" Qaiil Y1ght c3FlQ 3S 3pOUSe 4f each Otl1@r r hfortgugor, whether otu or mars, 6n cor~dtntion of the stmt of <br />'LY~t~ive 7~irxisand and noJ14(1-----~~-~----° ~ --____ _--- _notaaFts <br />ktarwd. tosaid t~trt~or by The-Fgaixabk Btalding and Login Assnraation:aC Grand iskmd, Nebrasts, Mortgagee, upon 12Q shuea of stock of <br />said A.SSOCiATft7M Cezxificate $io: k. 24 , 025 , da hsrsby grant, carts+ey and nmrtgago uttw the said. ASSOCIATION thr Collow~ing <br />deaertibdi.vaiestate, situated to IfaiiCaondy, Nebraska: <br />I~Gt Six (6? , in Bickt>_y Sixth Subdivision, in tt~.e City of <br />Granr3 Islana, Hall aunty, ivebraska <br />tagethp with ali. tirt teracmtnts, la:.reditartstnis and apprtriertaacrs themunso i,elwtging, tndtsdittg aaxadtsd. Cloor coverings;.all'windaw stmns, <br />rri shades; hiatda. sitrrtn wirabsvs, awninf~. heaiit~, air cattditictnittg,and piumisirrg std water c4ttip~men! amd acaenoriea.: tl~retn, Pumpa•si'ovra:. <br />rei<iigerssarx: and#hsr i'isinxea aexi sgsepmtnt tnaor or hereafter airacixrci xr> ar tsxd m arnatectian with said real estate. <br />And rrltevess the arid. tatarxgSRrx has a6reed xmt daes bsrct+y agrtr t„'rat the eta<srtgagaa shall amf .will pay a}! taxes snd: aaaeaaments levied. ar <br />mewed upnstsastl Meru+v's and aPm thtia ntext sod xhr #x>,rd ac;ssred f3tccrbv 4,rkrre tiu same sfiatl bsenrnt dslinquant; to furnnit apprnroed <br />iataaance-upan. rht trtnidinp tan sad prsntsres attuateA iA the sum o[ S 12 , 000.00 }rayablt w said ASSOCIATION attd. to deliver ta-said'. <br />ASSflGUt9"FE7Tt fIK pntxxs t.rt sanl insnranrx: arui m>t in raxtnerait rsr P'etsna+ xatw araste art ar about saui premises; <br />la+saea[ defwlt :n t(w ysr[catxtaaeN•c u[any s[ tart ttrxrcr artdaarxi,trruts at tftis naorigags rrr the axsatl setxrred hereby, ihsueoRgagee:.shalt,. <br />tm desarrd, Ifs rtatitkai t+~ ,nttrtrdait stn n[ thr trrarreapsd and xhr rrwtt{enRar hsrelry assgpts, trans[m aid. acts aver uo'the <br />. nxxtgatget s3I tRtt rents, trrsasrres artd arramrt ixr tae r€trawef iram the mv. ~e,.r+d promaxa dwv~ wsh suss as tats morxgstgeinttlebtedoesa sitaU. tema&t <br />sropad:aadihsmixtwggea att~! it the paarcr to apprxntx say agsat sac a~rf+.:s t; ,nay deaae: iw the purpoate of tspaitittR mrd pnetnees andrsntilt~.: <br />tht tame sad cvlkcrtrrg .lx mots,. tevmrtts and sr~nxae, ami tt stray psg uw .>C said ancxams ail txpesaes a[ reptkirinR said prsmaaes ant! net,cmuy <br />arwaniwamn and r>,prcrssa mcxtrrsdm rtnfirrRarad mm~agrrtg the saroearni r,[ ~[ketitrg rsnxals. thsrstrout, the babttxx aetoanniraR, of uxy,tobe. <br />[wvyrd the di;cirarpe x,f said nmrlgage urdsbxrdosxs; thews r'rRhtn n! ttve :rtrxt~aRet trtxy be sxsxciasd at any tiros dtttingthczxistence of atilt <br />d~atdt, arrt~er.~ttav: aCUry trnxpavaty v+arver ui rite same. <br />7keveFtesrnds_ tnisvevst, arc crpan the f'arsdilwaa, `S'hat t[ thr tatdMnrtg;agrr sttaif rrpay said ban anar tufws rite maturitya[ said sitaresby <br />paynrsnt psy arurnxhky t:a s~~l~`itiCi[:fA'FIt}N at ciu Barn spceitrsd an atss Hutxf xscursd hsrsbyaa interest. aa4 prioapaa ~n said loan, an or befam <br />tht T+asntettb day x+f rxit tired every rowath, astir tad ksan rx [trdty ~:«}; I*a'±' xif raxx-s amt asaesaaretrtts te:tixd rotsaid <br />agaiprcruaaesattdartthisMOttg~s <br />aadt~tDOtrdtscwsdshtrebr,bc[saasdriiepucnsy:[urrraaitappemevlinarrranceupxmtisehtrddaoRsihecaaninttaeaana[.512,000:Q0 payable. <br />to said ASSOt'IAi'IOSV;+~ayxa sand AS^sOCiATiON.upan drsnand. adC>,runey irF it paid ferrsui#t taatts,. asaesaneataaad. anstrrarrce want inttuest at <br />the nwlttltturn irp t t ars therctm Pram data of paynttnt aiS aC witKit :1a[aamtgyprr etzareby agrees to pay; pesuritrxt wausan rout prtmest leap and. sam~y <br />tr,tA af{thr agnnetairnts:nd:z>nditinns a[tlte iy;arxd[orS 12,0©O.OO ittisday greenf+y shesaidMottgnBurtesaidASStX',;A'(h3N,~~nnply <br />tnth aif r£re rertturcment~.~Y tix::t'„mututaov stet SY-f~tws of tmti JrSS(?['4.a'TIQN; tl~a: thssepresen[s shal4:hcnbmc.~ttup autivoid;.er2lrerw{xe they. <br />rhall rrraarn ,n toil ;met arht may tre f.rreck,red at tFr ~rptr<,.i .xClhe ~. ,+1y`5(X°€ATifS!Nafter fa"t1we: Carih:rx. nran#}u tomakc aayaf acid <br />paynrcau :n i,r thrst nrwtrhs at arrca;s .n raaicrttx, utd nsantitly Caynrems. or ta. icsep and tasurpiy w"sth,iha agraromenta and caaditiuetaoCraid 8auic <br />arul AhntpgH agrees w Here a +ece~xr ab,p,nretcd f..rti,w,:h at :ux:h fara:cfraatrc proa>rdettgs.. <br />tf tt,crr ,s any .haagr x: .iw acraPr, r>f r}tc teat rstata maxtgaged6ctean, by saksvr athsrwrae,[Ivmiim=entiR xeleragtiaRirtdsMsdrsat he[elry,: <br />returrd Sttali, l3 ttlC ,iptHKl Ui T}I[ [1rLitxhk t4ll.tld<nf, afr:a Lla9/i Aawutatrwt. aiGraad iYl9nd.F~R.hrr•TliYfw43+[nt iiiateiy'dlYe and llRyal~eM7itl4Yt.: <br />iwther nkuxc, aa,d rix anrcvrri ;crtvrurtg due usu!<c card bead,.aodmyatftnbarudCwmyadda[iarraiartnaarsttWletirctamdu,shah;<fiumthe. <br />date .,f rnrrcasr o[ zy><f aptran. Lear intrrret xt ~J,r +*asa~atunt:eRa#rrts, and t;4iisrreyrtgrggs..may. tlaertfas:fotceiamted'tasamfy ttrs,arxrsnrnt dnean rid. <br />xanarA.aod a,ty rater hnaxi tus addtt,crral sfirwocs, ectaY.ti~cx i-tilt a#1 srutn pmt by. saki. The Egtutabie Bn@digq arui:Lmn Asmtastioo aCGramf lsYand.,.. <br />Ne6tadu [.n ituWance.isrersan.i=.~--,.. its.anSabatraeivtagc~casiao-dea+Res.. +w+tfi wicrex6 LEiersrnt, frataa-date !`: paYmen[ ai thstnuimwtt <br />{r~ri rate. <br />.as pteaalesi im tter tt+treert vziurti lxrrfly, +*hr7e thisuwrtgaRorezrt:utsirt efftet. tht troy iierreaf/er advanoc addixional sums [attic <br />et,.km :.t =a;,t t!w.d, :t,c„ +utpts of w,asr+rrs m ant4ssat. whis9 scum sdxa;; tre aviihiet dxstctai[y a[ fdvtsnwtx Site xattc rot [he Ctmdit rtriginally <br />taurtaei [herea~=. tM tcst;zi amawnt n; prtrtcapxtieLt rxu at3:,trcctt.daf.,~y[Smexhe«iginai-u>~unt e,C tflisfa,vs~o~,. <br />natc-~f ahn lyttt ~y t't .',3az~ii A.>3_, tat $2 <br />ro~..Gr. <br />ilia B. [~icicer <br />~r~ar c~r;,is ruutiAn, ( fbnitras l9tks dayaf NL~h i~ f32 .autore me. <br />~lfit`[IT t3F tiAi,i. <br />cite:¢ndsraigee:3-.ahCatary.:Ptr6licir: nud for said.Cuunty, petxrnalty.xtne. <br />~iilli~tt c. un2ic;cer. afid tteia B. C3sxzir, e.~h ist his aru3 her ritjtif asst ~~>~ of <br />mach .~l1'~t~x, wf~ kpatvn to <br />me t;r t,s firs aKrrtrat trsrsart ;, wta:-x amiue3 Yr~ aC~aed lest airs algae imtararq~t aanr~~gtar ~" attti ~' ssverrily <br />r>3cw..r0t~sat rtx :ecrf mtxt :~rrr,t s ~. t tl~ b Y vasistrttary a# ate .. ! fr' <br />453'.Nt S~ ma hasret au. Arnrsx t+. l ~if#~+Sa}~taitvls~gct:. l w <br />'i. <br />ir.- =a"m.,,.~.-L.,-a <br />netaxnt of _ _ ~~ -' _'' ; § ? ~. ,:.' -..~. .,....- ,.tie¢y <br />r ~ <br />r <br />p y _,.,. r <br />