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<br />~itORTCACf 82....U..~.1C)'~ <br />. <br />THIS INDF.YTIFAS, made -hia-- _-1 a3 TH _..-__. day n#.r: I"I<'srCh:. _~ i9 $?. by and betwa~er. <br />__Meiv9,n_W;Williams,and_Fatricia ~. Will,iams_r husband and wife __ ___ <br />of ~_I~all County, Nebraska, as mortgagor _`>. ,and:HOnx.FtQeral.Saairtga and d,oan Associatiotc:o(Grand ls]and, emrporation <br />organized and cxisring ander the revs of '.he Unites Starr. of America witE:iu principal office antiplaoe ofbitsicWSaxGrandl~land, Nebraska.: a, <br />WfTNE:iSET[i~ TTar.aiil rsx+ngagor_S-__.tor andin comideraiioaofttxsumof <br />__ Eleven 'thousand F'_ve Hundr~>d S'ecenty "rout dollars and°27/rid 1I;57!x.27 ~ <br />. ~. <br />the receipt of which is hrreby KknavitQgKl, di7 oc ifrarpreua[smortgase and walr?nS tw4o stri rulrt8i~ee.ria"lilcosuors and assigrzs. <br />tnrcvcr, ail ;b.e 1'o:!, situated in fhC'CaanfY Of $a1:1. ..._. -.-. .., _ . . ~,... <br />and State of'JeDratgka. [cr aryt: <br />r'iIl of 'rSuizsttne Acxes Suhdivisinn", ifa31 County, @ie6raska,, Eeing a Part- of the <br />Southeacst Quarter (SE~t) of the Northeast f2caarter'{) of ~ectian Eleven 411), <br />Tovnahip tiiue 49) North, Rangf.,Tea (1£3)-West.. of the ;.6th Prncipal'Meridian. <br />Tour w,th alt. iceatinB. air cnnditloning; tiph4crrtg, aad. piumbins equlpmmt aad (itttiaxre, nelndioit. screens. awalnq~s, storm windawa and. <br />doors. and windc7v nhf~ur biindr, tnaci cmarineonneetipnwith saidptoparty., whether€ha same, ace now located rrn said: proper[}' or. hemnt[i~r <br />ptactd thrr t>irn., <br />'['U HAVE ,i.ND IZ7 H(1T;L?'CHE ~AMkk, tasathar vcUhall aad. risytuiar the senta,:h~edataaaonta antiappurtensnceaihereontn. be-. <br />!nngrng. ar ir* ertywcx apparEavtipg, foetrac', and warrpnE Elsa. tide tp the. wafm. `.`+a~. morgagor,..,~_... haepk>g covenant..,... .. with aatd <br />:corttta+tee ttut... t- t~a_Y..-. ..1=e.... • at thacieiivary.hareof, tam taar[vi nrnet.,& thepremiae..aboveconvegedand-described. <br />.r,r1 . _aFe +erxrd of a Kor1 and ~d i>~.tAac~eern. Eras enrit:ieasoietleneumtfrancas. arut thai.._ tiie,u .will <br />+rarr-nt and defend the tide cheraW forever aXaarcat. , ^.a ciaimaand osaa~ndr .~} all parsons whoaraoever. <br />. {'ftOVlill:DtLWA'i5. end this uNlnunent:+e:xn~utM a3ttd i5di,±ts+ed to..~zan-t:se papmeni ofthe-aum ~f....._.~...__..T._.~~____... <br />_, _~,l.evc.n__Thousaad dive _}lundt^ea Seventy F'ouc _dol lar s 3ntip ~ __..11~5_74_._~7_ <br />whtL ink !Jason. uyal.her with sw3e ctrricetaand .:dvencrm as maq be.l6w acid payatiia W said rnarl.gagee under iheterax~s..and txmditi„ns <br />: of tan ptnaraarv aaut of a+eo date hetiwith aroc4 adcured h«.reby... PdKrotte(i nr ..,~ marttprgnr ',f____,,, lei acid awrtgegae,;pagabla as exl,r,-..~.,•d <br />is aaidanla,aad:o axurr the pr. torncanca o(aiiibetsrda andcondr(ionse;catiacaed itmar>Rire,7'he:fervsa ofsaid note arahere6y iaearfrureuNi <br />taarvis by chin ralarvnce. <br />It u cbn mtaeuon ant asrramaat u£ tbs partxr haxeGa that, thia a+xmtgr~r a8a<fi oleo aeCVn any futurtadvai¢es madeto acid cntirtkay, r _s- <br />t+y sari nwrtcLasan. end any arul n,1 ~ =`rid ,.a~.iaaddigwr w:thaamoaatalw++a~ w.atah. w4ut1. said mrr1ga$are. or any cf then . cosy ow.~ t„ <br />std mo!M1,Ira~ae, taawavw avoiencrod. vhnlJer M_r smte• (wain aceoicat ore'xJvsiaa. 77teaeatrt~;agr aficalt-reenaihinfu[t fart., aad uifa~~t ik:~ew~~:, <br />cbe t,art.ine bacon ozxd ttwar hcua. t>.vecrAa9 reyreaarrt~itives,aucceaaore aadeaayfea, natii. aFi amovMa eetutsdherennder, :rn~iu,i,ry; futurr <br />a3vanoaa, :un paid :n !ui: vetl, tnteKet. <br />Ttw mcrteaiP*r -.t-_ hnzF,> asai~r -.__. to aa>t; manaaxaa tHr~sanei mwuae arisia$a¢aay audati Linxettmm .+attV Pr:zp..trc~; ono <br />twrebv >u;twwQC aaad. morr~agaa w its ascot. at ~ta .rpti,w. upon aefadx, ~N; :alto r~°arxe ufsad ?rvAc*'tq xmd.r„ 13act:~f rent n+ i„~.,m,. <br />cbweitam and appry ctte ~roa to +br ptivm~t of v,teeeec, pracipai_ iai+traaFe pramfuass..ta>Gna. aisse•asaler is, repaita i~.r s - ,~. <br />cwaaaaarY to 1o•paap PREY muoao4ti mntiiuoa, or to v Wet cirrs+na a Pal~aaota pc ovidad for ttemcn ar +ss..dra.va5la..harehv srAUrea j "i hts <br />tvaa. aasignv~at ..~_,i ~ti~a r«~r ,>nwi U,a „nr.,"+ km~a„eE ~r ,.;d n~rR ;a r~:si> , .;:?: ~'o-~a..tat~>r~ ~~r ~...~.~,~,r. ire <~aat ::, :,,, t:,e„~.T <br />prevaat ar reaafd cud mortgagHS to tYe mYactr~ of said 5un~s by tnnadosure oe utharwese. <br />The taipa,~ of tfin xrsort;r.~ue is asanc a..ay n! as r~htt~ A€seu.-x9er ec any tine skull not to conaeraai ns a astn'+7r a$ iW: [iygh4.U! nsrerc the <br />Xuae at aAy taw is-.t, arsd w er,a.xt upon ant eufcrr~. _~:,,_ ,.. c;9irnco with el! chr t.erx:x amd ;x~ooin w..a of saws nave and a( [his rncrvwu~,,~. <br />Sf and nweiLaSUr ~ e,had] caexea to ix Pab W saki rox~rfapgne tat[ cntre amwnt due ~[ herrnmder, and under thr trrrri and pmvi ia; n:: <br />.-t .af nwe.>»n,Ay ~mi, 7s>vudi+~ fatwr adva.rr+x., one any .--u.tewi9.n, yr rent a:v c9enwE irx act«dxm~e wick the trr,u~ 5nu prcvi..n:.._, <br />c1,s+tot. teov if and m6ert,gasar _9___ shat tompiw el'e Lhn [~rorigiexce ;rf aaid raH.e arlri Uf Chia rmrteSKe.. r.!c>n [~r!e.; pr~.+:er.LS .+hzil hx. vi,id. <br />atimrFlea 6w r~gnalia m'7cU 4onnx wd dfrc4, au4 acy[i ~rurtg±li°e ~a:i ba s?otit.Nxi to the W ~sion c( all of aaed ttrtrp~ar,~ . urtd rwys at its opta,n, <br />:.., .. cSa Mrlote ,u4 and cola aetd a-?c-dai••_''--- rvpes:.enarxl t6aseby. co trr lutrntiu+~ty daa an,i p.ya~le. u~i rna.. pc;r~i~.,« than rr~,riz;eK„ <br />or cotta aay. atLariM[a! atisaa to ptotatt tta right.:iplrncecment vuuxl. <br />"S'Airo cx>;ypsp Ault ho b"otil?~upnn ~ ah.;i canto: !a ;1te 4,euc(it of tAie hrara,;.. dAtnwitt ,atvq,. svc resa ~ una , s k .,~ ut :h~ <br />rTKi,wiY:ca+(.~rfOw.IwreiXa. <br />' t41"["'d 'N M>;hi.di'ii•', cold M fm - _ ~- n#,o xC - land. .tee dxr pod scar 1 r.•. xl:,=s.,~ <br />,' Sx'r . , c><igyfa --.g ,..C!cr~u F.:u(.a.i'- - _. ~•. <br />_. <br />`~~",?' i , t ~ ) , r <br />/ i <br />,t,. - , <br />ai.'..6 ..~rf' 4..'x"1 ~ t ~ .~ ,~I,~~' c.f1 T.. r:.~':..... _~ 1. a'-~. L-fL ~~, F ~..1 ~ aCv-:R?.>b91.~.:-. ...:.,,. <br />fT.9'itl 'rG. x Yli.s-tas Pat. '.cfa r dt~.?>a.s <br />