<br />SHORT fsORM - -
<br />`~ Loan Number__-~+9~3b$____--- ~~y
<br />PROPERTY IfKPROYEfv1ENT E;~nm--- ~`rrw
<br />FORM No. 2t1 fREV. taleoa
<br />THA7.'_.-Z`i>~h3r..J ...~3i-~--Rat~sa••f~.-.•f3as~y;-•ttusb~--~-wzft ::............--°----------°-......---..._....
<br />hereinafter called 141ortgagors, in consideration of the sum of..-....~..!'~~.~~. ~~'-F~ ~~
<br />~5I100-------------------------------------------------------------°---------------
<br />4~ 8045-55 I DOLL-'1RS. the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby IvIORTGAGE
<br />and ~'ONYEY an absolute title. including afl the rights of homestead and inheritance, unto FIRST
<br />Mortgagee, its suxessors and assigns. rite following described real estate. situated in..Ila1t----------------°•-_-
<br />Cauntiy, State of NEBRASItiA, to-wit: ~ ,mot}gray tlir~ety-One Feet {91') of Lot Six {b) ~
<br />Slock Itaenty-Five {~) in Chaiies ~+astrnx's :;d~ition to the qty of t,rand Island, Hall Catatty,
<br />lelaraslca, and. scribed as fallaws: ~e~itrii.rag ac the Southwest corner of said Lat Six {fi),
<br />thence rtsxting easterly aicrtag and upon tl~ scxitherly li^.e of said Lot 6 to the Southeast
<br />carrier of Lot 6, thmc~ rtaxtherly sit and upcxa the easterly Zine of said Lot b, a distance
<br />of 91 feet th~rtc:e westerly and parallel to the Southerly line of said Lot b, to the West tine
<br />of said Lat 6, thence southerly alac~; ~d upon tl1e l~sterly line of said Lot b, a distance of
<br />91 feet to the point of begiziriirg.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the real estate alwve described. wwzth all appurtenances thereunto
<br />belonging Erato the said .l4artgagee. fomver. ~amvided always, and this mortgage is upon the express con-
<br />datian that if the aforesaid 1~lortgagors, their neias, executors. z,dministmtors or assigns shall pay or cause
<br />to he paid to the said ?4fortgmgee, its successors or assigns, the principal sum liereinahove set forth, all
<br />accard~ing to the teaor and effect of a certain installment note of said ~Iortgagars bearing even date with
<br />this m~artgage, and shall pay taxes and assessments levied upon said real estate, and all ether taxes, levies
<br />and assessments levied acpon this mortgage or the note which this mortgage is given to secure, before the
<br />same nr any installment thereof taecxames delinquent, then this a:tortaage to be vclid, otherwise to remain
<br />in full force.
<br />IT IS FTJRTI3EFL AGRD tI) 'That if the said 'Mortgagor shall fail to pay such taxes, the
<br />\forigagee may pay the same and the sum so advanced xzth internal .shall tae paid by said Mortgagors,
<br />and this mortgage shall stand as security far the wame. 4?) That ~iartgagors covenant with the Mortgagee
<br />that they are lawfuflg• seized of said real estate and covenant :n warrant and defend the said real estate
<br />against the laa~fuf claims <rf all persons whomsoawer. (3) '7'l:at s:E case of a foreclosure of this mortgage,
<br />the plaaaintif# in such proceedings shall tae entitled ro take H;~~sacxn at the premises, protect the same and
<br />collect the rents, issues and profits thereof. {4} That a failure to pav any of said money or any install-
<br />ment thereof when the same becomes due., ar a failure to ~ amply ew~iih env of the foregoing agreements,
<br />shall cause the whale sum of money herein secured to iri~tome due and collectible at once at the option of
<br />the Mortgagee.
<br />TI2.0.ivSFER OF THE PROPERTY; :1SSU4fPTI0\. If all or anti• part of the Property or an
<br />interest thsrein is. sold ar transfermd by liiurcgagor without Mortgagee's prior written. consent, excluding
<br />la! the creation of a lien or rncumltraiace xubardinate to dais 4ortgage, {h} the creation of a purchase
<br />money sex~xtrity interest for household applaane.es, fc) a t:n3ragfer krv devise, ele~seent or ny operation of law
<br />upon t;hs deaxh of a joint tenant or 1dl the grant of any leasehalrl inters-st of thrne years or lens not can-
<br />taitiing an option io purchase, lwlortgagee may, at :'riortgagee's apuon, declare all the sums secnr~l by this
<br />?4fiortgage to be immediately duo and payable.
<br />If Mortgagee exercises such option to accelerate, Mortgagee shall. mail 4^Iortgagor notice of
<br />acE;eleration and such native shall prow~ide a .period of not less Haan ~1tJ days from the date the notice is
<br />mailed within whic€i •fortgagor may pay the sums declared due. If tilortgagor fails to pay such sums prior
<br />to the expirataon of such period, ~9ortgagee raay, without further notice or demand .,n Mortgagor, invoke
<br />the power of sale :and. any other remedies permitted by applicable law.
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<br />Frrwuasa}l; ~setx:~ ; 4e za, So bt the id~mt§tA! Faaraass aotaare sra~aaes taste nr£fastd So tfee shove Hari fara~otog' rystevm~at, us
<br />_ . , ate. t"ad, a:~.a;_.arnti s~ai<! insRcumunS io ba kd~ ar hex v.~kwrtary act asEd deed.
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<br />~StYlnlaR ttitT }tRti~ aiNf Pw6arlYli eeai RL.._ .. ..~:W... ..,.ia.: :A. ^.i~.. ':w_._.. .. ...... ... .. .......___. ..._ .... .........._. _....
<br />ihp da5x yiE 1:,~eY •~; et<<t:,
<br />NetxrS Pea.blis,
<br />4N~~ e~.+rs:er+€ra. o~Hsrmlp~lll^~IrsF•°.-..._.
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