<br />lftvrt<tmsr C.ovatnwxrs_ 13nrmwer acrd tender covenant arxt aaree aR fnllnwc~ LJ~~~ ~~ ~~ 1 ll `3 P"-
<br />f. RuRuxat of Prttsctpaf a:af-1Meras. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />irtdcbtedrtass eviticnced bg ttx Ntxe, prtpayisaent and late ehargtsae provided in the Noit, and tine ptiruipal of and interest
<br />an arty F'uturt Advances secured by this Dttd of Trust.
<br />2. Ftads for Tasea ssttti Itrpearrs7e. Subjixt to applicable law ar to a writtrn waiver by Lrnder, Bot~owtr short pay
<br />to f.,endcr un the day tnoo[hty irataHmrnts of principal. and interest are payable under the-Nate, until the Note is paid in tf dl,
<br />a sum (htrrin "Funds")' squat to otac-twetft#r of the yearly taxes and assessmenta which may attain priority over this
<br />Dixd of 7 rust, and gtoumi rrnts on tlhe Property, if any, plus one-twelfth o€ yearly premium. installments far hazard insurance.
<br />pros oats-tvtetlth of yearly. premium itutattments. Ear morlt~agc insurance, iF any, all as reasonably estimated. initially and from
<br />tittrc'to iim~e by Linder xm the basis of assesments and bills and reasonabtc estimates thereof.
<br />T'heFttndsshattbe httd in an irutiiution itce deposits ar accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />state: agency (including Leger if Linder is such an institution). Lender shat! apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments,
<br />insurancx premiums and ground rrnts. Lender may not charge for so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account
<br />ar verifyiryg aadcumpiling said astreasmrnts and bills. unless Lender pays Borrower rnterest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />ppeemxrttttis Lesukr to make such a charge. Burro-aver and. Ledder may agree in writing at tht time of execwion of this
<br />Deed of Titttse that interdt on the Funds s7xatt be paid to Borrower. and untcss such agreement is made or applicable taw
<br />requires wch inttreat to 6o paid, I.ecttkr shalt not be required to pay Barmwer any interest ar earnings on the Funds. Ltndtr
<br />shalt give to Hwrawer, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purp~e for which each debit to tht Funds was [trade. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sutras seetutd
<br />yb this Utt:d of Trust.
<br />It the atrrount of the Funds held by [.miler, togeher with [fie future moneh{y irutalEments of Funds payable prier tc
<br />thtdtre darts of taxes. asaessvraents, rmurartrx pttmiums and ground rents, shad erected the amount required to pay saidtaxes.
<br />assessments, itsurance prcmiunrs and ground rents as they f'af! dot, such excess stsatl be. at Borrowers option, either
<br />promptly timid to Borrower ar credited to tiarrawer nn monthly installments of Funds.. If the amount of the Funds
<br />herd by Lender stroll notbt sufficient. to pay taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground runts as tfiey fall due,
<br />Borrover shat! pay to Lender any amount necessary to make up the deficiency within 30 days from tbr. date notice is mailed
<br />by Ltrxter ra Btorrmrer regtrsstitag payment iher oaf.
<br />Upon payttxitt in fort of alt sums secured by this Deed of Trust, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />txld by Lander. If under paragraph f i3 hereof tsu Pmpeny es sold or the Property is otherwise acquired by [.ender, t.endrr
<br />shaft apply, no later than immediately prior t~ the sale of zhc Pmpeny ar its acquisition by Lender. any Funds held by
<br />[.ender at the rittx of application as a credit against the sums secured by this Deed of Trust..
<br />J. Alptgiicafian M isy~ew4c. C3nless applicable law provides otherwise, all payments received by Lender under the
<br />Nutt and. praragraphs 1 and Z htrtnf shaft br apptitd try Lender first m pa}'ment of amounts payabtr to Lender by Aorrower
<br />user paragraph 2 hereof, trio to interest payable an the Nate, then to the principal of the Note, and Shen to interest and
<br />pxinci ou any Future Advance.
<br />ff C'M~ I.tetaa, Borrower shalt pay art faxes. assessments and ether charges. fines and imaositions attributable to
<br />the Prapexry which may attain a priority over this llecd of "Trust, and leasehold payments or ground rrnts, if any, in the
<br />ettaatxer pnrvidtx! under paragraph 2 hereof or, if trot paid. in such manner, by Borrower making pavrnent, whrn due, directly
<br />to the payee thereof. Borrower shall ppromptly furnish to Lender art notices of arnounes dtu tinder this paragraph, and in the
<br />txepf Bot'tsrwer shaft make paytnmt diratiy, Borrower shat{ promptly furnish in Lrn~r receipts cvidmcing such paymems.
<br />Borrower shall promptly disdtarge any lien which has prrarity over this L)eed of Tnrat: provided, that Borrower sbaB not be
<br />regwrtd to discharge any sorb ticn w tong as Borrower shalt agree ir. wrhing to xhc paymtnt of the obhgatian secured by
<br />crib tiro in a tttantstx tsccr.gttrblt to Lender, or shall in goad faith cantos[ such lien by. or defend enforcement of such lien in.
<br />toga! pproctedittgs which trperatt to prevent she enforcernenE of the tarn ar forfeiture of the Fropeny w any part thereof.
<br />S. f#a><ar~ lasrwaree. Hmrower chart ktxp she tmprovctrtcnss now existing or herca(ter erected an the Property insured
<br />agairrat iota by flee, hazards incfttded vrithin ttte term "extended coverage" and such other haurds as [..ender may require
<br />attd m stir[ ataarnts ate far such ptxiods as Lerr6et may require: provadcd. abet Lender shalt not ret~uire that the amount rat
<br />such raverage [steed that atnwmt of coverage required to pay the sums accurtd by skis Deed of Tnrst.
<br />The iruttrance carrier providing rho itt!mrancr [hart ere chosen by 8acrawcr ssrbaect to appravat by I_rnder: provided.
<br />that. aut:h appravat dsatt txtt be untratarttably withheld. A74 premirms on insurance pohcics strati Ire paid in tht manner
<br />pravitkd under paragraph ? hetsof or, if out paid is such manner, try Borrower making payment, when due, directly to 4he
<br />i Carrier.
<br />Akl ntsurarux policies arrd rcrtewab trxtteof stwtl tk rn form acrzptabte ra [..ender and shaft include. a standard mongage
<br />claim in favor of and in form mcceptablt $o !.ender. i.ender strati hart the nght to hold the policies and rcrtewa7s thereof.
<br />and $atrawer ahttB promprty furnish to Lender art rertewai natters amt alt receipts aE peril premiurres. to the event of loss.
<br />#3orrowerahall Rive prompt tmtict lea the irraucance carrier and Lcndtr. L.tnder may make protrf of toss if nos instils promptly
<br />by Horraaex.
<br />Unless Leuda artd Borrasser otherwtat agree in wntmg, rnsuranrc prtxxeeds shalt ktc applied to restoration or repair of
<br />the Property darnttgtd, ptvvidud such restaratksrt or rcpa+r is etronomtcally feasible and the stcttrity of this Iced of Trust is
<br />trot ttxttby impaired. 4f such reatoration or report is nor economically Irastble ar +f the security of this Deed of Trust would
<br />7x impaired, xho iraturxrtrx proceeds abort be applied to the suers sccurtd by this recd of True, with she excess, if any, paid
<br />to Horrowte. If rtes Property h abandoned by Borrwver, ar if Borrower faits to respond to Ixnrder within 3U days from the
<br />dart nrnitx is ntaikd by Lettdee ut Bttrrorrar ittat the ixrsuranst tamer otters to cettk a claim far rnsurartce benefits, tender
<br />is authorized $o collect and apply the insurance prtxee@s at Lender's optean athtr to restoration or repair of the Property
<br />or to the. [arras secured by Hats Dtscd of Tent.
<br />Unksa t_cttder atxt Botttswer trtherwut agree in writing, any such application of proceeds Co principal sl[at] not extend
<br />nr ptastptmt: the due data of the monthly imtallmmts referred ro itt paragraphs i and 2 hereof or change rho amoum of
<br />s tmtatimcats. ff under puagrapt'~ t8 hereof flu Property rs acquired by Lresder, ail right. title and interest of Horrawer
<br />to and to any nwrarxx policies and. in and so xtrc proctnis ttatreot rastr7ting frtma damago sa rho Property prier to the salt:
<br />or acquisition stall {secs. to Ltrrcter to the extent of the sums secured by this Decd of Trust imrnediaicty prior to such sate or
<br />ata;uisitwrr.
<br />shark k ~ ~ ~ Prerertyt LeasrkoWati Coodoxriaiaau: PLtswed Hatt f)evelgrmems. Borrower
<br />cep the Propenq to good report and shat# not comrnrt wasxc or perm[[ impairment err detcriaratinn ri the Prapeny
<br />and shalt aampiy with. ttx provisions of any leas rf this Deed of Trent +s on a trasettotd. If this Lh+eed of Trusa Is on a unit in a
<br />condominium ar a ptaetrmod unit ttovelopmcnt, Harrotrn shall perform all of Borrowtri abtigauocts ti..der the declaratio^
<br />or ravemnta creating or governing rho carafommrttm ar planrrtd unit dtvttopment, the by-taws and regulations of the
<br />corrdomittiutn or planned unit develttptsrent. and compttta-nx docurtrtnts. If a aandominium or planned tm;t devtlapment
<br />rider iseaectrbal Icy Borrnwcr drat retarded together with this Recd at Trust, tfsc covenants and agreetnents of such rider
<br />shat! be ineorlwrattd lino and shalt asne~ td a+td supplcmanr ttte revertants and agrraments of this Deed of Trust as i€ the rider
<br />wets a part hereof.
<br />T. 1!4rtat:tias of f:,ealkr't 5eerwlsy. If Btrrrrrwer fails to perform flu covenants attd agrecmerits ronraincd in thss
<br />#]c~ett of Tttnt, ax if arty action or prorceding is romrnenrcd wttirh matoria7ty affects t~rrder's ~nttrest in the Prapeny.
<br />irtthtding, bat xrot Iim4at to.. emitrmt domain, irtsatvenc}~, rode enforcement, ar arrangensents or proceedings involving a
<br />t»rtkrupt ardtussdertt,.then Leader at Lender's option, upon notice to Borrower, may make strrh appearances. dis#rursr sw~h
<br />surer andtaiuti seult action as is necessary to pprraatecx Lerxier's antcrest, including, but not limltrd t+t, diahursrmrnt of
<br />reasrirtaWe attotrKy"s feet artd entry upon the Properly to make repairs. 6f Lemtcr required mortgage insurance as a
<br />rtartdrtfwr tel: trtarkint$ the #aaststxstrtd by ttrrs Dixd of Trust, $orrower stroll pay the premiums required to maintain such
<br />invgtncu-t. in elleet ara•il sixh time as the requirement far such imtrrartre terminates in accordance with Harrower's and
<br />t..tx:der's wrtum agrttrrttnt orapplitr,sble taw. Borrower shat! pay the anraunt of alt mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner pr»vidrtxt ut7drt parJ11{rttptt $ htrtlaf.
<br />Rnq arrxtip+fs d:strtrncd by [,ender punuam to [this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, s'.ta7i totems additional
<br />ietdebardrtats csf Harrower stetrred t"r [hit L7'tedot Trust. t?ntesx Horrowcr and Lender agree toother terms of ~paymcnt, such
<br />errtr+uc}ts abort tee t'sysb{e ape:t notrcc tram Ltrtcker to Borrower requesting payment itrcrtof, and shall tzar interest. From the
<br />[rate of d'asU.:asr;ment vt :hr tart payabtr trout time to [lint on outstanding ptir~ipat under nc~ ;date ttn7rss paymtttt trP interest
<br />a$. s+rch rxtr rvrac:id tr _on:rarY in a_6+pkus`slc taw. in whix^b tyro[ scab r.rrtaanis sfsall tsar +nrtrrst at the big}text race
<br />pernrtani~tr r;:x5cr app] c:azrte law. `;x~tarng. cantairted to t#+'a paragraph 7 sh~i! rrc5trdre Lender to incur any cxpeasc ar take
<br />fray autos k~rrcrndtr.
<br />a. ftisa. I crrdtr may rrraJcc ar rausc to its marje rraecrnatstc cr,t r.a. apart anti anspcct teens of ttte Prtrpexty, prnvielyd
<br />slw+ I ~attSer ahrit gssr harrower atr3rtc }*noa to any sucfi inspectr~ +prufyirg reaunnabit catrsx r4rraYr=r rtdatcd m Lerutr.is
<br />rnxs.eet +n tt±r, YtYrpktty.
<br />