<br />- u?i?-x~~ ADS ___.~ _~ ~~.:_.. _.._.a_,~ ~~
<br />52/z--SECOIVO R$w4 ESTATE Aft/RTGAGE-With Tax C#a~a~e Huffman andFelton & Wolf, Walton, Na: 6846E
<br />xz~a~v ~r r. err sY ~ Px~.sn~rrs: $~ _"°' ~~ U 10 2 ~3
<br />i TH;3T l or ~E ~bnna M. Tawler
<br />of #Cal1 County arnd S#atr o/ Nebraska
<br />Faun Thousand: Six Hundred Thirty Six Dollars and 20/100
<br />ire hand'paud, do hFao•eby SELL and COd4Y'E}' undo Pacesetter Products.
<br />i
<br />of I}oaglas Count}~, and State of Neb asks
<br />si!unted in Hall Caztnty, and State o~ Nebraska
<br />i
<br />r
<br />f
<br />in consideration o f the sum of
<br />;70LLdRS
<br />(rortgagee),
<br />the following described prenrisar
<br />to-u"it;
<br />Lot $ Block Ifl Bonnie Brae Addition
<br />t
<br />r
<br />"
<br />f
<br />7""lae interitinn being to rontrey hrrtby an absolute title in jee .rimpic inrludirs7 all the rights of homextead and dazaer.
<br />7"G+ Ffd4G`E AND TCD H4~LL~ tFrr prrrniscs srbocr> dasraibcd, zcath ati t?sr appurtenances thereacnto belonging usr:o
<br />thr said martgager.or mortgagees and to hie, Frer ar 4hrir heirs and assigns, farrfrr, prazided always, and these Ares-
<br />ents are upon the express randiiian that if thr said +ewrtgagor ar nwrtgagors, his, her or their heirs, ezecu#ors, admin-
<br />istratorr ar assigns shall peg czr cause to be paid to the said mortgager or mar#gagcrx and to leis, her or ikrir IYeirs, ex-
<br />uutors, adrninis#ratorr ar assigns. the sum of
<br />Four Thousand Six Hundred Thrf ty Six Dollars acrd 20f 7.Oft Palters, payable as follows, to-aril;
<br />ii0 frzstallments :~f $71.27
<br />I
<br />¢rwith irsterest tharran at 1$ pee• tend per annrm, payable t€xanthly an»ually, according ta, the.tenar and eJjrct of
<br />', thr promissamy Hate €ailh interest cvupa»s attached o; said 3Sortgagors, bearing euen date usth tlrrse Ares-
<br />', a»ts, a».3 shop' f!ay alt lases and any iraterrst an, or snuturiKg installnunts of principal, due an any prior mortgage and
<br />assaise»Cn#s tet+ed upo»-aaid real estate atad ell other t¢ses, levies a»d assessments ievicd zupan tizix »eartgago or the e
<br />wrote zahi:h this rrxavtyag8 is givr» :a sec»ro, bt~oxa the sense becomes deknquent and keep fhe buildings an sard
<br />', premises iw,tured for tF.e sugar $ ,lass, if any, payable to such just rnartgagees ar this mortgagee, ar Goth,
<br />thFn these prescwtr br tYrid, uthcr-rttise to be and rerrxiin in fuk" farce. t
<br />IT 7S FC:RTHEft .^f!;KEkD t'.) That i¢ the scald rnortgagar shall fait !a pay seek taxes and such interest on,
<br />or r»as:rriu5; :nssu(dsnents of y.:nrir al, due on a»y prior morggage and lrracure s»ck insurance, 31rrn this mortgagee may j
<br />Qay xath ts.rrs wad a r t, :1atrTr t ~ >ranal»rv»g i»sta&mentr of pr'ncipat, due on such prior mortgage vnd procure
<br />snrl> i,rruras,:r; and '~e serf, ,o au.2..::<,t zaith interest a3 »i»e per rent shall be paid by scut awartgagor,, and than +nvr!-
<br />Fa9a :hal# atawd as r~~xrit}• jar !Ff-^ s,xnts. j2} 2•Aurt a faiturr to pay any tlj said money, eit;aer principal ar interest an
<br />thfa rrr oxq Qrw-r errartpa!F,~, ~iais<^n the same beconre~z dare ar a faiturr to comply whit any srf the faregtling agrrarsents,
<br />si<a;! cause t±'w, a•hab. srsFn e~j ne,mc}• harri>y s'BrurcrF to brcamr dug and catloctablc at Duce at tFre aptu7n of the wort-
<br />ys~cr
<br />'1_ IS fr~'~Tt1ER aGREF~l Thct said mortgagee, ,pending farerlasurr of this mortgage and aftxr decree and 4
<br />pFn<lixy ;lay tfyysaw ;:r afPeal thrrri5ra.wexr:d rending sake of prrncea:s mortgagee:, trxay Qay such ta„r•es rind mat>Fring
<br />eat<rzsr rr matxriny wsi~r!_'•1rtnts n» pria[i!+ai, vta pries mortgages, p-arutr such insurance ;tnd suck sums sttal3 F=t `:,
<br />'I acisird tc= tfac arrcxnt :Ilex a+~ d.•.aar cnra upon ronferrnatetm a} s=.~r hti, !;te roust ordered takF n-t7ut of frs'rcc*eds. ttf .rule;
<br />yr it reJrrrned dx~r?»y star. ~:~?/ai .,~ s.,lar. sruh ancuuntx shad! i~r r .~:r~3 the saisre ax thr:;,,;h ~e~tra a {'art of sw:h °
<br />dr _ -,^.
<br /><S°~Jnr'°~ rbs .....,_~ dty tlf ~~ta. ty;5''.._
<br />` `f0.
<br />~ 'fie _ Fr._t<,~- .~„~r, / / ...,.....
<br />,:$cl ./e'Ji "t T.F- yi ?int.:
<br />