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012-DC1Q944 Bell. <br />.~_._ ~ .~..._._______w.,_~_._,. _. ., <br />= ~52yz--8i/~6N0'R16RL i8TAFE.MKfRT~CiE--Niith Taz:~tapp Hu4fmanandPottan&.WaIf;YVeltan,Ne.6846i <br />....______..~_..._ __._,._.__....._:___.~___...._.__T_.Y__.___.__.__.~ <br />~xosv ~. ~v sY pars. ~2-~' ~., ,~ G~ ~ d <br />p ~TH;3T: or E. Media and Merna iPrnpke }hisband and tiIife <br />I nor 1;iatL Cos„!~ mrtd 5tatrof Nebraska , rn canrid¢raNon o1 tlse sw+r. of <br />Z'hre+e Thosssand-N£ne Hundred Fifteen 77oilers and 00llOa D©LLnTS <br />3 <br />ias huad,hrual, den her¢bp SELL said GO~i'EI'' sintt+ pacesetter Products <br />. (mortgagee}. s <br />~~~ Daugla:s Cou>tty, anti State erf Nebraska ,the failn:.uing described premiss <br />':itansrd ,itt Hall Coxttty, ax1L State of Nebraska to-uYt: <br />r - <br />North 20ft. of Lat 6 &outta 35ft. of Y,ot 4 <br />Block 2tJ 5carff Addition <br />1 <br />v <br />_ : <br />a <br />:''s'"ie iatrxtiast britag tc cstrs>r_yr harcby an abssrlsetn tale in f¢¢ siraptr rnrludi+ng ali th¢ rights «rf hsrmestead attd datver. <br />T{? t'I.r4r+'!° :9a,'t"? TO fi~l.£) tfte pr¢mises above described, cx~itli alC tha ap¢xrte+aanc¢s thereunso b¢tangixg until <br />ikr said rrsortgogae rsr +esortgagtaz attd to hix> h¢r err their heirs anti assaarar, Joras+¢r„ prosaidad atttsays, asttl th¢ze /sees- <br />- evrtts are apax the express caxditiax that sf the scud martttegor or mortgagors, his, r't¢r ur their heirs, ¢seetstors admist- <br />istlaiars ~ asssgns shat.'' pt<v ar cause to b¢ paid flit said mortgages .xr ncortgage¢s an~d to k.AAia. k¢r their heir <br />eartcRrs. aatuMnwslrnttws ire assigns, the stem of .s+(~Fe'4/e.a~; - ear..[ ~~s.dGLi/.~: <br />gg ,,.y /,st #1otlara, pavab ¢s faflaurs, to-axtit. <br />i <br />urith icadaFlts# tbertn» ast 18 ;per cnu per ae~susts, poya3lr monthly aststuatdy, aecerrdr~g fo slsa tenor and e~j`sct o! <br />aJsr prcn+ittcry xata seitii intar¢sf coupons at{sad of sas"d trfartgisgorr, bears'ng ezt.a~ax date xzish tkea¢ p>•es- <br />rntt, and sk®tt i~ap of taxes awei rswy itasarast on, ar +naxtsiring insdaliments of principal, dtee ran any prise mortgag¢ acid <br />sssruyw.entr :.-gird ,.p:rn scid meat assata cend sti ~ttur taxer, lassies atsd assessmestts tr-.,!ier6 srpon ;&is ortgAg¢ or the <br />ru~ti. tnhich tins rnurtcl:ttr z1 yi?„eve ta- sacurr. before tJte. salute bccames .da&+¢gscetsf.. and k¢ep the bialdings un saui <br />prrmissa iatnred fxr tilt :xrn S IUrs. 6f cx,. payable to such fast src«n°tgr<gees ar rkis Msartgugaa; ar i,urh, <br />.thus flitax jrretettts be ~wid, atictrn+cr to bt «r+sd rr+nm,n :n fat#1 ~vrce. <br />iT ~'S FCsRT'h~EFt _3c,Rr~J ~ . , :rkar ~i the scald ma~gapar sh~l faiE to pay surd tunes acrd sorb. intarest vn. <br />- 'or tiaatwiwy e.„ctffarxesr of grin ~p,a, d>.f c>t nary ?no-r atwrtgngeand ~^rntrere such ineuawnc¢, then .tints martgrgea nuep <br />~poy sxith zaars sbd s-~ot is interest oA. or awatuTSxa} iMrtala:ntetels c+f - f.f:aKiFoi, dua au~ tutu pf^iryr. ar~rt,aCe .ryria` prr«rttra <br />swcA intxrcata'r; ens the .rsrse ,r,~ adtvrued >citk i=;tirresr ,>t riia>6 d¢r c«•nt rhetl be paid bg+ said snartgago•. and ribs more.. <br />~ytFgs iit7lrj ,rfned 1s -e2 ~rctp fa. d''Ar sa-nfa~ /2j 'ftao3 a j`asl sfr.° Po ~:,.aRy O] da9d rRtt7s4~. either prrrrcxtr«t or Sa,Fe>asr un <br />slris acs nnr j+r+or rasrrruayrr. u•ket< :+e F' sarna br:a±,e. s d~ yr N ~aiirwrr tv :mx~y-xr~t'k any zi~ the ~Vra!7~nnn .anrectnaaas. <br />sa~kalt caasr tSu zcAti«• sum o{ s+sascc;• .karein Ko-rured to i:•~re»as due eyed rotif¢etableatnnce ar r;ie oC^iFir« of tba-~rx~*t- <br />'yry:ayae. <br />dT f5 .~'1,`t~T eiliR rIG2'fE~F~ Thaf smite rtvsrtatt2ti'a, pF°xding icrcrZoawr^e of this srtat't~u~ ~r.2 c te+ d~%rrr cx.~l <br />Y~nd~ ;toy tfstro9n ar app3+3: tkarefr;r+n :en«{ C<'afdiny a,ES ~~; j>rernaistt xnt,rtgsge$, sxuy p~:y s « t xr, n.i YHgturanr; <br />i1liRrerr u"I iw~}f1•T77~(1lettsl~inieelt Aj ~riwt'i~L, Lag fPh.7 rcvrR;J.xyes. p!c c#re 3itCli i$$fiiG ,fC uT..L „t(C,. ~StKT siiC.ot i`< <br />trsddcd to sltr anww*st rote s+tr aacrre clad upan rrx, ~i**nititnn i' aalx ~~ the raxrt arssrrcd ::ahc7a „ut of rr 4 i.: + gr.! ; <br />ar ~g rsdsPntr:? Jxri~ ;;e+t, ~e~pcrrt or ,file. sstrie z:+nc~nttifa skdt ~5e coi~t.tccd 11:~ s,nrr s fi,rcf:7,; tie t,:~rrc a ,>r vj stun <br />e3eersr, ~ r.--_. <br />SH~~ai-tats ~~ tlsev ag ~^ „s9 ~-Z <br />- .'g F'raan+.r_s <br />1 <br />rr.. <br />_~ <br />~, <br />